HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/1998 MINUTES CC BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1998 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Pre-Meeting - 5:15 p.m. Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m. 26 PRE-MEETING 1. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: 2. WORKSHOP a. Mayor Price, Councilmember Rowles (seated at 5:20 p.m.), Carson, DeMond, Smith (seated at 5:17 p.m.), McDermott, Sullivan (seated at 5:22 p.m.), Salvaggio None Proposed Council Chambers Remodel. Assistant City Manager Teubner provided an overview of proposal, computer overhead presentation and introduced Engineering Services Manager who presented the nuts and bolts of the actual remodel. Motion by Rowles to recess to Closed Session at 5:40 p.m. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED CLOSED SESSION Conference with Legal Counsel §54956.9(b) - Potential Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation. One potential case. Conference with Legal Counsel §54956.9(c) - Potential Litigation. Initiation of litigation. Four potential cases. Conference with Labor Negotiator §54957.6 - 1998 Labor Negotiations with City's Chief Negotiator, Bill Avery, regarding Police Unit. Conference with Legal Counsel §54956.9(a) - Existing Litigation. Roger Tilford vs. City of Bakersfield Fire Department; DFEH Case No, E95-96H0380-00-pe. COUNSEL RECEIVED DIRECTION COUNSEL RECEIVED DIRECTION LABOR NEGOTIATOR RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS COUNSEL RECEIVED DIRECTION Motion by Salvaggio to adjourn from Closed Session at APPROVED 6:55 p.m. Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 2 CLOSED SESSION continued Mayor Pdce announced that the City Attorney's Office has settled the following Kern County Superior Court matter: Residents for Public Participation v. City of Bakersfield (Arena Lawsuit). ACTION TAKEN REGULAR MEETING 1. INVOCATION by Rick Roper, First Assembly of God Church 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Richard Selden, Boy Scout Troop 231 ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Mayor Price, Councilmember Rowles, Carson, DeMond, Smith, McDermott, Sullivan, Salvaggio None CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Price announced Closed Session Action as reflected on Pages 1 and 2. PRESENTATIONS Presentation by Mayor Price of proclamation to Conchita Nieto-Moreno, American Society of Civil Engineers, Southern San Joaquin Branch Vice-President, proclaiming February 22 - 28, 1998 as National Engineers Week. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Dr. Massey and Teresa Hernandez, San Joaquin Hospital, representatives of Heart Smart Collaborative, regarding health disease prevention campaign and invitation to participate in a unique health information event on February 16, 1998. Jerry Randall spoke in support of adoption of 2 new redevelopment project areas. Barbara Harris, representing Mr. Elgon Collaborative for Individual and Community Economic Development spoke in support of adoption of 2 new redevelopment project areas and provided written material. Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 3 PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued d. Chainrole De la Rosa spoke regarding the Willows Activities Center and Educational Center and provided written material. ACTION TAKEN APPOINTMENTS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. January 28, 1998 Council Meeting. Payments: Payments from January 17 to January 30, 1998 in the amount of $4,837,788.96 and Self Insurance payments from January 17 to January 30, 1998 in the amount of $124,237.26. Resolutions: Resolution appropriating $t8,000 Asset Forfeiture Funds to the Police Department Operating Budget in the General Fund for purchase of 2 police service dogs. d. Telecommunication System: Resolution determining that certain telecommunications equipment can be reasonably obtained from only one vendor, Ericsson Business Communications, Inc., and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding not to exceed $190,000. Appropriate $210,000 Fund Balance to the Public Works Capital Improvement Budget within the Equipment Fund for purchase and installation of telephone equipment and software. Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 110-97 and Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 111-97 adopting the Operating, Capital Improvement Program, and Central District Development Agency Budgets for Fiscal Year 1997-98. RES 1~-98 REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 4 CONSENT CALENDAR continued Amendment No. 5 to Resolution No. 44-93 setting salaries and related benefits for consolidation of Recreation Division Temporary Classifications and Temporary Unit minimum wage changes. Agreements: Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Kyle Carter Homes, Inc. for Tract 5418, Phase 4, north of Noriega Road and east of Verdugo Lane. (Ward 4) Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 97-140 with Tiburon Inc. for software maintenance on the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998; and for the Records Management System from March 1, 1998 through June 30, 1998. i. Agreements for Construction Inspection Services: Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 96-85 with AGRA Earth & Environmental, $100,000. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 96-87 with Martin-Mcintosh, $100,000. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 96-88 with Heir Engineering, $100,000. Bids: Award contract to Sturgeon & Son, Inc., $20,196, for demolition of storage buildings at the Old Corporation Yard Phase II Project. (ward 2) Accept low bid from Coastline Equipment, $149,002.43, for 1 additional articulated four wheel drive loader for Public Works Wastewater Treatment Division. Miscellaneous: Easement to P.G. & E., south of Brimhall Road, west of Calloway Drive. (Ward 4) m. Convention Center Expansion Project: (Ward 2) Contract Change Order No. 4 to Agreement No. 97-76 with PCL Construction, $232,435, to furnish and install the Ice Hockey Dasher Board System. ACTION TAKEN RES 44-93(5) AGR 98-17 AGR 98-18 AGR 97-140(1) AGR 96-85(3) AGR 96-87(2) AGR 96-88(3) CON 96-19 A DEED 4835 Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 5 CONSENT CALENDAR continued 2. Transfer $232,435 from Arena Contingency to Equipment Account within the Arena Capital Improvement Project Fund. n. Amendment No. 7 to FY 1996-97 for Unreinforced Masonry Program to the Consolidated Plan (CDBG). (Wa d 2) o. School District Boundary Line Adjustment. p. Request for contribution by the Kern County Museum Authority Board for a Metropolitan Recreation Center Master Plan. ACTIONTAKEN REFERRED TO BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion by Rowles to adopt Consent Calendar Items a. through p. with the exception of Items d. and e.; Rowles announced abstention on Item m. 1 & 2. due to employer involved in process. APPROVED Telecommunication System: Resolution determining that certain telecommunications equipment can be reasonably obtained from only one vendor, Ericsson Business Communications, Inc., and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding not to exceed $190,000. Appropriate $210,000 Fund Balance to the Public Works Capital Improvement Budget within the Equipment Fund for purchase and installation of telephone equipment and software. Motion by McDermott to adopt Consent Calendar Item d. RES1~98 APPROVED Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 110-97 and Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 111-97 adopting the Operating, Capital Improvement Program, and Central District Development Agency Budgets for Fiscal Year 1997-98. Motion by McDermott to refer Consent Calendar Item e. to Budget and Finance Committee. APPROVED 10. HEARINGS a. REPORTS None. Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 6 Resolution confirming the report of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer regarding assessments of properties for the abatement of weeds, debris and waste matter. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Development Services Director Hardisty announced the assessments for #13 3608 Bedrock Drive have been paid and removed it from the list. Hearing opened at 7:20 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed at 7:20 p.m. Motion by Carson to adopt resolution. Resolution confirming the report of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer regarding assessments of properties where dangerous buildings have been demolished. (Ward 1) Hearing opened at 7:21 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed at 7:21 p.m. Motion by Carson to adopt resolution. Hearing to consider public testimony to consider a request by ambulance providers to alter the current rate schedule. Hearing opened at 7:22 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed at 7:22 p.m. Mayor Price announced that the resolution setting rates will be back to Council for consideration prior to April 1, 1998. ACTION TAKEN RES 13-98 APPROVED AB MCDERMOTT RES 14-98 APPROVED 11. Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 7 DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Ordinance amending Chapter 12.56 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code regarding parks. (First reading 1-28-98) Motion by McDermott to adopt ordinance. ACTION TAKEN ORD 3823 APPROVED Consideration of establishment of 2 new redevelopment project areas. (Wards 1,2) Economic Development Director Wager provided a brief update. Motion by Carson to direct staff to take preliminary steps necessary to establish new project areas. APPROVED Ordinance amending Chapter 3.70 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code regarding Cost Recovery System. FR 12. NEW BUSINESS a. Name of Arena. City Manager Tandy provided an update. Motion by DeMond to officially name the new arena Centennial Garden of Bakersfield. Substitute motion by McDermott to name the new arena Bakersfield Centennial Gardens (plural). NAT FAILED NS ROWLES CARSON DEMOND SMITH MCDERMOTT SAL VAGGIO DeMond amended her motion to Bakersfield Centennial Garden (singular) and giving the naming rights sponsor the option of naming it "of Bakersfield" or leaving as is. APPROVED Resolution making findings and updating the Capital Improvement Plan for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. RES 15-98 12. Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 8 NEW BUSINESS continued Resolution making findings, approving amendment to Section 5.04 and 7.01 of the By-laws for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation Trust Group to allow more flexibility in setting meetings and allowing the implementation trust group to approve minor amendments. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Items 12 b. & c. ACTION TAKEN RES 16-98 APPROVED 13. COUNCILSTATEMENTS McDermott referred to staff a letter from Bell Tower Associates regarding the issue of refinancing funding. McDermott referred a letter from State of California regarding a new program entitled "Petroleum Violation Escrow Account" and requested staff review potential funding possibilities. McDermott requested staff review the Taxi Regulations for possible revisions. McDermott requested staff review the High-Speed Rail issue and status of terminal location. McDermott provided a Centennial Foundation Celebration update: · Centennial Plaza groundbreaking, February 19, 1998, 10:00 a.m.; · Decades of Health, February 21, 1998, East Hills Mall. Carson congratulated Engine Company No. 4 Fire Fighters who received the Phil C. Pifer Award. Carson requested staff respond to a letter from Ben Mauck, Kern Towing & Storage, regarding rules and regulations. Carson requested Public Works respond to a phone call received from Ken Cannon, 1100 Belle Terrace, regarding sand blown onto yards from the recent storm. Carson requested an update on a prior referral regarding a 4-way stop sign at 18th and T Streets. Sullivan requested staff survey the area of Alum and Dovewood Streets near Sandrini School for feasibility of a stop sign and provide a report; Sandrini School contact person is Bob Spencer. 13. Bakersfield, California, February 11, 1998 - Page 9 COUNCIL STATEMENTS continued Smith thanked Public Works Director Rojas and Engineering Services Manager LaRochelie with regard to Freeway 178 and the possibility of aligning Comanche Road and Alfred Harold Highway in the near future. Smith recognized Water Resources Manager Bogart to speak, who provided a brief update regarding the Northeast Water Supply Project. DeMond stated that CalTrans has acknowledged the problems at 23~/24~ Streets and Chester Avenue intersections but will not have available funding for 5 years; and requested staff review the situation to initiate the project. Salvaggio requested Public Works Department staff contact the Lounden School Principal, and provide a report with available options, regarding the widening of a short, narrow road on the south side of the school Salvaggio requested Public Works Department staff look into the repaving of on/off ramps at White Lane and Panama Lane at Freeway 99. Salvaggio stated the area of Hughes Lane between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road will be resurfaced this summer and area residents are requesting current striping remain the same; and requested staff review the possibilities. Mayor Price requested Budget and Finance Committee begin reviewing the issue of the new Meadows Field Airport Terminal. McDermott referred the issue of the new Meadows Field Airport Terminal to Budget and Finance Committee for review. ACTION TAKEN 14. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Rowles at 8:07 p.m. MAYZ:)R BOB PRICE of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and ' ~ of the City of Bakersfield, CA APPROVED