HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 047-06 RESOLUTION NO. 047-06 RESOLUTION APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 05-1063, AN AMENDMENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PLAN, GENERALLY BOUNDED BY STATE HIGHWAY 178 ON THE NORTH, WITH MORNING DRIVE LOCATED TO THE WEST, VINELAND ROAD TO THE EAST AND COLLEGE AVENUE TO THE SOUTH. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353 ofthe Government Code, held a public hearing on Monday, December 12, 2005 and on Thursday, December 15, 2005,on General Plan Amendment No. 05-1063 of the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least twenty (10) calendar days before said hearing by publication in The Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, S & J Alfalfa Companies, Inc., made application for a general plan amendment for property generally bounded by State Highway 178 on the north, with Morning Drive located to the west, Vineland Road to the east and College Avenue to the south, as shown in attached Exhibit "A," to allow development of single family developments on approximately 574 acres, more specifically stated as follows: General Plan Amendment No. 05-1063: A request to amend the General Plan Circulation Element to eliminate a north-south collector street along the mid-section line of Section 19 and re-align a separate collector (Highland Knolls Drive) between Morning Drive and Vineland Avenue shown on the Circulation Plan. WHEREAS, for the above-described project, an Initial Study was conducted and it was determined that the proposed project would have a significant effect on the environment and therefore, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the applicant for the property owner has indicated the purpose of the request is to facilitate development of single family land uses within the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the project site lies within a path of development with approved urban development projects in progress; and WHEREAS, adjacent urban development projects as well as local government agency efforts have extended or will extend supporting utilities and infrastructure adjacent to the property; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered and concurs with the following findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in Resolution No. 214-05, adopted on December 15, 2005: 1. The laws and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Environmental Impact Reports as set forth in CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and x ~!>.K~ o û' >- ë:. All required notices have been given; and >;;. p! v t> 0RIGINAl 2. 3. The provisions of CEQA have been followed; and 4. Based on the initial study and comments received, staff has determined that the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment. An Environmental Impact Report known as the SKY 19 EIR, was certified for the project in accordance with CEQA; and 5. The amendment to change the Circulation Element of the General Plan to eliminate a north-south collector street along the mid-section line of Section 19 and re-align a separate collector (Highland Knolls Drive) between Morning Drive and Vineland Avenue shown on the Circulation Plan is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND AND RESOLVED as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings incorporated herein by reference are true and correct and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this matter. 2. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. 3. That General Plan Amendment No. 05-1063 to the Circulation Element is hereby approved to change the Circulation Element of the General Plan to eliminate a north- south collector street along the mid-section line of Section 19 and re-align a separate collector (Highland Knolls Drive) between Morning Drive and Vineland Avenue shown on the Circulation Plan as requested by the applicant and as recommended by the Planning Commission and shown on the attached map in Exhibit "A" subject to the conditions of approval/mitigation measures for the project as shown in Exhibit "B" and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist adopted in the Final Environmental Impact Report as shown in Exhibit "E". 4. Attached Exhibit "C" containing the "Statement of Facts and Findings" are appropriate and incorporated into the project. 5. Attached Exhibit "D" containing the "Statement of Overriding Considerations" related to significant unavoidable impacts to aesthetics is appropriate and adopted for the project. 6. Based on the absence of evidence in the record as required by Sectian 21082.2 of the State of California Public Resources Code (CEQA) for the purposes of documenting significant effects, it is the conclusion of the Lead Agency that this project will result in impacts that fall below the threshold of significance with regard to wildlife resources and, therefore must be granted a "de minim us" exemption in accordance with Section 711 of the State Resources Code. Additionally the assumption of adverse effect is rebutted by the above-referenced absence of evidence in the record and the lead agency's decision to prepare an Environmental Impact Report. 7, That the infrastructure exists or can easily be provided to accommodate the types of density and intensity of the development. ---------000-------- 2 X 'òM~..y o <!:, >- - ,... m _ T- o (:;, ORIGINAL .-.-.<-. -._----- ._------ ..._-~_.~_._--------~---_. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopfèd by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on EEB 8 Z006 by the following vote: ~ NOES: / ;/ Ý ,/ ~ v ý COUNCILMEMBER COUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: (1...... .0 L . 11. IÝ\ cI¡'\~ ~/"" PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio CI k of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED FES 8 2005 HARVEY L. HALL MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By ~?rt '/¥tUft EXHIBIT A B C D E Circulation Element Amendment Map Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Measures Statement of Facts and Findings Statement of Overriding Considerations Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist LP - S:ICurrent Planning EIRsIRio Bravo #3lstaff reptslCCICC GPA.doc 3 X ~M~-9 o ~ >- - '::. J!] " 0 ORIGINAL I- Z W ~ LA Z w ~ « z o ~ => () ~ - () ('f) <0 o ~ I LO o I- Z W ~ LA Z w ~ « z ~ a.. ....J ~ W Z W C) Ë~'T A ~. N 60'..('... -i,%~ c:g.. .' Qj(~- ." " ........... .' '. . :.: . . ... .... ,," .. .... .... --- . _...,¿u;; ",.._.._.._ .' '. AINII1JO' ..,,~:::::~.... -----.:..~:.::-- I-·~ ....... .. . , " I ..". ,...... I .... 'I " ", J ..... , " , ..... 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In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners or boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. MITIGATION MEASURES TRANSPORTA TIONITRAFFIC 1. (TR 5.1-1.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program, paying the standard per lot rate for residential development. The following RTIF program projects are identified in the Project area. Year 2010 Intersections · Fairfax Road and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one northbound left turn lane. · Morning Drive and SR 178 - Install signal and construct one eastbound right, one westbound left, two northbound left, one northbound right, and two southbound left turn lanes. · Morning Drive and Breckenridge Road - Install signal and construct one westbound left, one northbound left, and one southbound left turn lanes. Roadway Segments · Morning Drive - Niles Street to Pioneer Drive - Add 2 lanes · Morning Drive - Pioneer Drive to Breckenridge Road - Add 2 lanes · Morning Drive - Breckenridge Road to Edison Highway - Add 2 lanes ,¢M£,1' ð <!;.. :>- - ¡-- m _ T- o c::, ORIGINAL BY LP S:ICummt Planning EIRsISky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1 063 Page 2 of 14 · SR 178 - West of Fairfax Road - Add 4 lanes · SR 178 - East of Fairfax Road - Add 2 lanes Year 2015 Intersections · Morning Drive and Panorama Drive - Install signal and construct one northbound left and one southbound left turn lanes. · Vineland Road and Panorama Drive - Install signal · Morning Drive and Auburn Street - Install signal and construct one northbound left turn lane · Fairfax Road and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound left, one eastbound right, one northbound through, and one southbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound right turn lane · Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Install signal and construct one northbound left and one southbound left turn lanes · Vineland and Highland Knolls Drive - Install signal and construct one northbound left and one southbound left turn lanes · Vineland Road and Kern Canyon Road - Install signal and construct one eastbound left, one westbound left, one northbound left, and one southbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and College Avenue - Install signal and construct one southbound left turn lane · Shalane Avenue and Kern Canyon Road - Configure the eastbound and westbound legs to stop Roadway Segments No improvements required beyond the five improvements recommended for the Year 2010. 2. (TR 5.1-2.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall pay the proportionate share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF) as follows: Year 2010 Intersections · Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one westbound right turn lane. · Morning Drive and Breckenridge Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane · Morning Drive and SR 58 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound left turn lane. Roadway Segments No improvements required. Year 2015 Intersections · Morning Drive and Panama Drive - Construct one eastbound left and one westbound left turn lanes By \ LP S:\Current Planning EIRs\Sky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/18/2006 '< 'òAKê'9 o ~ >- - ..... m _ t- O 0 ()RIGINAL - ..~-- - ..--- ---'.--..---- . ---~...._,-_._...__. Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1 063 Page 3 of 14 · Vineland Road and Panorama Drive - Construct One eastbound left, one westbound left, one northbound left, and one southbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and Auburn Street - Construct one eastbound right turn lane · Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one eastbound left and one westbound left turn lanes · Vineland Road and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one eastbound left and one westbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and College Avenue - Construct one eastbound left, one westbound left, and one northbound left turn lanes Roadway Segments No improvements required. 3. TR 5.1-3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant's funding calculations for the years 2010 and 2015 improvements associated with the local mitigation improvements fee program shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, AIR QUALITY Fugitive Dust Emissions 4. (AQ 5.2-1.) Prior to the approval of the grading plan, the Project applicant shall submit a Fugitive Dust plan that outlines Regulation VIII, any other mitigation measures that apply to fugitive dust, and how the contractor will implement the measures. The plan shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. 5. (AQ 5.2-2.) The following shall be incorporated into building plans, · Cover all access roads and parking areas with asphalt-concrete paving. · Asphalt-concrete paving shall comply with District Rule 4641 and restrict the use of cutback, slow-cure and emulsified asphalt paving materials. · Cease grading activities during periods of high winds (greater than 20 mph over a one-hour period) . · Limit construction-related vehicle speeds to 15 mph on all unpaved areas at the construction site. · Wash off construction and haul trucks to minimize the removal of mud and dirt from the Project site. · Grading activities shall cease when entrainment due to a wind event exceeds the District's 20% opacity requirement. By I LP S:ICurrent Planning EIRsISky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1812006 ~ ~AK(:1> o '!.;, >- - ¡.-- m _ l"- V t> ORIGINAL Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1063 Page 4 of 14 Construction Equipment Exhaust Emissions 6. (AQ 5.2-3.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the following shall be incorporated into the grading plan. · During all phases of construction, construction equipment shall be properly and routinely maintained, as recommended by manufacturer manuals, to control exhaust emissions. · During all phases of construction, all contractors shall restrict equipment and vehicle idling to five minutes or less. · The Project proponent shall develop a ride-share incentive program for construction workers. The program shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. During all phases of construction, the Project applicant shall make arrangements to have a lunch wagon visit the construction site during the lunch break. This will reduce emissions from worker trips. · On-site electrical hook ups shall be installed for electric hand tools such as saws, drills, and compressors, to substantially decrease the need for fuel powered electric generators and other fuel-powered equipment. · During grading, paving, and construction of the homes, the off-road diesel-fueled equipment shall be equipped with diesel particulate filters verified to reduce emissions by a certain amount by the California Air Resources Board (http://www.arb.ca.gov/diesel/ verdevllevel3l1evel3. htm). · During construction, only low volatility paints and coatings shall be used. All paints shall be applied using either high volume low-pressure (HVLP) spray equipment or by hand application. 7. (AQ 5.2-4.) The excess short-term emissions of NOx from construction shall be offset to equal the threshold amount of 10 tons per year. This shall be accomplished by paying the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District a mitigation fee. 8. (AQ 5.2-5.) Prior to issuance of a building permit, transportation control measures and design features shall be incorporated into the Project to reduce emissions from mobile sources, A strategy to reduce vehicle idling and traffic congestion includes the following: · Implement the intersection and roadway segment improvements that are identified as mitigation in Sections 5.1 and 6.1 of the SKY 19 EIR. 9. (AQ 5.2-6.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project applicant shall contact Golden Empire Transit to determine the location of bus stops and infrastructure (i.e., turnouts, benches, signage, etc.) on the Project site. The Project applicant shall provide a minimum of one bus stop on the Project site. By I LP S:ICurrent Planning EIRsISky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 C/RC.DOC 1/18/2006 10. (AQ 5.2-7.) The Master Bikeways Plan depicts a Class II bike lane along Vineland Road from Edison Highway that links north to the bikeways and trails system adopted in the Specific Parks and Trails Plan for Northeast Bakersfield. A Class II bike lane shall be incorporated into the Project design along Highland Knolls Drive from Vineland to Morning Drive. The Project applic~Kl:' cJ. '>'ú> "'" >- - 1:;: ]!! r,) <::> ORIGINAl. Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1 063 Page 5 of 14 will be required to pay the park development and improvement fee per the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 15.82, which will assist in funding for park, trail, and staging area improvements. In addition, bicycle-parking facilities shall be provided by the Project applicant and installed at the community park, neighborhood park, and the community recreational center. 11. (AQ 5.2-8.) To encourage pedestrian/bicycle use and reduce the number of vehicle trips to the surrounding schools, the southwest portion of the Project site shall incorporate a pedestrian/bike path that connects the Project site directly to College Avenue. 12. (AQ 5.2-9.) The Project applicant shall integrate into the Project design pedestrian safety infrastructure including crosswalks and lighted pedestrian signals at all signalized intersections, lighting along all sidewalks, and direct pedestrian pathways to any future bus stops as determined in AQ 5.2-6. 13. (AQ 5.2-10,) The Project applicant shall incorporate the following in building plans. · Install low NOx emission water heaters. · Provide shade trees (a minimum of 48-inch box tree) to reduce building cooling requirements. · Install energy-efficient and automated heating appliances and air conditioning units. · All exterior windows shall be double-paned glass. · Energy-efficient (low-sodium) outdoor lights shall be used. 14. (AQ 5.2-11.) Wood burning fireplaces and wood stoves shall be prohibited within the development. The use of natural gas fireplaces shall be allowed if desired. 15. (AQ 5.2-12.) The landscape plan shall incorporate native drought-resistant species (plants, trees, and bushes). Shade trees shall have an initial size of 15 gallons, Examples of native species include desert ironwood, mesquite, and palo verde. The landscaping plan will encourage pedestrian use, which could decrease vehicle trips. It will also reduce the need for gasoline powered landscaping, increase the aesthetics of the Project site, and reduce water requirements for landscaping. 16. (AQ 5.2-13.) The Project applicant shall offset 30.31 tons per year of long-term emissions of ROG and 18,25 tons per year of long-term emissions of NOx by contributing to existing programs that reduce emissions from other sources in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin. The programs may include the implementation one or more of the following by the Project applicant: · Car crushing/recycling of older model cars. · Modification to stationary diesel engines, such as for agricultural use. · Modification of fleet vehicles and/or other mobile sources. · Contribution to an air quality mitigation fee fund or program adopted by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. By \ LP S:\Current Planning EIRslSky 19IPC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1 812006 'ÇM~-9 ,J ~ >- - m >;:;. T- V t> ORIGINAl Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1 063 Page 6 of 14 If one or more of these programs is selected by the Project applicant, proof of compliance with these measures must be provided to the satisfaction of the Planning Director prior to recordation of the final map. Proof of compliance shall include quantification of emission reduction by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District or an air quality consultant. The Project applicant is responsible for all costs to determine the emission reductions associated with the projects. NOISE 17. (N 5.3-1.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall state that all gas and diesel power equipment shall be properly muffled and maintained, Construction activities should be limited to the hours and days permitted by the City of Bakersfield. 18. (N 5.3-2.) Noise barriers (i.e., walls and/or earthen berms) should be constructed at proposed residential lots adjacent to the arterials and the Walter Stiern Middle School. The sound walls shall be located at the following locations: · Along SR-178, 10 to 15 feet high, · Morning Drive, near SR-178, 7.5 feet high, · Morning Drive, 5 to 7 feet high, · College Avenue, near Morning Drive, 6 feet high, and · College Avenue, near Vineland Road, 5 to 6.5 feet high. · Highland Knolls Drive, 5 to 5.5 feet high Prior to the issuance of building permits, the noise barrier heights along the above mentioned roadways shall be determined through a final acoustical analysis, 19. (N 5.3-3.) Prior to issuance of building permits, the building plans shall state that sound-rated windows and entry doors be installed to reduce interior noise levels to 45 dBA CNEL at proposed residential buildings located adjacent to Highland Knolls Drive, Kern Canyon Road, Morning Drive, SR-178, and Vineland Road. The specific rating of the windows and doors shall be determined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. 20. (N 5.3-4.) Prior to issuance of building permits, the building plans shall state that mechanical ventilation shall be installed at proposed residential buildings located adjacent to Highland Knolls Drive, Kern Canyon Road, Morning Drive, SR-178, and Vineland Road since the interior noise standards are to be met with windows and doors closed. The specific proposed residential buildings that require mechanical ventilation shall be determined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. By \ LP S:\Current Planning EIRslSky 19IPC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1812006 21. (N 5.3-5.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall state illustrate that the tot lots at the proposed parks shall be located at least 90 feet away from a residential property line to reduce LSD and Lmax noise levels to the City's performance standards, An alternative tOi/)iIl~ x ?'( > o '" >- - ..... m _ r-- (;) b ORIGINAL Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1063 Page 7 of 14 to construct a noise barrier to reduce the noise levels that will be experienced at the neighboring residential properties. The specific requirement of a setback or noise barrier shall be determined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project, 22. (N 5.3-6.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall state illustrate that the swimming pool at the proposed community recreation center shall be located at least 250 feet from a residential property line to reduce Lso and Lmax noise levels to the City's performance standards. An alternative to this is to construct a noise barrier or building to reduce the noise levels that will be experienced at the neighboring residential properties. The specific requirement of a setback or noise barrier shall be determined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. 23. (N 5.3-7.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the building plans shall illustrate noise barriers with a height of 5 to 6 feet be used to separate residential properties from adjacent parks in order to minimize the potential for annoyance. 24. (N 5.3-8.) Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the community recreation center, the building plans shall state that all mechanical equipment to be used at the community recreation center shall be enclosed within a building or separate structure, Where this is not possible, barriers shall be used to shield the equipment from the proposed residential properties so that they adjacent residential properties are not exposed to noise levels that exceed the City's performance standards. Depending on the size and type of equipment, silencers in the intake and exhaust ducts may also be necessary to reduce noise at the noise-sensitive properties to an acceptable level. The specific requirements for the mechanical equipment shall be assessed in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the Project design, GEOLOGY AND SOILS 25. (GS 5.4-1.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, Soils Engineering, Inc" or other qualified engineering geologist shall review and approve all grading plans and earthwork operation plans in relation to the recommendations set forth in the Guide Specifications for Earthwork, 26. (GS 5.4-2.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall specify that the onsite ravines and canyon areas are properly filled in accordance with the Guide Specifications for Earthwork to ensure slope stability for the development. 27. (GS 5.4-3.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall specify that a qualified engineering geologist shall be provided with a forty-eight hours advance notice in order to be present at the site during all earthwork activities related to the excavation, tree root removal, stripping, backfill, and compacting and filling of the site and to perform periodic compaction tests, 28. (GS 5.4-4.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall include one of the two following foundation systems and remediation schemes to reduce the potential for expansive soils to less than significant. '<JAK~?, ð- ~ ,., - >-- m _ r-- Ù C:> ORIGINAl By \ LP S:\CUlTOnt Planning EIRslSky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1812006 Exhibit "B-2 .. Project #05-1063 Page 8 of 14 · Excavation of existing materials and replacement by non-expansive soils to the satisfaction of the Building Director; or · Provide Post-tensioned, free floating slabs-on-grade; · The applicant shall provide positive free drainage away from the structure and make every effort possible to prevent subgrade saturation by measures such as containing ~ landscaping in sealed planters, sealing all construction joints with an elastomeric compound, providing the building with eave gutters and downspouts, and routing all drainage impinging upon the site from off-site sources as well as drainage generated on the site away from the proposed residential structures. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 29. (BR 5.5-1.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project applicant shall pay a development fee in accordance with the MBHCP. 30. (BR 5.5-2.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit on the approximately 600-acre site, the Project proponent shall comply with all appropriate terms and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding Bakersfield cactus. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for Bakersfield cactus. Specific measures prior to the construction phase of the Project shall be implemented and include the following: · With the permission of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), Bakersfield cactus may be removed by qualified persons holding the appropriate scientific collecting permits. The CDFG shall recommend methods approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and CDFG to be used, however the scientific permittee may use alternative methods. The scientific permittee will record and report to the CDFG the results of the salvage operation (e.g. species involved, amount and type of plant material taken, where taken, etc.). · As part of the Implementation Agreement, CDFG and USFWS will condition scientific collecting permit holders to notify the CDFG of activity in the MBHCP area, through annual monitoring reports, and will notify the CDFG of permits issued affecting the MBHCP area. 31. (BR 5.5-3.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit on the approximately 600-acre site, the Project proponent shall comply with all appropriate terms and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding San Joaquin kit fox. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for the San Joaquin kit fox. MBHCP guidelines regarding tracking and excavation shall be followed to prevent entrapment of kit fox in dens. Specific measures during the construction phase of the Project shall be implemented and include the following: · A pre-construction survey shall be conducted prior to site grading to search for active kit fox dens. The survey shall be conducted not more than 30 days prior to the onset of construction activities in areas subject to development to determine the necessity of den excavation. · Monitoring and excavation of each known San Joaquin kit fox den which cannot be avoided by construction activities. · Notification of wildlife agencies of relocation opportunity prior to ground disturbance in areas of known kit fox dens. '<JAK(':s> J. ó' .." >- - >- m _ r-- C> t:J ORIGINAl By \ LP S:ICwrent Planning EIRsISky IQIPC res_exhslEXH b.2 CiRC.DOC 1/1812006 Exhibit ~B-2 " Project #05-1063 Page 9 of 14 · Excavations shall either be constructed with escape ramps or covered to prevent kit fox entrapment. All trenches or steep-walled excavations greater than three feet deep shall include escape ramps to allow wildlife to escape. Each excavation shall contain at least one ramp, with long trenches containing at least one ramp every 1/4 mile. Slope of ramps shall be no steeper than 1: 1. · All pipes, culverts or similar structures with a diameter of four inches or greater shall be kept capped to prevent entry of kit fox, If they are not capped or otherwise covered, they will be inspected prior to burial or closure to ensure no kit foxes, or other protected species, become entrapped. · All employees, contractors, or other persons involved in the construction of the Project shall attend a "tailgate" session informing them of the biological resource protection measures that will be implemented for the Project. The orientation shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall include information regarding the life history of the protected species, reasons for special-status, a summary of applicable environmental law, and measures intended to reduce impacts. · All food, garbage, and plastic shall be disposed of in closed containers and regularly removed from the site to minimize attracting kit fox or other animals. Mitigations for impacts to special-status species on the site are covered under the terms and conditions of the MBHCP and associated Implementing Agreement. The compensation and avoidance requirements of the MBHCP are consistent and follow an ecosystem management approach for endangered species, and provide adequate compensation for covered species and all other potentially occurring special-status species. 32. (BR 5.5-4.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for the approximately 600-acre site, the Project applicant shall comply with the following raptor nest mitigation: · If site grading is proposed during the avian nesting season (February-September), a focused survey for avian nests shall be conducted by a qualified biologist prior to grading activities in order to identify active nests in areas potentially impacted by Project implementation, · If construction is proposed to take place during the nesting season (February - September), no construction activity shall take place within 500 feet of an active nest until the young have fledged (as determined by a qualified biologist). Habitat containing nests that must be removed as a result of Project implementation shall be removed during the non-breeding season (October-January). · Pre-construction surveys shall include a survey for burrowing owl. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected outside of breeding season (September 1 through January 31), passive and/or active relocation efforts may be undertaken if approved by CDFG and USFWS. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected during breeding season (February 1 through August 31), no disturbance to these burrows shall occur in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 33. (HM 5.6-1.) Prior to any grading and construction activities on the Project site, any abandoned and idle wells shall have the surface area returned to its natural condition including but not limited to cleaning all oil, oil residues, drilling fluids, mud and other substances; leveling, grading or ~I~R@: «, 1> By \ LP S:\Current Planning EIRslSky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 0 ~ 1/1812006 >- ñi >::: ,... <:> 0 ORIGINAL Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1063 Page 10 of 14 of sumps, ditches, and cellars including removal of all lining material to the satisfaction of the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, 34. (HM 5.6-2.) Any well shown as abandoned shall be accompanied by a written verification from the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources that the well was properly abandoned pursuant to their regulations. 35. (HM 5.6-3.) City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 15,66.050, Abandoned Wells Setback, states that any lot or parcel containing an abandoned well shall be encumbered with a deed restriction specifying the exact location of the well and prohibiting any construction within ten feet of an abandoned well. 36. (HM 5.6-4.) If any pipelines have any problems or if the pipeline is ruptured during development, the Bakersfield City Fire Department must be notified and the developer must follow all safety and clean up regulations. 37. (HM 5.6-5.) If during grading and construction a pipeline accident happens, potential unknown buried hazardous materials are found, and/or if unidentified materials are discovered in the soil, Health and Safety procedures shall be implemented. Procedures shall include, at a minimum, emergency medical, evacuation of the site and/or threatened area, and notification action. Notification shall include but not be limited to the following agencies: The City of Bakersfield, Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Bakersfield City and/or County Fire Department, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Evacuation and determination regarding the type of contamination encountered and best course of action will be determined by the relevant official and required mediation measures shall be implemented. 38. (HM 5.6-6.) Prior to any grading activities on the Project site, the contractor shall obtain information on the location of the pipelines, and any information regarding safety concerns of these pipelines, During grading activities, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and/or any other company with pipelines running through the Project site shall be notified of the construction activity within the corresponding easement. If any pipelines have any problems or if a pipeline ruptures during development, the City of Bakersfield Fire Department shall be notified. 39. (HM 5.6-7.) The Pipeline Development Policy of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department is as follows: · No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 50 feet of a gas main, or transmission line, or refined liquid product line with 36 inches of cover; · No structure may be within 40 feet of a hazardous liquids pipeline bearing refined product, with 48 inches or more of cover; · No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 30 feet of a crude oil pipeline operation at 20% of its design strength; · Prior to or concurrently with filing of a final map, a covenant shall be recorded on all lots of this tract, or portion thereof, which are within 250 feet of any gas transmission lines. The covee~Rþ shall acknowledge proximity of pipeline easement to said property and describe the na~, 1'<1' "'" By \ LP S:\CwTent Planning EIRslSky 19IPC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC ;:: ñi 1/18/2006 C; t:; ORIGINAL Exhibit "B-2 .. Project #05-1 063 Page 11 of 14 type, and dimension of the pipeline. Prior to recordation, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of covenant wording with the City Attorney, Department of Development Services, and the City Engineer. 40. (HM 5.6-8.) All work will stop immediately if any unknown soil or other hazardous materials concerns arise during any part of the testing, grading, or construction on the subject property. CULTURAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES 41. (CR 5.7-1.) In the unlikely event that significant and unrecorded cultural resources are uncovered during earthmoving activities by construction staff, such resources (excluding isolated artifacts) shall be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist to determine whether the resource requires further study. Cultural resources could consist of, but not limited to, stone artifacts, bone, wood, shell, or features, including hearths, structural remains, or historic dumpsites. If significant paleontological resources are discovered, the paleontologist shall investigate alternate methods to protect the resource other than covering it in place. 42. (CR 5.7-2.) If human remains are encountered during earth-moving activities within the Project area, all work in the adjacent area shall stop immediately and the County Coroner's office shall be notified. If the remains are determined to be Native American in origin, both the Native American Heritage Commission and any identified descendants shall be notified by the coroner and recommendations for treatment solicited (CEQA Section 15064,5; Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5; Public Resources Code Section 5097,94 and 5097.98). 43. (CR 5.7-3.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that a paleontologist shall be retained, attend a pre-grading meeting, and set forth the procedures to be followed during the monitoring program. 44. (CR 5.7-4.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that one paleontological monitor that is trained and equipped to allow rapid removal of fossils with minimal construction delay is expected to be sufficient. Full-time monitoring of the portions of the Project site that have earth-disturbing activities at elevations below 700 feet shall be provided. 45. (CR 5.7-5.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that if fossils are found within an area being cleared or graded, earth-disturbing activities shall be diverted elsewhere until the monitor has completed salvaging of the fossils. If construction personnel make the discovery, the grading contractor shall immediately divert construction and call the monitor to the site. Major salvage time may be shortened with the grading contractor's assistance (e.g., removal of overburden, lifting, and removing large and heavy fossils), By I LP S:ICummt Planning EIRsISky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 C/RC.DOC 1/1812006 46. (CR 5.7-6.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that the Project paleontologist shall prepare, identify, and curate all recovered fossils, Upon completion of grading, the Project paleontologist shall prepare a summary report documenting mitigation and results, with itemized inventory of collected specimens. The paleontologist shall submit the reR~rt x £> ~1' o <!;, >- - .... m _ r-- ,) C:> 'ÎI'1IGINAI Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1063 Page 12 of 14 to the City of Bakersfield, designated depository, and any other appropriate agency, and transfer fossil collection to an appropriate depository. The summary report shall be submitted to the City. This submittal will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts on paleontologic resources. AESTHETICSNlSUAL RESOURCES 47. (AES-5.9-1.) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the Project applicant shall prepare landscape plans for the Project area to provide visual relief from Project structures, 48. (AES-5.9-2.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall outline specifications for outdoor lighting locations and other intensely lighted areas, The specifications shall identify minimum lighting intensity needs and design light fixtures to direct light toward intended uses. Methods to reduce light impacts may include low-intensity light fixtures and hooded shields. 49. (AES-5.9-3.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall submit and obtain City approval of lighting plans. The lighting plans shall verify that outdoor lighting on private residences is designed so that all direct rays are confined to the site and that adjacent residences are protected from substantial light and glare. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Transportation and Traffic 50. (TR 6-1.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall participate in the RTIF program, paying the standard per lot rate for residential development. The following RTIF program Projects are identified for the Project area: Intersections All of the RTIF program intersection improvements identified in Section 5.1.3 of the SKY 19 EIR for the years 2010 and 2015 are required along with the following improvements: · Morning Drive and Panorama Drive - Construct one northbound through and one southbound right lanes Fairfax Road and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one northbound through, one northbound right, one southbound left, and one southbound through lanes · Vineland Road and SR 178 Westbound Ramp - Construct one southbound right lane Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one southbound left and one southbound through lanes Vineland Road and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one eastbound through, one westbound through, one northbound through, and one southbound through lanes Morning Drive and College Avenue - Construct one southbound through lane ~M£'--9 cJ ~ >- - .... m _ r-- ù t) ORIGINAl · · · · By \ LP S:ICummt Planning EIRsISky 19IPC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1812006 Exhibit "B-2 " Project #05-1 063 Page 13 of 14 · Monica Street and Kern Canyon Road - Install signal and construct one eastbound left, one eastbound through and one westbound through lanes · Shalane Avenue and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one westbound left lane · Morning Drive and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one northbound through lane · Morning Drive and Breckenridge Road - Construct one southbound through lane · Morning Drive and SR 58 Westbound Ramp - Install signal · Morning Drive and SR 58 Eastbound Ramp - Install signal Roadway Segments All of the RTIF program roadway segment improvements identified in Section 5,1,3 of the SKY 19 EIR for the years 2010 and 2015 are required along the following improvements: · Morning Drive - Panorama Drive to Auburn Street - Add two lanes · Morning Drive - Auburn Street to SR 178 - Add two lanes · Kern Canyon Road - Morning Drive to Monica Street- Add two lanes · Kern Canyon Road - Monica Street to Vineland Road - Add two lanes · Breckenridge Drive - Morning Drive to Monica Street - Add two lanes 51. (TR 6-2.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall pay the proportionate share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF) as follows: Intersections All of the Local Mitigation intersection improvements identified in Section 5.1.3 of the SKY 19 EIR for the years 2010 and 2015 are required along with the following improvements. · Morning Drive and Panorama Drive - Construct one eastbound through lane · Fairfax Road and Auburn Street - Construct one eastbound left, one westbound left, and one westbound right lanes · Morning Drive and College Avenue - Construct one northbound left lane · Monica Street and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one southbound left and one southbound right lane · Shalane Avenue and Kern Canyon Road - Install signal and construct one northbound right lane · Morning Drive and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one southbound through lane · Morning Drive and SR 58 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound right lane Roadway Segments The Local Mitigation roadway segment improvements are required. · Fairfax Road - Panorama Drive to Auburn Street - Add two lanes · Morning Drive - College Avenue to Niles Street - Add two lanes · Morning Drive - Pioneer Drive to Breckenridge Road - Add two lanes · Morning Drive - Breckenridge Road to Edison Highway - Add two lanes By I LP S:ICurrent Planning EIRsISky 19IPC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1812006 <ò"K"--9 ð- ~ >- - m I;:: r- V ORIGINAte:. Exhibit uB_2 " Project #05-1 063 Page 14 of 14 · Morning Drive - Edison Highway to Brundage Lane - Add two lanes · Highland Knolls Drive - Fairfax Road to Morning Drive - Add median · Brundage Lane - West of Morning Drive - Add two lanes 52. (TR 6-3.) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant's funding calculations for the Year 2030 improvements associated with the local mitigation improvements fee program shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. By \ LP S:\Current Planning EIRslSky 19\PC res_exhslEXH b.2 CIRC.DOC 1/1812006 '<. ~f>,/(~-9 o ~ >- - I- m - ,.. r..:> (:) ORIGINAL EXHIBIT C STATEMENT OF FACTS AND FINDINGS X 'òM~-9 o <1;, ;,.. - >- m - f- a c::, ORIr::INAl CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact for the Sky 19 Project (State Clearinghouse 2005071009) Prepared for: City of Bakersfield Development Services Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 661.326.3043 Contact: Ms Louise Palmer, Associate Planner Prepared by: Michael Brandman Associates 220 Commerce, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92602 714.508.4100 Contact: Michael E, Houlihan, AICP, Project Director ... IRIIJlJI December 1, 2005 '< '<JAK~'9 o ~ ,.. - f- m - ,... '-' e:, ORIGINAL City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Projeet CeQA Findings and Findings of Feet Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Introduction .............................................;........................................................ 1 , Section 2: Project .Description...............................................·...................··.....·............... 4 Section 3: Mitigated Project-Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts ............................ 5 3,1 _ Transportation..",..........,.....",.....,..,.",.".,.".,....·,········..·,··,··,,·····.. .......,. ....., ..... 5 3.2 - Air Quality ......................................................................:.........'........................ 8 3,3 _ Noise ,'" ,......"..."..,..,.",.." ,.."....."".."..".....,...:"...".....................,..................12 3.4 - Geology And Soils ...........................................................................................16 3.5 - Biological Resources .........................._............................................................18 3,6 - Hazards And Hazardous Materials...........................................·~........·....·........21 3.7 - Cultural And Paleontological Resources .....:....................................................24 3.8 _ Aesthetics"..,......,.....,...........,....."...,....,..."",..."..,·,·..,..,..··.... ........................ .25 C . . 3.9 _ umulatlve Impacts ",.........,.",.,..".."..."..................,........,....,'.......,....."........26 Section 4: Significant and Unavoidable Adverse Impacts..............................................36 4.1 - Significant and Unavoidable Impact....................................................·..·....·....36 Section 5: Feasibility of Project Alternatives ...................................................;..............39 5,1 - No Project/No Development Alternative ...........................................................40 5.2 _ No Project/Development in Accordance with the General Plan Alternative ......40 5.3 - Development in Accordance with the General Plan Noise Element Alternative...,....,....."....",..,.......""...,....,.."".......",.....,......,............., .....,.... .40 5.4 - Reduced Density Alternative......,.."....,.....,...,....,·..".."..·..··....··............",....",.42 5,5 - Environmentally Superior Alternative ...............................................................43 Attachment A: Statement of Overriding Considerations MIchael Srandman Associates C:IDOCUME_l\1pa1mcllLOCAL8--1ITomp\02160040Fin'"-Sky19(lj.doç " ~Þ-.K~1' o ~ >- - 1:,11 G ORIGINAL CIty of Bak8lSfleld - Sky 19 Project CEQA Rndlngs and Rndlngs of Fact Introduction SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION In compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines, the City of Bakersfield has conducted an environmental review of the proposed Sky 19 Developme~t - Project #05-1063. A Notice of Preparation wl/S released for public review in July 2005. In September 2005, the Draft EIR was released. After receiving public comment on the Draft EIR, the City prepared a document entitled Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR (RTC). The RTC document includes the verbatim comments received on the Draft EIR, a list of those commenting, and the City's responses to the significant environmental points raised in the review and consultation process, In response to certain comments, the Draft EIR was modified, as set forth in the responses to comments. The Final EIR for the Project consists of the Draft EIR and the RTC , document. The R TC provides responses to comments on environmental issues describing the disposition of the issues, explaining the EIR analysis, supporting the EIR conclusions, and/or providing infonnation or corrections as appropriate. These Findings are based upon the infonnation in the record of proceedings, including the Final EIR, staff reports, project applicant's materials, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and the testimony presented at public hearings. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA; Pub. Res. Code §§ 21000 et seq.) provides that "public agencies should not approve projects as proposed if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of such projects[.]" (CEQA § 21002; emphasis added,) The procedures required by CEQA "are intended to assist public agencies in systematically identifYing both the significant effects of proposed projects and the feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures which will avoid or substantially lessen such significant effects." (CEQA § 21002; emphasis added.) CEQA also provides that "in the event [that] specific economic, social, or other conditions make infeasible such project alternatives or such mitigation measures, individual projects may be approved in spite of one or more significant effects, (CEQA § 21002.) CEQA provides that a public agency has an obligation to balance a variety of public objectives, including economic, environmental, and social factors and in particular the goal of providing a decent home and satisfYing living environment for every Californian. (CEQA § 21081; CEQA Guidelines, 14 Cal. Code of Regulations, § 15021(d),) CEQA requires decision-makers to balance the benefits ofa proposed project against its significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, and, if the benefits of a proposed project outweigh the significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts may be considered "acceptable" by adopting a "Statement of Overriding Michael Brandman Associates C:IDOCUME-I \Ipa1mcr\LOCALS-1 ITcmp\02160040Findings-Sky19[1 .cIoc «. 'òM~?> a ~ G:. 1 ~ c> a ORIGINAl City of Bakersfield· Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Introduction Considerations." (CEQA Guidelines § 15093.) The Statement of Overriding Considerations must set forth the project benefits or reasons why the Lead Agency is in favor of approving the project and must weigh these benefits against the project's adverse environmental impacts identified in the Final' EIR that cannot be mitigated to a less-than-significant level. ' CEQA's mandates and principles are implemented, in part, through the requirement that agencies adopt fmdings before approving projects for which EIRs are required. For each significant environmental effect identified in an EIR for a proposed project, the approving agency must issue a written fmding reaching one or more of three permissible conclusions: (I) that "[c]hanges or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final EIR," (2) [s]uch changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency," or (3)[s]pecific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible ~e mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR." (CEQA Guidelinès § 15091.) CEQA defines "feasible" to mean "capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period oftime, taking into account economic, environmental, social and technological factors," (CEQA § 21061.1.) CEQA Guideline section 15364 adds anotherfactor: "legal" considerations. The concept of "feasibility" also encompasses the question of whether a particular alternative promotes the underlying goals and objectives of a project. "Feasibility under CEQA encompasses "desirability" to the extent that desirability is based on a reasonable balancing of the relevant economic, environmental, social, and technological factors. CEQA requires that the lead agency exercise its independent judgment in reviewing the adequacy of an EIR and that the decision of a lead agency in certifying a Final EIR and approving a project not be predetermined. The City Council has conducted its own review and analysis, and is exercising its independent judgment when acting as herein provided. CEQA requires decision-makers to adopt a mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP) for those mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR that would mitigate or avoid each significant impact identified in the EIR and to incorporate the mitigation monitoring and reporting program, including all mitigation measures, as conditions of project approval. Michael BrandnHJn Associates C:\DOCUME_1IlpalmmLOCALS-1ITempI02160040Fu"tin...Sky19[1).doc '< <¢AK¢,'9 ...0 <;. I:: 2 ~ tJ " ORIGINAL CIty of BaklJlSfleld . Sky 19 project CEQA Findings and FIndIngs of Fact Introduction CEQA requires that the responses to comments in the Final EIR demonstrate good faith and a well- reasoned analysis, and not be overly conclusory. In response to several of the comments received, portions of the Draft EIR have been revised. Although new material has been added to the Draft EIR through preparation of the Final EIR, this new material provides clarification to points and infonnation already included in the Draft EIR and is not considered to be significant new infonnation or a substantial change to the Draft EIR or to the project that would necessitate recirculation. CEQA Guidelines Section l5003( c) and (i) note that state courts have held that the purpose of an EIR is to infonn other governmental agencies and the public generally of the environmental impacts of a proposed project. CEQA does not require technical perfection or exhaustive treatment of issues in.an EIR, but rather adequacy, completeness, and a good-faith effort at full disclosure. CEQA provides that disagreement among experts regarding conclusions in the EIR is acceptable, Also, exhaustive treatment of issues is not required in an EIR. Because the Sky 19 Development - Project #05-1063 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) identified significant effects that may occur as a result of the project, and in accordance with the provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby adopts these Findings. For each of the significant effects identified in Section 3, as set forth in greater detail in these Findings below, the City Council makes the finding under paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Public Resources Code Section 21081. For each of the significant effects identified in Section 4, as set forth in greater detail in these Findings below, the City Council makes the finding under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) and under subdivision (b) of Public Resources Code Section 21081. In accordance with the provisions ofCEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield has independently reviewed the record of proceedings and based on the evidence in the record adopts these Findings. M/Ch..1 Brandman Associates C:IDOCUME_I~palmerlLOCALS_I\T.....\02160040Findin..-SkyI9(1].doc x 'òAK~?> C\ <1' >- 3 ~ ¡- m - ,.... J t:::J 0RIQINAL City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA FIndlnf1$ and Findings of Fact Project Pescrlption SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project is the development of a residential community on approximately 600 acres with an average gross density of2.34 units per acre, The Project includes the development offour separate tracts. The proposed Project includes the development of 1,408 residential lots with a range of net density from 1.19 to 5.01 units per acre which is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use designation of Low Density Residential (7.26 units per acre) for the Project site. The proposed residential uses will include seven housing product types ranging in lot sizes from 4,950 square feet to 15,000 square feet. The Project site is currently zoned as One Family Residential (minimum 6,000 square-foot lots), There are 254 residential lots that are less than the minimum 6,000 square-foot lots. As a result, the Project applicant is requesting a zone change from One- Family Dwelling Zone (R-!) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The portion of the Project site north of SR 178 is a Remainder Parcel and not part of the proposed development. In addition to the residential lots, the Project includes a community recreation center, parks, open spaces, green belts, and retention basins. The community recreation center is anticipated to include an approximate 1,500 square foot structure for administration, restrooms, and activity area. There is no development proposed on the portion of the site north of SR 178. MlchaelSrandman Assoc/_ C:\DOCUME-l\1pa1monLOCALS-1ITompI02160040Findinp-SkyI9[1 J.doo ~ <¢f>.K€'1> o <!:, ~ iíi ~4 r- Ù b ORIGIN AI City of Sakerstleld - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mil/gated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts SECTION 3: MITIGATED PROJECT-LEVEL AND CUMULATIVE ADVERSE IMPACTS The EIR identified significant project-level and cumulative adverse impacts of the proposed project and proposed mitigation measures to avoid or substantially lessen those impacts. Those impacts and mitigation measures are identified in the following sections. The Bakersfield City Council finds, based on the record and on the facts as set forth below, that the incorporation of the identified mitigation measures will mitigate most of the identified significant project-level and cumulative adverse impacts to a level that is considered less than significant. However, as identified in the Draft EIR, the noise emanating from the Mesa Marin Raceway east of the project site will result in significant and unavoidable noise impacts. Therefore, as outlined in CEQA Guideline 21081, the project will require a Statement of Overriding Considerations (see Attachment A). 3.1 - TRANSPORTATION 3.1.1 - Potentially Significant Impact Implementation of the Project will result in generation of 6,360 average daily trips that will be added to the existing and future planned circulation infrastructure within the Project area for the Interim Year 2010 (following the completion of Phases 1 and 2). After the addition of Project traffic to the Year 20 I 0 traffic volumes and circulation system, there will be five intersections and five roadway segments that will operate at level of service (LOS) D or worse, Implementation of the Project will result in generation of 13,327 average daily trips that will be added to the existing and future planned circulation infrastructure within the Project area for the Year 2015 (following Project build-out). After the addition of Project traffic to the Year 2015 traffic volumes and circulation system, there will be eleven intersections and five roadway segments that will operate at level of service (LOS) D or worse. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Michael BrIIndman Associates ClDOCUME--l\1pa1me<\LOCALS-l\Tomp\02160040FmdUl s-Sky19[1 J.doc «,?>M~-9 a ~ , - >- 5 m _ r-- ,,) t::> o~ gIN^l City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact MItigated Pro)act Lava/and Cumulative A_Impacts Facts in Support of Finding The project"level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. TR 5.1-1. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program, paying the standard per lot rate for residential development. The following RTIF program projects are identified in the Project area. Year 20 10 Intersections · Fairfax Road and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one northbound left turn lane. · Morning Drive and SR 178 - Install signal and construct one eastbound right, one westbound left, two northbound left, one northbound right, and two southbound left turn lanes. · Morning Drive and Breckenridge Road - Install signal and construct one westbound left, one northbound left, and one southbound left turn lanes. Roadway Segments · Morning Drive - Niles Street to Pioneer Drive - Add 2 lanes · Morning Drive - Pioneer Drive to Breckenridge Road - Add 2 lanes · Morning Drive - Breckenridge Road to Edison Highway - Add 2 lanes · SR 178 - West of Fairfax Road - Add 4 lanes · SR 178 - East of Fairfax Road - Add 2 lanes Year 2015 Intersections · Morning Drive and Panorama Drive - Install signal and construct one northbound left and one southbound left turn lanes. · Vineland Road and Panorama Drive - Install signal · Morning Drive and Auburn Street - Install signal and construct one northbound left turn lane · Fairfax Road and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound left, one eastbound right, one northbound through, and one southbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound right turn lane · Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Install signal and construct one northbound left and one southbound left turn lanes '< '<JM£,o» o ~ >- - r:... 6 J!] v 0 I"\RIGINAl Michael Brand"",n A_a'" C,lDOCUME--l\lpolmaILOCALS--IITempI02160040Fmdìnø>-SkY19[1].doc CIty of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Rndlngs and FIndIngs of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts · Vine land and Highland Knolls Drive - Install signal and construct one northbound left and one southbound left turn lanes · Vineland Road and Kern Canyon Road - Install signal and construct one eastbound left, one westbound left, one northbound left, and one southbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and College Avenue - Install signal and construct one southbound left turn lane · Shalane Avenue and Kern Canyon Road - Configure the eastbound and westbound legs to stop. TR 5.1-2_ Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the Project applicant shall pay the proportionate share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the R TIP) as follows. Year 2010 Intersections · Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one westbound right turn lane. · Morning Drive and Breckenridge Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane · Morning Drive and SR 58 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound left turn lane. Year 2015 Intersections · Morning Drive and Panama Drive - Construct one eastbound left and one westbound left turn lanes · Vineland Road and Panorama Drive - Construct One eastbound left, one westbound left, one northbound left, and one southbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and Auburn Street - Construct one eastbound right turn lane · Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one eastbound left and one westbound left turn lanes · Vineland Road and Highland Knolls Drive - Construct one eastbound left and one westbound left turn lanes · Morning Drive and College Avenue - Construct one eastbound left, one westbound left, and one northbound left turn lanes TR 5.1-3. Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the applicant's funding calculations for the years 2010 and 2015 improvements associated with the local mitigation improvements fee program shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. MIchael Brand,mm Assoclll,. C,IDOCUME_lllpolmOllLOCAL8-1ITomp\o2160040FUutings.SkyI9[1].doc '¢Þ-/{S'-9 ~ ~ >- m ~ 7 [; QRIGINÞ' City of aal<elSlleld· Sky 19 project CEQA Rndlng. and Rnding. of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adve1Se/mpacfs 3.2 . AIR QUALITY 3.2.1 - Potentially Significant Impact The Project will result in the generation of air quality emissions during the short-tenn construction' of Phases I through 4, with the greatest amount of emissions during the fourth phase. Construction of the proposed land uses would produce the following emissions: PM-I 0, CO, ROO, NOx, and negligible SOz. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the final EIR and incorporated into the Project. AQ 5.2-1. Prior to approval of the grading plan, the Project applicant shall submit a Fugitive Dust plan that outlines Regulation VIII, any other mitigation measures that apply to fugitive dust, and how the contractor will implement the measures. The plan shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. AQ 5.2-2. The following shall be incorporated into building plans. · Cover all access roads and parking areas with asphalt-concrete paving. · Asphalt-concrete paving shall comply with District Rule 4641 and restrict the use of cutback, slow-cure and emulsified asphalt paving materials. · Cease grading activities during periods of high winds (greater than 20 mph over a one-hour period). · Limit construction-related vehicle speeds to 15 mph on all unpaved areas at the construction site. · Wash off construction and haul trucks to minimize the removal of mud and dirt ftom the Project site. MIchael Brandman Assoclatea C:IDOCUME_l\lpolmer\LOCALS-IITompIOZI60040FmdiDp-SkyI9[1].doc X Ii> Þ.K~1' o <P >- ~ t; J!! " t> (j: '~"I~1 CIty of Bakersfield· Sky 19 project CEQA FIndings and Findln of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse 1m e Grading activities shall cease when entrainment due to a wind event exceeds the District's 20% opacity requirement. AQ 5.2-3. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the following shall be incorporated into the grading plan. e During all phases of construction, construction equipment shall be properly and routinely maintained, as recommended by manufacturer manuals, to control exhaust emissions. e During all phases of construction, all contractors shall restrict equipment and vehicle idling to five minutes or less. e The Project proponent shall develop a ride-share incentive program for construction workers. The program shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. e During all phases of construction, the Project applicant shall make arrangements to have a lunch wagon visit the construction site during the lunch break. This will reduce emissions from worker trips. . On-site electrical hook ups shall be installed for electric hand tools such as saws, drills, and compressors, to substantially decrease the need for fuel powered electric generators and other fuel-powered equipment. . During grading, paving, and construction of the homes, the off-road diesel-fueled equipment shall be equipped with diesel particulate filters verified to reduce emissions by a certain amount by the California Air Resources Board (htto:/Iwww.arb.ca.llov/dieseV verdev/leve13/leve13 .htm ). . During construction, only low volatility paints and coatings shall be used. All paints shall be applied using either high volume low-pressure (HVLP) spray equipment or by hand application. 3.2.2 - potentially Significant Impact Long-term emissions will be caused by mobile sources (vehicle emissions) and stationary source energy consumption (heating and cooling) emissions. The major long-term impact to air quality will be emissions caused by motor vehicles traveling to and from the Project site. Michael Srandman Associates C,lDOC\JME-lllpa1mer\LOCALS--llrompI02160040FindinP-SkyI9[1].doc ~ ~M£,1' o <J> :>- ~ I::: ~ v ðAIGINAIC:> city of Bakersfield· Slty 19 PIOjecI CeQA FIndings and FindIngs of Fact MItigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacl! Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the final EIR and incorporated into the Project. AQ 5.2-4_ The excess short-term emissions ofNOx from construction shall be offset to equal the threshold amount of 10 tons per year. This shall be accomplished by paying the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District a mitigation fee. AQ 5.2-5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, transportation control measures and design features shall be incorporated into the Project to reduce emissions from mobile sources. A strategy to reduce vehicle idling and traffic congestion includes the following: e Implement the intersection and roadway segment improvements that are identified as mitigation in Sections 5.1 and 6.1. AQ 5.2-6. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project applicant shall contact Golden Empire Transit to determine the location of bus stops and infrastructure (i.e., turnouts, benches, signage, etc.) on the Project site. The Project applicant shall provide a minimum of one bus stop on the Project site. AQ 5.2-7. The Master Bikeways Plan depicts a Class IT bike lane along Vineland Road from Edison Highway that links north to the bikeways and trails system adopted in the Specific Parks and Trails Plan for Northeast Bakersfield. A Class IT bike lane shall be incorporated into the Project design along Highland Knolls Drive from Vineland to Morning Drive. The Project applicant will be required to pay the park development and improvement fee per the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 15.82, which will assist in funding for park, trail, and staging area improvements. In addition, bicycle-parking facilities shall be provided by the Project applicant and installed at the community park, neighborhood park, and the community recreational center. MIchael Brandman AssocI.. .....,.....~.....n::_1\.....1..->.I'OCALS-l\Temp\02160040FiDdings-Sky19[11,doc «. '¢M~-9 o ~ >- - s:: m Q 10 r; ORIGINAl City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CeQA Rndlngs and FIndIngs of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts AQ 5.2-8. To encourage pedestrianlbicycle use and reduce the number of vehicle trips to the surrounding schools, the southwest portion of the Project site shall incorporate a pedestrianlbike path that connects the Project site directly to College Avenue. AQ 5.2-9. The Project applicant shall integrate into the Project design pedestrian safety inftastruct;ure including crosswalks and lighted pedestrian signals at all signalized intersections, lighting along all sidewalks, and direCt pedestrian pathways to any future bus stops as detennined in AQ 5.2-6. AQ 5.2-10. The Project applicant shall incorporate the following in building plans. · Install low NOx emission water heaters. · Provide shade trees (a minimum of 4S-inch box tree) to reduce building cooling requirements, · Install energy-efficient and automated heating appliances and air conditioning units. · All exterior windows shall be double-paned glass. · Energy-efficient (low-sodium) outdoor lights shall be used. AQ 5.2-11. Wood burning fireplaces and wood stoves shall be prohibited within the development. The use of natural gas [¡replaces shall be allowed if desired. AQ 5.2-12. The landscape plan shall incorporate native drought-resistant species (plants, trees, and bushes). Shade trees shall have an initial size of 15 gallons. Examples of native species include desert ironwood, mesquite, and palo verde. The landscaping plan will encourage pedestrian use, which could decrease vehicle trips. It will also reduce the need for gasoline powered landscaping, increase the aesthetics of the Project site, and reduce water requirements for landscaping. AQ 5.2-13. The Project applicant shall offset 30.31 tons per year oflong-tenn emissions ofROG and 18.25 tons per year of long-term emissions ofNOx by contributing to existing programs that reduce emissions from other sources in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin. The programs may include the implementation one or more of the following by the Project applicant: · Car crushing/recycling of older model cars. · Modification to stationary diesel engines, such as for agricultural use. · Modification of fleet vehicles and/or other mobile sources, · Contribution to an air quality mitigation fee fund or program adopted by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. x ~AK~?> o ~ >- - t;: 11 P2 v c:o ORIGINAL MIchael Srandman AssocIates C,\DOCUME--I\Jpa1meñLOCAL8--1\T_\o216OO4( Fin<tings-Sky19[1].doc City of Bakersfield· Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Projact Level and Cumu/ativa Adversalm~ If one or more of these programs is selected by the Project applicant, proof of compliance with these measures must be provided to the satisfaction of the Planning Director prior to recordation of the fina\ map. proof of compliance shall include quantification of emission reduction by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air pollution Control District or an air quality consultant. The Project applicant is responsible for all costs to detennine the emission reductions associated with the projects. 3.3 . NOISE 3.3.1 _ Potentially Significant Impact Construction activities would specifically generate two types of construction noise: equipment noise and traffic noise. During the construction of the Project, noise from construction activities would potentially impact noise-sensitive land uses in the immediate area, as well as residel1ces on the Project site while subsequent phases are constructed. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the final EIR and incorporated into the project. N 5.3-1. Prior to the issuance of grading pennits, the grading plans shall state that all gas and diesel power equipment shall be properly muffled and maintained. Construction activities should be limited to the hours and days pennitted by the City of Bakersfield. Future Year 2030 traffic levels will result in noise levels that exceed the City's interior and exterior standards for some of the proposed residential lots adjacent to Highland Knolls Drive, Kern Canyon Road, Morning Drive between SR 178 and Highland Knolls Drive, and Vineland Road. The noise standards will be exceeded at all of the proposed residential lots adjacent to Morning Drive between Highland Knolls Drive and College Drive, and adjacent to SR 178, Michael Standman Assoclatas c:\DOCUME_I\lpalmonLOCALS-IIT_102160040F_SkyI9[1 ¡.doc 51. 'ò¡>.K~-9 o ~ ~ ¡!j Û (.)RIGINAt' City of Ball8fSlleld - Sky 19 Project CEQA Rndlngs and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts In Support of Finding The project~level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. N 5.3-2. Noise barriers (i.e., walls and/or earthen benns) should be constructed at proposed residential lots adjacent to the arterials and the Walter Stiern Middle School. The sound walls shall be located at the following locations: · Along SR-178, 10 to 15 feet high, · Morning Drive, near SR-178, 7,5 feet high, · Morning Drive, 5 to 7 feet high, · College Avenue, near Morning Drive, 6 feet high, · College Avenue, near Vineland Road, 5 to 6.5 feet high, and · Highland Knolls Drive, 5 to 5.5 feet high. Prior to the issuance of building penn its, the noise barrier heights along the above mentioned roadways shall be detennined through a final acoustical analysis. . N 5.3-3. Prior to issuance of building pennits, the building plans shall state that sound-rated windows and entry doors be installed to reduce interior noise levels to 45 dBA CNEL at proposed residential buildings located adjacent to Highland Knolls Drive, Kern Canyon Road, Morning Drive, SR-178, and Vineland Road. The specific rating of the windows and doors shall be detennined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. N 5.3-4. Prior to issuance of building pennits, the building plans shall state that mechanical ventilation shall be installed at proposed residential buildings located adjacent to Highland Knolls Drive, Kern Canyon Road, Morning Drive, SR-178, and Vineland Road since the interior noise standards are to be met with windows and doors closed. The specific proposed residential buildings that require mechanical ventilation shall be detennined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. X ~f>..K(?, o ~ >- - ..... m _ f- o t) mllr.INAL 13 Michael Brandman Asaoctates C,\DOCUME_1~palmor\LOCALS-I\TomP\02160040FmdiDp-Sky19[I).doc City of Bakersfield - Slty 19 Project CEQA FIndIngs and FIndIngs of Fact MItigated Project Leval and Cumulative Adverse 1m 3.3.2 _ potentially Significant Impact The Project will include several parks that may include tot lots. Noise levels from children at tot lots could exceed the City's exterior noise standards for residential uses. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project,' which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. N 5.3-5. Prior to the issuance of grading pennits, the grading plans shall state illustrate that the tot lots at the proposed parks shall be located at least 90 feet away from a residential property line to reduce Lso and Lmax noise levels to the City's perfonnance standards. An alternative to this is to construct a noise barrier to reduce the noise levels that will be experienced at the neighboring residential properties. The specific requirement of a setback or noise barrier shall be detennined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. 3.3.3 _ potentially Significant Impact The proposed community center will include a swimming pool that may generate noise levels that exceed the City's exterior noise standards for residential uses. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. MIchael Snlndman AssocIates c,\DQC\JME--IIIpaIme<ILOCALSIIT_102160040Fin......SkyI9[II.doc x 'òAK~?I o ~ >- - ,... m _ r- -' <:::> O~'I\I"I City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of FIlet Mitigaled Projecl Laval and Cumulative Adverse Impacts N 5.3-6. Prior to the issuance of gra4ing pennits, the grading plans shall state illustrate that the swimming pool at the proposed community recreation center shall be located at least 250 feet from a residential property line to reduce Lso and Lmax noise levels to the City's perfonnance standards, An alternative to this is to construct a noise barrier or building to reduce the noise levels that will be experienced at the neighboring residential properties. The specific requirement of a setback or noise barrier shall be detennined in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the design of the Project. 3.3.4 - Potentially Significant Impact General activities and pick-up games at the proposed parks have the potential to generate noise levels that exceed the City's exterior noise standard for residential uses. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts In Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. N 5.3-7. Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the building plans shall illustrate noise barriers with a height of 5 to 6 feet be used to separate residential properties from adjacent parks in order to minimize the potential for annoyance. 3.3.5 - Potentially Significant Impact Mechanical equipment at the proposed community center has the potential to generate noise levels that exceed the City's exterior noise standard for residential uses. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Michael Brandman Assocl_ C,\DQCUME- 1Ilpalmcr\LOCAL8-IITcmP\02160040FindiDgs-Sky19[lj.doc <t. <¡,M(1. () ~ >- ~rn ~ 1f:> & ORIGINAL City of Ba~ers1ield - S~y 19 Project CEQA Findings and FindIngs of Fact Mltlgated Project Level and Cumulatlve Adverse 1m cts Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. N 5.3-8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the community recreation center, the building . plans shall state that all mechanical equipment to be used at the cOmIDunity recreation center shall be enclosed within a building or separate structure. Where this is not possible, barriers shall be used to shield the equipment from the proposed residential properties so that they adjacent residential properties are not exposed to noise levels that exceed the City's performance standards. Depending on the size and type of equipment, silencers in the intake and exhaust ducts may also be necessary to reduce noise at the noise-sensitive properties to an acceptable level. The specific requirements for the mechanical equipment shall be assessed in an acoustical analysis to be conducted during the Project design. 3.4 . GEOLOGY AND SOILS 3.4.1 - potentially Significant Impact Although the Project site is not within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone, the Project site is within the vicinity of several active faults. There is the potential that an event on one or more of these faults may result in secondary seismic impacts. There is the potential that within the lifetime of the Sky 19 Development Project, residents will experience strong groundshaking and structures may suffer damage as a result of seismic activity. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. GS 5.4-1. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, Soils Engineering, Inc., or other qualified engineering geologist shall review and approve all grading plans and earthwork operation plans in relation to the recommendations set forth in the Guide Specifications for Earthwork. Michael Srandman Associates C,IDOCUME_l~pe1ma1LOCALS-I\Tomp\02160040F_Sky19[1 .do< 'òM~~ 6- ~ >- rri r;::;.16 r- r.:> ò ORIGIN~1 City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Rndlngs and FIndIngs of Fact MItigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts 3.4.2 - Potentially Significant Impact There is a low potential for landslides to impact the site in the event of a major earthquake. However, the alluvial deposits within the ravines and canyon areas present a potential for instability. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. GS 5.4-2. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall specify that the onsite ravines and canyon areas are properly filled in accordance with the Guide Specifications for Earthwork to ensure slope stability for the development. GS 5.4-3. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the grading plans shall specify that a qualified engineering geologist shall be provided with a forty-eight hours advance notice in order to be present at the site during all earthwork activities related to the excavation, tree root removal, stripping, backfill, and compacting and filling of the site and to perform periodic compaction tests. 3.4.3 - PotentIally Significant Impact The results of the testing soils for expansive properties indicated that earthwork operations can be expected to encounter expansive soils with expansion indexes in the range of low to high. Thus, there is the potential for soils at the site to have a high potential for expansion. The proposed development will involve site foundations and slabs-on-grade, which in the absence of mitigation, may ultimately rest on soils with a significant potential for expansion and contraction, both in a horizontal as well as a vertical plain. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Mlch.1 Srandman A..ocI.... c,IDOCUME_I~po1mo<ILOCALS--I\Tomp\02160040F_SkyI'[II.doc «. '<JMl:?> o <I' >- ~ \;:: JE ô) 0 1~RIGINAL CIty of Bak8lSfleld - Sky 19 Project CEQA FlndlnS/s and Flndln¡¡s of Fact MitlS/alad ProJecl Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. GS 5.4-4. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall include one of the two following foundation systems and remediation schemes to reduce the potential for expansive soils to less than significant. e Excavation of existing materials and replacement by non-expansive soils to the satisfaction of the Building Director; or e Provide Post-tensioned, free floating slab!K!n-grade. The applicant shall provide positive free drainage away from the structure and make every effort possible to prevent subgrade saturation by measures such as containing ªª landscaping in sealed planters, sealing all construction joints with an elastomeric compound, providing the building with eave gutters and downspouts, and routing all drainage impinging upon the site from off-site sources as well as drainage generated on the site away from the proposed residential structures. 3.5 - BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 3.5.1 - potentially Significant Impact Bakersfield cactus and burrowing owl are considered present within the Project site. Furthermore, the site provides suitable habitat for American badger and San Joaquin kit fox. Because these species are protected by state and federal law , impacts on special-status wildlife species are considered significant. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on water quality that could be caused by construction activities. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. MIchael Srandman AssocIa'" C:IDOCUME_lllpalm«lLOCALS--lIT_102160040Fmdinp-SkyI9[1].doc «. ,¢(>..Kf?> o ~ >- - ¡.-- m - ,.. v~& 0 'JRIGINAI C/Iy of Ballersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA FIndings and Findings of Fact MIl/gated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts Mitigations for impacts to special-status species on the site are covered by meeting the compensation and avoidance requirements of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP) and associated Implementing Agreement. These are described below. DR 5.5-1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project applicant shall pay a development fee in accordance with the MBHCP. DR 5.5-2. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit on the approximately 600-acre site, the Project proponent shall comply with all appropriate terms and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding Bakersfield cactus. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for IJakersfield cactus. Specific measures prior to the construction phase of the Project shall be implemented and include the fol1owing: . With the permission of the California Department ofFish and Game (CDFG), Bakersfield cactus may be removed by qualified persons holding the appropriate scientific col1ecting permits. The CDFG shall recommend methods approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and CDFG to be used, however the scientific permittee may use alternative methods. The scientific permittee will record and report to the CDFG the results of the salvage operation (e.g. species involved, amount and type of plant material taken, where taken, etc.). . As part of the Implementation Agreement, CDFG and USFWS wil1 condition scientific col1ecting permit holders to notify the CDFG of activity in the MBHCP area, through annual monitoring reports, and will notify the CDFG of permits issued affecting the MBHCP area. DR 5.5-3. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit on the approximately 600-acre site, the Project proponent shall comply with all appropriate terms and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding San Joaquin kit fox. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for the San Joaquin kit fox. MBHCP guidelines regarding tracking and excavation shal1 be followed to prevent entrapment of kit fox in dens. Specific measures during the construction phase of the Project shall be implemented and include the following: . A pre-construction survey shall be conducted prior to site grading to search for active kit fox dens. The survey shal1 be conducted not more than 30 days prior to the onset of construction activities in areas subject to development to determine the necessity of den excavation. . Monitoring and excavation of each known San Joaquin kit fox den which cannot be avoided by construction activities. Mlch.e' Brandman AMoclates C:\DOCUME_I~poImmlLOCALS-I\Temp\02160040Findin...SkyI9[IJ.doç «'<JM~?> o ~ ,.. - '::29 J!! v 0 ORIGINAl CIty of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Projeet CEQA FIndIngs and FindIngs of Feet Mitigated Project Levaland Cumulative AdvØlSalm cts . Notification of wildlife agencies of relocation opportunity prior to ground disturbance in areas of known kit fox dens. . Excavations shall either be constructed with escape ramps or covered to prevent kit fox entrapment. AU trenches or steep-walled excavations greater than three feet deep shall include escape ramps to aUow wildlife to escape. Each excavation shaU contain at least one ramp, with long trenches containing at least one ramp every 1/4 mile. Slope of ramps shall be no steeper than 1:1. . All pipes, culverts or similar structures with a diameter of four inches or greater shall be kept capped to prevent en1ry of kit fox. If they are not capped or otherwise covered, they will be inspected prior to burial or closure to ensure no kit foxes, or other protected species, become entrapped. . AU employees, contractors, or other persons involved in the construction of the Project shall attend a ''tailgate'' session infonning them of the biological resource protection measures 1hat will be implemented for the Project. The orientation shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall include infonnation regarding the life history of the protected species, reasons for special-status, a summary of applicable environmental law, and measures intended to reduce impacts. . All food, garbage, and plastic shall be disposed of in closed containers and regularly removed from the site to minimize attracting kit fox or other animals. Mitigations for impacts to special-status species on the site are covered under the tenns and conditions of the MBHCP and associated Implementing Agreement. The compensation and avoidance requirements of the MBHCP are consistent and follow an ecosystem management approach for endangered species, and provide adequate compensation for covered species and all other potentially occuning special-status species. 3.5.2 _ potentially Significant Impact Implementation of the proposed Project may disturb active nesting activities of nesting avian species if construction activity occurs during the nesting season. Burrowing owls were detected within the Project site and suitable burrows for ground-nesting occur throughout the Project site. Active avian nests are protected under the MBT A and CDFG Code. Michael Srandman AssocIates C:lDOCUME--l\lpa1mel\LOCALS1Iromp\02160040Fmdinp-SkyI9[1].doc «'<JM¿;-1> o % >- - m '}¡ r- ORIGINAP CIty of BakelSlleld - Sky 19 Projeet CEQA FindIngs and Findings of Feet Mitigated Project Level end Cumulative Adverse Impacts Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts In Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially Jessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. DR 5.~. Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit for the approximately 600-acre site, the Project applicant shall comply with the following raptor nest mitigation: . If site grading is proposed during the avian nesting season (February-September), a focused survey for avian nests shall be· conducted by a qualified biologist prior to grading activities in order to identify active nests in areas potentially impacted by Project implementation. . If construction is proposed to take place during the nesting season (February - September), no construction activity shall take place within 500 feet of an active nest until the young have fledged (as detennined by a qualified biologist). Habitat containing nests that must be removed as a result of Project implementation shall be removed during the non-breeding season (October-January). . Pre-construction surveys shall include a survey for burrowing owl. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected outside of breeding season (September I through January 31), passive and/or active relocation efforts may be undertaken if approved by CDFG and USFWS. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected during breeding season (February I through August 31), no disturbance to these burrows shall occur in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 3.6 _ HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 3.6.1 _ potentially Significant Impact The Project site includes fonner active wells that may be improperly abandoned. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Mlcheel Brand",.n AssocIetes c,lDOCUME_llIpa1mo<ILOCALs_l\TempI02160040FmdiIIgs-Sky19[1].doo '<JÞ.K~-9 d- ~ > - ~ m r-- . 21 c::. ORIGINAL City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. 11M 5.6-1. Prior to any grading and construction activities on the Project siœ, any abandoned and idle wells shall have the swface area returned to its natural condition including but not limited to cleaning all oil, oil residues, drilling fluids, mud and other substances; leveling, grading or filling of sumps, ditches, and cellars including removal of all lining maœrial to the satisfactioq of the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. 11M 5.6-2. Any well shown as abandoned shall be-accompanied by a written verification rrom the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources that the well was properly abandoned pursuant to their regulations. 11M 5.6-3. City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 15.66.050, Abandoned Wells Setback, states that any lot or parcel containing an abandoned well shall be encumbered with a deed restriction specifying the exact location of the well and prohibiting any construction within ten feet of an abandoned well. 3.6.2 _ Potentially Significant impact Grading activities have poœntial to rupture oil or gas pipelines. Grading may also pose a threat to previously buried hazards, pipelines, or unidentified materials in the soil. Finding Changes or alœrations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigaœ or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. ~ '<J!>.K£'1> o cP :> ~ .... m _ r- '-' t> 22 ORIGINAL MIchael Brandman Assoclatea C:\DOCUME-I~poImo<ILOCALS-IITemp\02160040F;"di_Sl<yI9[1 ¡.doc city of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level end Cumulative Adverse Impacts BM 5.6-4. If any pipelines have any problems or if the pipeline is ruptured during development, ,the Bakersfield City Fire Department must be notified and the developer must follow all safety and clean up regulations. BM 5.6-5. If during grading and construction a pipeline accident happens, potential unknown burieq hazardous materials ¡qe found, and/or if unidentified materials are disc~vered in the soil, Health and Safety procedures shall be implemented, Procedures shall include, at a minimum, emergency medica\, evacuation of the site and/or threatened area, and notification action. Notification shall include but not be limited to the following agencies: The City of Bakersfield, Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Bakersfield City and/or County Fire Deparbnent, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Evacuation and determination regarding the type of contamination encountered and best course of action will be detennined by the relevant official and required mediation measures shall be implemented. BM 5.6-6. Prior to any grading activities on the Project site, the contractor shall obtain infonnation on the location of the pipelines, and any infonnation regarding safety concerns of these pipelines. During grading activities, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and/or any other company with pipelines running through the Project site shall be notified of the construction activity within the corresponding easement. If any pipelines have any problems or if a pipeline ruptures during development, the City of Bakersfield Fire Deparbnent shall be notified. BM 5.6-7. The Pipeline Development Policy of the City of Bakersfield Fire Deparbnent is as follows: · No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 50 feet of a gas main, or transmission line, or refmed liquid product line with 36 inches of cover; · No structure may be within 40 feet of a hazardous liquids pipeline bearing refined product, with 48 inches or more of cover; · No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 30 feet of a crude oil pipeline operation at 20% of its design strength; · Prior to or concurrently with filing of a fmal map, a covenant shall be recorded on all lots of this tract, or portion thereof, which are within 250 feet of any gas transmission lines. The covenant shall acknowledge proximity of pipeline easement to said property and describe the name, type, and dimension of the pipeline. Prior to recordation, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of covenant wording with the City Attorney, Deparbnent of Development Services, and the City Engineer, « '<J Þ-K£'1> o ~ >- - .... m _ r- 290RIGINAf' MIchael Brendman Associates c,lIJQC1JME-l \Ipo1me>\LOCALS--l IT empI02160040Fu"lin....Sky 19[1 J.doc City of SaketS1leld . Sky 19 project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact MItigated Project Level and Cumulative AdverSe 1m HM 5.6-8. All work will stop immediately if any unknown soil or other hazardous materials concerns arise during any part of the testing, grading, or construction on the subject property. 3.7 - CULTURAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES .3.7.1 - Potentially Significant Impact Based on the results of the records search and field survey, surface grading or very shallow excavations in the northeastern portion of the proposed Project area may not uncover any significant vertebrate fossils, however, deeper excavations and/or excavations in the remainder of the proposed Project area with exposures of the Kern River Fonnation are likely to encounter significant and perhaps rare fossil vertebrate remains. Therefore, construction activities associated with the proposed Project and at elevations below 700 feet could result in potential significant impacts on paleontological resources. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. As there is a possibility that Project related earth-moving activities will impact the Round Mountain Silt and its bonebed, a paleontological monitoring program that includes the following measures shall "" ",,'-"" "'...... _'" """'" 00'" ""-" run ",,","",!. CR 5.7-3. Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit, the grading plans shall state that a paleontologist shall be retained, attend a pre-grading meeting, and set forth the procedures to be followed during the monitoring program. CR 5.7-4. Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit, the grading plans shall state that one paleontological monitor that is trained and equipped to allow rapid removal of fossils with minimal Michael Btandman_ C,\DOCUME_I~po\mo<lLOCALS-1ITompI02160040Findinp-Sky19[1 J.doc 5<. 'òÞ-K~1 o \I > " '- r 8 r t> ORlnlNAI city of Bakersfield - Sky 19 project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact MItigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts construction delay is expected to be sufficient. Full-time monitoring of the portions of the Project site that have earth-disturbing activities at elevations below 700 feet shall be provided. CR 5.7-5. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that if fossils are found within an area being cleared or graded, earth-disturbing activities shall be diverted elsewhere until the monitor has I;ompleted salvaging of the fossils. If constructio~ personnel make the discovery, the grading contractor shall immediately divert construction and call the monitor to the site. Major salvage time may be shortened with the grading contractor's assistance (e:g., removal of overburden, lifting, and removing large and heavy fossils). CR 5.7,,(,. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that the Project paleontologist shall prepare, identify, and curate all recovered fossils. Upon completion of gra4ing, the Project paleontologist shall prepare a summary report documenting mitigation and results, with itemized inventory of collected specimens. The paleontologist shall submit the report to the City of Bakersfield, designated depository, and any other appropriate agency, and transfer fossil collection to an appropriate depository. The summary report shall be submitted to the City. This submittal will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts on paleontologic resources. 3.8 - AESTHETICS 3.8.1 _ Potentially Significant Impact The Project site does not have any City-designated unique resources such as bluffs and foothills; however, it is one of the few areas within the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan planning area that has rolling hills. Development of the Project site will alter the existing visual characteristics of the Project site. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project, Michael Brandman Assoclala C,\DOCUME-l\lpolmmLOCALS-lITomplO2l60040FmCÜDp-Sky19[lj.doc ~ 'òf>..K~--9 c ~ >- - 1;::25 I!! ~ b ORIGINA! City of Bakersfleld- Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Im~ AE8-S.9-l. Prior to the issuance of grading pennits, the Project applicant shall prepare landscape plans for the Project area to provide visual relief ftom Project structures. 3.8.2 . Potentially Significant Impact Lighting associated with the proposed development would introduce new sources oflight and glare. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts In Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and ' incorporated into the Project. AE8-S.9-2. Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the Project applicant shall outline specifications for outdoor lighting locations and other intensely lighted areas. The specifications shall identify minimum lighting intensity needs and design light fixtures to direct light toward intended uses. Methods to reduce light impacts may include low-intensity light fixtures and hooded shields. AE8-S.9-3_ Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the Project applicant shall submit and obtain City approval of lighting plans. The lighting plans shall verify that outdoor lighting on private residences is designed so that all direct rays are confined to the site and that adjacent residences are protected from substantial light and glare, 3.9. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 3.9.1 _ Potentially Significant Impact The proposed Project will add to cumulative traffic volumes at intersections and roadway segments within the traffic study area in the Year 2030. There will be 17 intersection and 16 roadway segments that will operate at LOS D or worse in the Year 2030. MIchael Srandman Associates "'\DOCUME-l~polmc<lLOCALS--l\T...pI02160040Fmdm..-Sky19[lJ.doc x <ò¡"K~-9 o ~ >- - m 'e t; ORIGINAl C/Iy of Sal<ersfleld - Sky 19 Projact CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact MiUgated Project Level and Cumulallve Adverse Impacts Finding Changes or aiterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantiaily lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. TR 6-1_ Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the Project applicant shail participate in the RTIF program, paying the standard per lot rate for residentiai development. The following RTIF program Projects are identified for the Project area. Intersections AU of the RTIF program intersection improvements identified in Section 5.1.3 for the years 2010 and 2015 are required along with the following improvements. · Morning Drive and Panorama Drive - Construct one northbound through and one southbound right lanes · Fairfax Road and SR 178 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one northbound through, one northbound right, one southbound left, and one southbound through lanes · Vineland Road and SR 178 Westbound Ramp - Construct one southbound right lane · Morning Drive and Highland KnoUs Drive - Construct one southbound left and one southbound through lanes · Vineland Road and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one eastbound through, one westbound through, one northbound through, and one southbound through lanes · Morning Drive and College Avenue - Construct one southbound through lane · Monica Street and Kern Canyon Road - Install signal and construct one eastbound left, one eastbound through and one westbound through lanes · Shalane Avenue and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one westbound left lane · Morning Drive and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one northbound through lane · Morning Drive and Breckenridge Road - Construct one southbound through lane · Morning Drive and SR 58 Westbound Ramp - InstaU signal '<JAKê1 ~ ~ >- - ç- f!! <ZT b ORIGINAL Michael Srandman AssocIaCas C:\DOCUME_l\1pa1meo\LOCALS-1ITompI02160040FindinI!'"Sky19[1].doc City of Bakarsffeld . Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact "'itil/ated Project Leval and Cumulative Adverse Im~ a Morning Drive and SR 58 Eastbound Ramp - InstalI signal. Roadway Segments AlI of the R TIF program roadway segment improvements identified in Section 5.1.3 for the years 2010 and 2015 are required along the following improvements: a Morning Drive· Panorama Drive to Auburn Street - Add two lanes a Morning Drive - Auburn Street to SR 178 - Add two lanes a Kern Canyon Road - Morning Drive to Monica Street- Add two lanes a Kern Canyon Road - Monica Street to Vineland Road - Add two lanes a Breckenridge Drive - Morning Drive to Monica Street - Add two lanes TR 6-2. Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the Project applicant shalI pay the proportionate share for local mitigation imprövements (those not covered by the RTIF) as follows: Intersections AlI of the Local Mitigation intersection improvements identified in Section 5.1.3 for the years 2010 and 2015 are required along with the following improvements. a Morning Drive and Panorama Drive - Construct one eastbound through lane a Fairfax Road and Auburn Street - Construct one eastbound left, one westbound left, and one westbound right lanes a Morning Drive and College Avenue - Construct one northbound left lane a Monica Street and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one southbound left and one southbound right lane a Shalane Avenue and Kern Canyon Road - InstalI signal and construct one northbound right lane . Morning Drive and Kern Canyon Road - Construct one southbound through lane a Morning Drive and SR 58 Eastbound Ramp - Construct one eastbound right lane Roadway Segments The Local Mitigation roadway segment improvements are required. a Fairfax Road _ Panorama Drive to Auburn Street - Add two lanes · Morning Drive - ColIege Avenue to Niles Street - Add two lanes · Morning Drive _ Pioneer Drive to Breckenridge Road - Add two lanes · Morning Drive _ Breckenridge Road to Edison Highway - Add two lanes ""chael Brandman AssoCIates C,\DOCUME-I\IpoIme<\LOCALS--IITomplO2l60040FmdUlp-SkyI9[1].do< '<J"Kt-9 ¿. <P '" >- - ~ p: 2ÎORIGINAC' City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact M/ligated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts · Morning Drive - Edison Highway to Brundage Lane - Add two lanes · Highland Knolls Drive - Fairfax Road to Morning Drive- Add median · Brundage Lane - West of Morning Drive - Add two lanes TR 6-3. Prior to the issuance of building pennits, the applicant's funding calculations for the Year . 2030 improvements ~ssociated with the local mitigation improvemen~ fee program shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. 3.9.2 - Potentially Significant Impact Future Year 2030 traffic levels will 'result in noise levels that exceed the City's interior and exterior standards for some of the proposed residential lots adjacent to Highland Knolls Drive, Kern Canyon Road, Morning Drive between SR-178 and Highland Knolls Drive, and Vineland Road. The noise standards will be exceeded at all of the proposed residential lots adjacent to Morning Drive between Highland Knolls Drive and College Drive, and adjacent to SR-178. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measure as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. N 5.3-2. Noise baJTiers (i.e., walls and/or earthen benns) should be constructed at proposed residential lots adjacent to the arterials and the Walter Stiern Middle School. The sound walls shall be located at the following locations: · Along SR-178, 10 to IHeet high, · Morning Drive, near SR-178, 7.5 feet high, · Morning Drive, 5 to 7 feet high, · College A venue, near Morning Drive, 6 feet high, · College Avenue, near Vineland Road, 5 to 6.5 feet high, and · Highland Knolls Drive, 5 to 5.5 feet high. '<Jt>.Kf-$) ¿. ~ > - "' I;::. r- 2VORIGINAf' Michael Bnmdman Aøoc/aIU C,\DOCUME_I~po1merlLOCALS--I\Tcmp\02160040F"_-SlcyI9(1 .doc City of Bakersfield - SIry 19 project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumu/atlve Adverse 1m 3.9.3 - Potentially Significant Impact Implementation of the proposed Project, in conjunction with future developments associated with cumulative Projects would contribute to the ongoing loss of open space in the region, resulting in a decline of biological resources and species diversity. Finding Changes or alteration shave been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment, Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. DR 5.5-1. Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit, the Project applicant shall pay a development fee in accordance with the MBHCP. DR 5.5-2_ Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit on the approximatelY 600-acre site, the Project proponent shall comply with all appropriate tenns and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding Bakersfield cactus. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for Bakersfield cactus, Specific measures prior to the construction phase of the Project shall be implemented and include the following: . With the pennission of the California Department ofFish and Game (CDFG), Bakersfield cactus may be removed by qualified persons holding the appropriate scientific collecting pennits. The CDFG shall recommend methods approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and CDFG to be used, however the scientific pennittee may use alternative methods. The scientific pennittee will record and report to the CDFG the results of the salvage operation (e.g. species involved, amount and type of plant material taken, where taken, etc.). . As part of the Implementation Agreement, CDFG and USFWS will condition scientific collecting permit holders to notify the CDFG of activity in the MBHCP area, through annual monitoring reports, and will notify the CDFG of penn its issued affecting the MBHCP area. MIchael Brandman Assøclatel C,\DOCUME_I~palmor\LOCALS-l\rompI0216O()4()Fin<liDpSkyl'[I].doc ~~/>.K~~ o ~ >- ~ ,.., f!! ~F!lr1"I^'t:> City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact MItigated Pro ect Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts DR 5.5-3. Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit on the approximately 600-acre site, the Project proponent shall comply with all appropriate tenns and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding San Joaquin kit fox. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for the San Joaquin kit fox. MBHCP guidelines regarding tracking and excavation shall be followed to prevent entrapment of kit fox in dens. Specific measures during the construction phase of the Project shall be implemented and include the following: e A pre-construction survey shall be conducted prior to site grading to search for active kit fox dens. The survey shall be conducted not more than 30 days prior to the onset of construction activities in areas subject to development to detennine the necessity of den excavation. · Monitoring and excavation of each known San Joaquin kit fox den which cannot be avoided by construction activities. · Notification of wildlife agencies of relocation opportunity prior to ground disturbance in areas of known kit fox dens. · Excavations shall either be constructed with escape ramps or covered to prevent kit fox entrapment. All trenches or steep-walled excavations greater than three feet deep shall include escape ramps to allow wildlife to escape. Each excavation shall contain at least one ramp, with long trenches containing at least one ramp every 1/4 mile. Slope oframps shall be no steeper than I: 1. . All pipes, culverts or similar structures with a diameter of four inches or greater shall be kept capped to prevent entry of kit fox. If they are not capped or otherwise covered, they will be inspected prior to burial or closure to ensure no kit foxes, or other protected species, become entrapped. . All employees, contractors, or other persons involved in the construction of the Project shall attend a "tailgate" session infonning them of the biological resource protection measures that will be implemented for the Project. The orientation shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall include infonnation regarding the life history of the protected species, reasons for special-status, a summary of applicable environmental law, and measures intended to reduce impacts. . All food, garbage, and plastic shall be disposed of in closed containers and regularly removed from the site to minimize attracting kit fox or other animals. Mitigations for impacts to special-status species on the site are covered under the tenns and conditions of the MBHCP and associated Implementing Agreement. The compensation and avoidance requirements of the MBHCP are consistent and follow an ecosystem management Michael Brandman Associates C:\DOCUME-J\lpa1mer\LOCALS-l\Tcnnp\02I60040FiDdinp-Sky19[1].doc X 'òAK~?> C> ~ ~ - .... m - ,... to) C) 310Rlr.IMAL City of Sal<erslle/d - SIry 19 Project CeQA Rndlngs and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative AdVerse Impacts approach for endangered species, and provide adequate compensation for covered species and all other potentially oCcwring special-status species. BR 5.5-4. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for the approximately 600-acre site, the Project applicant shall comply with the following raptor nest mitigation: · If site grading is proposed during the avian nesting season (February-September), a focused survey for avian nests shall be conducted by a qualified biologist prior to grading activities in order to identifY active nests in areas potentially impacted by Project implementation. · If construction is proposed to take place during the nesting season (February - September), no construction activity shall take place within 500 feet of an ,active nest until the young have fledged (as determined by a qualified biologist). Habitat containing nests that must be removed as a result of Project implementation shall be removed during the non-breeding season (October-January). · Pre-construction surveys shall include a survey for burrowing owl. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected outside of breeding season (September I through January 31), passive and/or active relocation efforts may be undertaken if approved by CDFG and USFWS. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected during breeding season (February I through August 31), no disturbance to these burrows shall occur in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 3.9.4 - Potentially Significant Impact The proposed Project and future projects associated with General Plan buildout and identified earlier in this section are located in an area known to contain paleontological resources. Therefore, implementation of the Project and other projects could potentially result in significant cumulative impacts to paleontological resources. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts In Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the following mitigation measures as identified in the final ElR and incorporated into the Project. Mlchee/ Srandman Assocl_ C:IDOCUME--IIIpaImc<ILOCALS--l\T_I02160040FUuünp-Sky19[1].dœ ~ ~{>.K~-9 o ~ >- - m '5 r- ORI~Aé' city of Bakersfield - Sky 19 pro ect CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts CR-5.7-1. In the unlikely event that significant and unrecorded cultural resources are uncovered, during earthmoving activities by construction staff, such resources (excluding isolated artifacts) shan be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist to determine whether the resource requires further study. Cultural resources could consist of, but not limited to, stone artifacts, bone, wood, shen, or features, including hearths, structura1 remains, or historic dumpsites. , CR-5.7-2. Ifhuman remains are encountered during earth-moving activities within the Project area, all work in the adjacent area shall stop immediately and the County Coroner's office shall be notified. If the remains are determined to be Native American in origin, both the Native American Heritage Commission and any identified descendants shan be notified by the coroner and recommendations for treatment solicited (CEQA Section 15064.5; Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5; Public Resources Code Section 5097.94 and 5097.98). CR-5.7-3. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that a paleontologist shall be retained, attend a pre-grading meeting, and set forth the procedures to be fonowed during the monitoring program. CR-5.7-4. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shan state that one paleontological monitor that is trained and equipped to anow rapid removal of fossils with minimal construction delay is expected to be sufficient. Fun-time monitoring of the portions of the Project site that have earth-disturbing activities at elevations below 700 feet shall be provided. CR-5.7 -5. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that if fossils are found within an area being cleared or graded, earth-disturbing activities shall be diverted elsewhere until the monitor has completed salvaging of the fossils. If construction personnel make the discovery, the grading contractor shall immediately divert construction and can the monitor to the site. Major salvage time may be shortened with the grading contractor's assistance (e.g., removal of overburden, lifting, and removing large and heavy fossils). CR-5.7-6. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the grading plans shall state that the Project paleontologist shan prepare, identify, and curate an recovered fossils. Upon completion of grading, the Project paleontologist shan prepare a summary report documenting mitigation and results, with itemized inventory of collected specimens. The paleontologist shall submit the report to the City of Bakersfield, designated depository, and any other appropriate agency, and transfer fossil collection to an appropriate depository, The summary report shall be submitted to the City. This submittal will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts on paleontologic resources. Michael Brand,""n AssocIates C,\DOCUME--111pa1m~ALS--1\rompI02160040F_Sky19[11.doc X '<JAK"-9 o <P >- ~ 133 f!! ORIGINMC> City of BahetSfleld - Slcy 19 Projer:l CeQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse 1m 3.9.5 _ Potentially Significant Impact Implementation of the Project and future development in northeast Bakersfield wi\1 contribute to a substantial change in the existing character of the area in the form of converting a substantially rural , area to urban uses. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantia\1y lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of th~ fo\1owing mitigation measure as identified in the final EIR and incorporated into the Project. AES-S.9-1. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the Project applicant shall prepare landscape plans for the Project area to provide visual relief from Project structures. 3.9.6 - potentially Significant Impact Lighting associated with the Project and cumulative development would introduce new sources of light and glare. Finding Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Facts in Support of Finding The project-level significant effect has been eliminated or substantia\1y lessened to a level that is less than significant by virtue of the fo\1owing mitigation measures as identified in the fmal EIR and incorporated into the Project. AES-S.9-2. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant sha\1 outline specifications for outdoor lighting locations and other intensely lighted areas, The specifications shall identify minimum lighting intensity needs and design light fixtures to direct light toward intended uses. Methods to reduce light impacts may include low-intensity light fixtures and hooded shields. «. '<JAK~?> o ~ >- - t:: f!J ;';ORIGINAE' Michael Brandman AssoclaleS c,lIKJCIJME--l\1poJma\LOCALS-1 ITompI02160040Fmdinp.sky19[1 I·doc CIty of Øakerstleld - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Mitigated Project Level and Cumulative Adverse Impacts AE8-S.9-3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project applicant shall submit and obtain City approval of lighting plans. The lighting plans shall verify that outdoor lighting on private residences is designed so that all direct rays are confIned to the site and that adjacent residences are protected from substantial light and glare. MIchael Brandman AssocIates C,\DOCUME-I\lpolmorlLOCALS-1IT...pI02160040Findin....Sky19[1).doc '< IòAK~?> o ~ ... ~5 m o ¿:; ORIGINAL City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Significant and Unavoldabla Adverse Impacts SECTION 4: SIGNIFICANT AND UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE IMPACTS 4.1 _ SIGNIFICANT AND UNAVOIDABLE IMPACT Raceway noise levels within the Project site will exceed the City of Bakersfield's Noise Element . compatibility criteria for residential land uses. A more recent supplemental noise study completed by Wieland Associates, Inc. in 2003, also indicates that racing noise levels will exceed City criteria for residential land uses on the site, Thus, noise generated from racing activities at the Mesa Marin Raceway is considered to be a significant impact. 4.1.1 - Finding Specific economic, legal, socia¡, technological, or other considerations, including considerations, for the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the -mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. 4.1.2 - Facts in Support of Finding No feasible measures are available for the project applicant to reduce noise levels from the Mesa Marin Raceway to less than L,. - 55 dBA. Effective mitigation of Mesa Marin racing noise must be applied at the source, that is, at the raceway itself. There is little that can be accomplished on the project site that will reduce racing noise levels. A sound wall constructed along the perimeter of the site may reduce noise at residences immediately adjacent to the wall, but not the remainder of the homes. Sound insulation of homes will improve interior noise levels, but noise levels outside homes will still exceed local standards. The No Project/No Development Alternative would avoid the potential significant and unavoidable noise impacts from the Mesa Marin Raceway, but would not meet any of the project objectives. The No Project/Development in Accordance with the General Plan Alternative would place a greater number of residential structures within areas of excessive noise (i.e., the northeastern portion of the Project site); thus this Alternative would have greater noise impacts. The Noise Element Alternative would avoid the potential noise impacts associated with the Mesa Marin Raceway by siting residential lots outside the L50 dBA noise contour. Under this alternative, all environmental impacts could be reduced to less than significant. It is anticipated that the Mesa Marin Raceway will not have racing activities following the conclusion of the current season in October 2005 since the raceway is currently in escrow with a developer. If the raceway activities Michael SrBndman Associates C:lDOCUME-l\1po1mer\LOCALS--l\Tomp\02160040Findinp-Sky19[tJ.doc: ~ 'òAl(£,,-? () is' :>- "'" r- m - ,... 36 r..J ORIGINAt' City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 ProJecI CEQA Findings and Findings of Feci Significant and Unavoidable Adverse Impacts cease prior to Project development, the Project would not experience significant and unavoidable adverse noise impacts. Furthennore, under this scenario, both the Project and this Alternative would result in less than significant environmental impacts after implementing the recommended mitigation 22,500 residential units. Approximately 40 percent of the anticipated residential units are currently proposed for the northeast area, The Project would contribute 1,408 residential units toward meeting the anticipated growth. This contribution of residential units is considered less than the residential units anticipated for the Project site which has a General Plan designation of Low Density Residential. The average residential units anticipated under this designation are 4 units per acre which translates to 2,400 residential units for the Project site. The Noise Element Alternative would contribute less units (i.e., 1,086 units) and thus development in the area would fall even shorter of . meeting the goal of accommodatiIlg growth in the northeast area, Moreover, if as a result, growth pressures are transfe1Ted to other areas, these potential development areas may not meet the oþjectives of locating growth near major transportation arterials and adjacent to existing or developing neighborhoods or may have more significant environmental impacts than the proposed Project, contravening the General Plan goals and policies to promote growth which has the least possible impacts on environmental resources. The Reduced Density Alternative would place fewer residential structures within areas of excessive noise (i.e., the northeastern portion of the Project site); thus this Alternative would have fewer noise impacts. The proposed Project and this Alternative would result in various environmental impacts; however, the potential impacts associated with noise levels ftom the Mesa Marin Raceway activities would be the only environmental impact that could not be reduced to less than significant. As identified previously, it is anticipated that the Mesa Marin Raceway will not have racing activities following the conclusion of the cummt season in October 2005 since the raceway is currently in escrow with a developer. If the raceway activities cease prior to Project or Alternative development, the Project or Alternative would not experience significant and unavoidable adverse noise impacts. Furthennore, under this scenario, both the Project and this Alternative would result in less than significant environmental impacts after implementing the recommended mitigation measures; however, this Alternative would result in less overall environmental impacts compared to the proposed Project. As stated previously, growth for northeast Bakersfield is projected to be approximately 22,500 residential units, Approximately 40 percent of the anticipated residential units are currently proposed for the northeast area. The Project would contribute 1,408 residential units toward meeting the anticipated growth. This contribution of residential units is considered less than the residential units anticipated for the Project site which has a General Plan designation of Low Density Residential. The average residential units anticipated under this designation is 4 units per acre which translates to 2,400 residential units for the Project site. The Reduced Density Alternative would contribute less units (i.e., 1,000 units) and thus development in the area would fall even shorte"õM~ ð '911' :>- ~ ~ m Michael Brandmen AssocletflS 037 ¡; C:\DOCUME_11IpaImaILOCAL8--1ITempI02160040Findmgs_SkyI911j.doc ORIGINAl City of Bal<etSfleld . Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Significant and Unavoidabla Adverse Impacts of meeting the goal of accommodating growth in the northeast area. Moreover, if as a result, growth pressures are transferred to other areas, these potential development areas may not meet the objectives' of locating growth near major transportation arterials and adjacent to existing or developing neighborhoods or may have more significant environmental impacts than the proposed Project, contravening the General Plan goals and policies to promote growth which has the least possible impacts on environmental resources. The potential significant and unavoidable adverse noise impacts on the proposed Project are considered to be acceptable in light of the Statement of Overriding Considerations provided herein as Attachment A. Michael Brandman Associates C,lDOCUME--l~pa1merILOCALS_l\Temp\02160040F_SkyI9[1 J.doc X 'òÞ-.K£,~ o <P :>- "1\ ~ m c.:> r- 38 ORIGINAf' CIty of Bakerslield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and FindIngs of Feet feasibility of Project Altamatives SECTION 5: FEASIBILITY OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CEQA requires that an EIR include an analysis of a reasonable range of feasible alternatives to a proposed project capable of avoiding or substantially lessening any significant adverse environmental impact associated wiili the project. The discussion of alternatives is required to include the "No Project" alternative. CEQA requires further that the City identify an environmentally superior alternative. If the ''No Project" alternative is the environmentally superior alternative, an environmentally superior alternative must be identified from among the other alternatives. (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15126.6.) As set forth in these Findings, the Project, with the Mitigation Measures incorporated, will have' remaining significant adverse environmental impacts. The City has, in addition to incorporating the recommended measures to mitigate the identified impacts, reviewed a range of potential alternatives to the proposed project. The Sky 19 Development EIR discussed the No ProjectINo Development Alternative, the No ProjectlDevelopment in Accordance with the General Plan Alternative, the Development in Accordance with the General Plan Noise Element Alternative, and Reduced Density Alternative. An Environmentally Superior Alternative has been selected from among the three alternatives evaluated in this Draft EJR. An alternative that is environmentally superior will result in the fewest or least significant environmental impacts and will achieve the project objectives of the planning effort. The Noise Element Alternative and the Reduced Density Alternative would result in less environmental impacts compared to the Project. The Noise Element Alternative would be considered environmentally superior if activities continued at the Mesa Marin Raceway. However, if the raceway activities ceased prior to development in the northeastern portion of the site, the Reduced Density Alternative would be considered the environmentally superior alternative. As stated previously, both the Noise Element Alternative and Reduced Density Alternative would contribute less units than the Project and thus development in the area would fall even shorter of meeting the goal of accommodating growth in the northeast area. Moreover, if as a result, growth pressures are transferred to other areas, these potential development areas may not meet the objectives of locating growth near major transportation arterials and adjacent to existing or developing neighborhoods or may have more significant environmental impacts than the proposed Project, contravening the General Plan goals and policies to promote growth which has the least possible impacts on environmental resources. Based on meeting the goal of accommodating growth in the northeast area, the City Council rejects the Noise Element Alternative and Reduced Density Alternative. Furthermore, the City Council rejects the No ProjectINo Development Alternative because it would not meet the objectives of the project and rejects the No ProjectlDevelopment in Accordance with the Michael Btandman AssoclaleS C:\DOCUME-l IIpalmer\LOCALS_lITcmpI02160040Findinøs-SkyI9[1 J.doc ~ '<JF>.K~-9 o '!:. >-; - 0::.. 39 :!! ,-' Ö OI=1~NAI CIty of Bakersfield - Sky 19 project CEQA FIndings and Findings of Fact Feaslbl/l of Project AItemat/YeS General Plan Alternative because this Alternative would not avoid the adverse environmental impacts, and, in fact, greater adverse environmental impacts would occur. 5.1 _ NO PROJECT/NO DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE This alternative would leave the entire project site unchanged and no new development would occur onsite. In general, the Sky 19 Project area would continue to exist ~ open space. The No Project Alternative would result in fewer transportation and traffic, air quality, noise, geology and soils, biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, and cultural resources impacts in relation to the proposed project. However, this alternative would not meet the project's objectives. It also does not serve to further the planning vision of the City, which as set forth in the City's General Plan, indicates the City's desire to promote residential development and'expansion in northeast Bakersfield. This alternative will also not provide the economic benefits to the City. Although this alternative is environmentally superior to the project, the City finds it to be less desirable than the proposed project, and rejects it because it fails to meet the project's objectives. 5.2 _ NO PROJECT/DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN ALTERNATIVE The project site currently has a General Plan designation of Low Density Residential (600 acres) which allows a density of up to 7.26 units per net acre. Historically, the City of Bakersfield has experienced that residential development that has a General Plan designation of Low Density Residential develops at approximately 4 units per gross acre. Thus under this Alternative, the Project site could be developed with approximately 2,400 residential lots. Comparatively, the proposed Project would result in the construction of 1,408 residential lots The General Plan Alternative would result in greater transportation and traffic, air quality, noise, geology and soils, biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, water supply, aesthetics/visual resources impacts compared to the proposed Project. This Alternative would result in similar potential impacts to cultural resources. Overall. this Alternative would result in greater environmental impacts compared to the proposed Project. The General Plan Alternative could achieve the objectives of the Project. 5.3 _ DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN NOISE ELEMENT ALTERNATIVE As discussed in Section 5.3 of this Draft EIR, portions of the Project site will be exposed to noise impacts as a result of racing activities at the Mesa Marin Raceway. Although it is anticipated that the ~ 'òM~~ () ~ ;.. - MIchael Brandman Assocla"" '7JO f!! C:\DOCUME-I\IpIIm«\LOCALSI\TompI02160040FiDdinP-Sky19[IJ.doo ORIGINA r:> City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Rndlngs of Fact Feeslblllfy of Project Alternatives Mesa Marin Raceway will not have racing activities following the conclusion of the cUITent season in October 2005 due to the raceway being in escrow with a developer, this Alternative· is included in this Alternative's analysis in the event that the escrow does not close and this potential impact is the only significant unavoidable adverse impact associated with the proposed Project. The Development in Accordance with the General Plan Noise Element Alternative (Noise Element Alternative) examines . the development of the Project site in a manner that would avoid the placement of residential units within areas of the Project site that will be exposed to noise in excess. of the City's established thresholds. As such, the portions of the Project site that lie within the Lso - 55 dBA or greater noise contours (see Exhibit 5.3-2) would remain undeveloped and, in accordance with the site plan, the remaining 458 acres containing 1,086 residential lots outside of the Lso - 55 dBA or greater noise contours would be developed on the Project site. The Noise Element Alternative would result in less transportation and traffic, air quality, noise, geology and soils, biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, cultural resources, water supply, and aesthetics/visual resources impacts compared to the proposed Project. The proposed Project would result in various environmental impacts; however, the potential impacts associated with noise levels from the Mesa Marin Raceway activities would be the only environmental impact that could not be reduced to less than significant. Under the Noise Element Alternative, all environmental impacts could be reduced to less than significant. As identified previously, it is anticipated that the Mesa Marin Raceway will not have racing activities following the conclusion of the current season in October 2005 since the raceway is cUITently in escrow with a developer. If the raceway activities cease prior to Project development, the Project would not experience significant and unavoidable adverse noise impacts. Furthennore, under this scenario, both the Project and this Alternative would result in less than significant environmental impacts after implementing the recommended mitigation measures. As stated previously, growth for northeast Bakersfield is projected to be approximately 22,500 residential units. Approximately 40 percent of the anticipated residential units are currently proposed for the northeast area. The Project would contribute 1,408 residential units toward meeting the anticipated growth. This contribution of residential units is considered less than the residential units anticipated for the Project site which has a General Plan designation of Low Density Rc:sidential. The average residential units anticipated under this designation are 4 units per acre which translates to 2,400 residential units for the Project site. The Noise Element Alternative would contribute less units (i.e., 1,086 units) and thus development in the area would fall even shorter of meeting the goal of accommodating growth in the northeast area. Moreover, if as a result, growth pressures are transferred to other areas, these potential development areas may not meet the objectives of locating growth near major transportation arterials and adjacent to existing or developing neighborhoods or may have more significant environmental impacts than the proposed Project, contravening the General Plan goals and policies to promote growth which has the least possible impacts on environmental resources. Michael Srandman Aasoclatea C:IDOCUME-IlJpalmalLOCAL8--IITomp\02160040Fmdm....SkyI9[1 .do<: x '<Jfl.Kc:-? o ~ >- - IT' "5., [; ORIGINdl City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Feasibility of Project AJtemetlvea 5.4 - REDUCED DENSITY ALTERNATIVE This Alternative would include a lesser density of residential development compared to the Project. This Alternative includes the construction of 1,000 dwelling units on the site. This would result in a density of 1.67 units per gross acre compared to the proposed Project's density of2.36 units per gross density. This Alternative assumes that the 1,000 units would be constructed throughout the site and the circulation system would be similar to the system under the proposed Project. The Reduced Density Alternative would result in less transportation and traffic, air quality, noise, geology and soils, biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, cultural resources, water supply, and aesthetics/visual resources impacts compared to the proposed Project. The proposed Project and this Alternative would result in various environmental impacts; however, the potential impacts associated with noise levels &om the Mesa Marin Raceway activities would be the only environmental impact that could not be reduced to less than significant. As identified previously, it is anticipated that the Mesa Marin Raceway will not have racing activities following the conclusion of the current season in October 2005 since the raceway is currently in escrow with a developer. If the raceway activities cease prior to Project or Alternative development, the Project or Alternative would not experience significant and unavoidable adverse noise impacts. Furthermore, under this scenario, both the Project and this Alternative would result in less than significant environmental impacts after implementing the recommended mitigation measures; however, this Alternative would result in less overall environmental impacts compared to the proposed Project. As stated previously, growth for northeast Bakersfield is projected to be approximately 22,500 residential units. Approximately 40 percent of the anticipated residential units are currently proposed for the northeast area. The Project would contribute 1,408 residential units toward meeting the anticipated growth. This contribution of residential units is considered less than the residential units anticipated for the Project site which has a General Plan designation of Low Density Residential. The average residential units anticipated under this designation is 4 units per acre which translates to 2,400 residential units for the Project site. The Reduced Density Alternative would contribute less units (i.e., 1,000 units) and thus development in the area would fall even shorter of meeting the goal of accommodating growth in the northeast area. Moreover, if as a result, growth pressures are transferred to other areas, these potential development areas may not meet the objectives of locating growth near major transportation arterials and adjacent to existing or developing neighborhoods or may have more significant environmental impacts than the proposed Project, contravening the General Plan goals and policies to promote growth which has the least possible impacts on environmental resources. Mlcheel Brendmen AuocIetes c:lDOC\JMEo-lllpalmer\LOCALS--llrompI02160040FindiDp-Sky19[lj.doc '<JM£'-$> ð- ô' '"" >- - ~ J:!2 ,"} t:> Ql/IGINAL city of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Project CEQA Flnd/n end FindIngs of Feet Feasibility of Project Alternatives 5.5 _ ENVIRONMENT ALLY SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE The environmental1y superior alternative is selected frQm among the preceding alternatives wd the Sky 19 prQject. An alternative that is environmentally superior would result in the fewest or least significant impacts and will feasibly attain most of the objectives Qfthe plannmg effort. As is usually the case, the No PrQjectINo Development Alternative would result in fewer significant impacts than the Sky 19 subdivision project. CEQA, however, states that if the environmentally superior alternative is the ''NQ Project" alternative, the EIR shal1 alsQ identify an environmental1y superior alternative from other alternatives. Comparing the remaining three alternatives, the General Plan Alternative would result in greater environmental impacts compared to the PrQject. The Noise Element Alternative and the Reduced Density Alternative would result in less environmental impacts compared to the Project. The N9ise Element Alternative would be considered environmentally superiQr if activities cQntinued at the Mesa Marin Raceway; however, if the raceway activities ceased prior to development in the northeastern portion of the site, this Alternative WQuld nQt be substantial1y superior to the Project in tenns of noise impacts, the Qnly significant unavoidable impact frOm the PrQject. As stated previously, bQth the NQise Element Alternative and Reduced Density Alternative would contribute less units than the Project and hence less environmental impacts, but as noted except fQr noise from the Mesa Marin Raceway, the Project has no significant environmental impacts that have not been mitigated. In addition, fewer units would mean that development in the area would fal1 even shQrter of meeting the goal of accommodating growth in the nQrtheast area. Moreover, if as a result, growth pressures are transferred to Qther areas, as would likely be the case, these potential develQpment areas may nQt meet the objectives Qf locating growth near major transPQrtatiQn arterials and adjacent to existing or developing neighborhoods or may have more significant environmental impacts than the proposed PrQject, contravening the General Plan gQals and policies tQ promote growth which has the least possible impacts on environmental resources, Michael Srandmen .-.oci_ C,IDOCUMIHIlpoIma'>LOCALS--1ITomP\o2160040Fu"lmp-Slcy19l1).doc «. '<Jt>.K/:?> o <!:, ~ 1} nRIGINAL EXHIBIT D STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS ~ 'òM$',\ >- ¡:;; I;::, r-- " t> opt,....,llI..l. City of Bakersfield - Sky 19 Projer:I CEQA Findings and Findings of Fact Attachment A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the lead agency to balance the benefits qf a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks in detennining whether to approve the project. The City of Bakersfield proposes to approve the Sky 19 project although unavoidable adverse noise impacts have been identified in the EIR. Specifically, the significant and unavoidable noise impacts are associated with raceway activities at the adjacent Mesa Marin Raceway. Even though these adverse impacts are not reduced to a level considered less than significant, the Bakersfield City Council [mds that those impacts are outweighed by the benefits of the Sky 19 project. Further, the alternatives which were identified in the EIR would not meet either in part or in whole the project objectives, as summarized below, to the same extent as the proposed project: 1. Provide residential uses to meet the housing demand specified in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use Element. 2. provide a residential development of sufficient scale to pennit master-planning of infrastructure, parks, open space, and public services to achieve the greatest possible efficiencies and synergies. 3. Provide development similar to and consistent with existing or approved development on nearby parcels to maintain and enhance property values and enhance compatibility of neighborhood character. 4. provide a range of housing types on the project site. s. Master plan development so that land uses are phased in a programmed manner coordinated with the provision of infrastructure and public improvements necessary to accommodate such growth. I 6. Locate development to meet anticipated growth in areas of relatively lesser environmental sensitivity, accommodating growth while balancing environmental considerations. 7. provide an efficient street system that minimizes impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods and environmentally sensitive areas. 8, provide neighborhood parks which satisfy park dedication requirements and meet recreational needs oflocal residents including both active and passive parkland. 9. Locate housing adjacent to major highway arterials to better promote efficient traffic flows and minimize traffic demands on local and collective streets. 10, Supply housing to meet growth projections in the northeast Bakersfield area. « '<Jt>.K£'1> o ~ >- - .... m _ r-- u'" t:J JOOIGINAL Mlchaal Brandman AssocIaIaS C,IDOC1JME_l\lpalmcl\LOCALS--1ITomP\o2160040F_Sky19[1].doo City of Bakersfield· Sky 19 Project CeQA Findings and Findings of Fact Attachment A 11. Cluster as much housing as possible near major traffic arterials to minimize congestion, air quality, noise, and safety impact on collector and neighborhood streets. 12. Promote growth in areas with existing or developing residential neighborhoods and adequate commercial services. Therefore, the Bakersfield City Council, having reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR and the public record, adopts the Statement of Overriding Considerations which has been balanced against the unavoidable adverse impacts in reaching a decision on this project. Michael Srandman Assoc/a'" C,lDOCUME--l~""'OIILOCALS-l\T...p\02160040F_Skyl'[lJ.doc ,<'<JAK~~ o <!:, >- - I:: A..2 ~ '.J C::> ORIGINAl. EXHIBIT E MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING CHECKLIST x'<JM~-'9 o % >- - >- m _ r- o t> ORIGINAl E i '" ~ I b Ii '" 'Ê .s ~ 6 ., ! ii ::Ii! ~ Me¡ coO 00:: '";'0.. 1Oe¡ iz I-¡:: UIII:IO WOO (30..0 III:WN o..lII:Ñ ,CN I-ZO:: Z<CW We¡m ::Ii!z::Ii! o..-W 00::> ..JOO W!::Z >Z WO C::Ii! 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