HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 10 ,%:.-.,~.0 the fimediate ~reservst.~nn tl~ public th, ~ ~ f heal peace, safety and property require the enactment of mu emergency Crdinmqce ~rovidin~r for the erec%~e~ of ~ tem~orsrv baildines for the stor~je, hmadlin5 stud distribation of foodstuff, ~td other nec- essities; NOW 'I'i'iF:IEF01~E, BE IT ORDA!NED BY :?HE COUNCIL 0F THE CIIY 0F BAKEHSFI~LD, as follows; SECT!Ci.I i. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 179 as ~mended by Section ! of" Ordinance No. 3~5, cn~.itled: "AN ORDINANCE ~]~i~II'.IG SECTION 2 0F 0P~Ii. MNC~E l[0.17~, EiYTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE I~GULATING TE CON- STRUOTION, EPAIR, ~.LTE~.TION, Ei0VAL, D~0LITION, CONDE~,R¢ATION A~ USE 0F BUIL'DII'IGB IN THE CI?f 0F B~ff{ERSFiELD" be and the s~e is . hereby ~ended to reM as follows: ~ SECTION 2. It sM1]. be unlawful for ~y person, fire or cor- poration, either as ouer, architect buil.~ principal, ~ent or structure exceedir~ Ten Dollars ($10.00) in cost (restoration of plasteri~ or painting or reshi;~li~ of roofs excepted) in the City of Bakersfield, ranless a written pe~.i~. +.~ do such work has been first obtained from the Department of Buildi~s, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, except as heroinafter provided.by 8oction 24. Provided, however the~ no fee shall be cha~ed for said permit ~less the estimted cost of said work shall exceed the sm-n of Sixty ~llars ($60.00) as provided in Section 29 of 'this urdinance; and provided further, that ~y buiidi~ or other structure· erected by the County ef Kern, or the State of California, or the United States of America, shall be exempt from the payment of any. fee for said pe~vnits. Any person desiring such permit shall file with the ~epartment of Buildin~Es on -~ blank furnished· by said Department of Buildings, an application therefor, settin~ forth the exact t!ocation by deed, description of the propoKed work, and the purpose for which the .build. ing is to be used. In all cases-where the estimated cost of the proposed. work ex- ceeds Three H~ndred Dollars ($300.00) a full and. complete set of plan~ and specifications shall also be filed with the application, and in the event of a penn.~t being issued. therefor, the said building or o±.k~er structure she. ll not be constr'~ctod in other manner than as set forth in said plans and specifications, unless a new permit is obtained therefor. SECTION 2. Tl~t 3ection ~ ef said Ordinance No. 179, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 24. All buildings or other structures hereafter. to be erected within the established fire limits of the City of Bakers- field, sh~ll be of ~asonry constructed as defined. in ~ection 13, and must comply v.~ith the provisions of Section 18 hereof, except as herei~.~ otherwise provided, and. except that out buildings or sheds having less than three hundred (300) square feet e0'f area and not over ten (10) feet high, with at l'east one side open, ~y be built with eight inches masonany walls. No such shed shall be less than five (5) feet from the nearest building. Provided, further that temporary'enclosed$~d~e~ sheds, not to exceed twenty-fi-m~ (20) feet in height, may be erected within the ~ire Limits to facilitate the erection of buildings, but when said buildin~Es are completed. the sheds shall be removed; And, provided· further, '~othat in times of stress and emer~enc~, for the storage, handli.~g and distribution of food stuffs and other necessities·, the City Council may, at its discretion, issue permits for the erection emporary buildings within the Fire Limits, to be constructed of material other, than masonry, to be used for the storage, handling and distribution of foodstuff s~xd other necessities~ the construction of said temporary buildings to be subject to the inspection and approval of the Build- ing Inspector in both material and workmanship. The permits so issued for said temporary buildings shall be for a period not to exceed / _~y____ month~ said build ing to be torn down and removed at the expiration of said term. The outside stairways of all buildings within the Fire Limits of the City of Bakersfield shall be constructed of iron or other,· non-inflamsble materials. .. " I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was passed. and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a meeting of said Council held on the ~~ day of August, 1919, by the followi~E vote: ay~,~;-Ba ~hmau, Gilchrist, Hinman, Hougham, Reniro, Willow, Wilson. Nay~~, -,.....~ ............... · Absent - .o.,,.~ ...... ' -~ City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bskersfield. APPROVED this %~( day of August, 1919.