HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 8ORDIN-ii~CE NO. NEW ~j:,~ O]DIiCAi.'..CE L.EV'YIiUG UPON TH7!~. ASSESSED V..iT,ULTIO.E OF ;~].~ TAZiBi'..E PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF .B~M(ERSFIEZD, A R:~TE OF TAL&TION UPOi.; ONE IfUNDRED DOLLARS OF ViLUATIO!~ POR THE FiSC.iL Y~a~ BEGINi..iIffG ~U~Y ].st 1919. ~D ENDIiiG JUNE 30th, 1920. .. BE IT 0RDAINED BY TH.~'J CObi~CIL OF Tt~.~. CITY OF as follows: S].~CTIO~{ 1. That there is hereby levied a tax of One (~:~1.00) Dollar on each One Hundred (~100.O0) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Bakersfield, County of Ke~n, State of Ca].ifornia, for municipal expenses to carry on the several depart- ments of ~he M~nicipal Government of said City (excepting as herein- after mentioned ) during the fiscal year beginning with the first day of July, 1919, and ending with the thirtieth day of June, 1920. SECTION ~. That there is hereby levied a tax of nine cents ~.09) on each One Hundred Do. llars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of C-alifornia, z'or interest and sinking fund on ~he 1912 Sewer Bonds. SECTION 31 That the~:e is hereby levied a tax of seven cents (~it.0V) on each One Hundred Dollars (~lO0.O0) of the assessed 'valuation of all taxable property within the City of Ba'kersfield, County of 'Kern,- State of California, m'or interest and sinking fund on the 1912 City Hall Bonds. SECTION 4. That there is levied a tax of three cents (~,. · ~ 03 ) on each One-Hundred· Dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Baksrs.~ield, County of t[ern, Sta~e of C'a]ifornia, '~or intere-st- and ·sinking fund on t~e 191~ Fire Department Bonds. -1- SECTION 5. That there is hereby levies a tax of one cent (0.01) on. each One Hun&red Doilars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Baker~ield, County · of Kern.. State of 0alifornia, for interest ana sinking A~Und on the 191B Li~ary BOnds. SECTION 5. That there is hereby levies a tax of thirteen cents ($.1~) on each One Hundred Dollars {$100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Bakersfiela, County of Kern. State of California. xor ?tee Library and Readir~ Rooms. SECTION V. That there is hereby levies a tax of seven cents {$.0V) on %ach One Hunared Dollars ($100.00) of the assesseS valuation o~ all taxable property within the City of BsXersxiela. 0ounty of Kern, State of California, xor maintenance an& improvements of Parks and Playgrounas. SEOTION 8. That there is hereby levies a tax of four cents ($.o4) on each One Hun&red Dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within b~at pcr~ o4.e~e City of B~kers~iela ~'~ ~e~~as known and designates as the Town of Eern, prior to consolidation of said City a~id the Town of Kern, for interest aria sinking funa on Sewer Bond Number One. SEOTION 9.' Tha~ there is hereby levies a tax of one cent ($.01~ on each One Hundrea Dollars ($100.001 of the assesseS valuation of consolidation of said City aua the Town 0f Kern. for interest an& sinking fuaa on ~ne old BakersXiela Bonds. dEOTION 10'. That the City Clerk certify the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same t6 be publishes in ~HB BAXE~.~ ~EL~)' CAI, IFGP/~IAN, a daily newspaper published and circulates in ~he City of Balmrzxiel~.. sa~d that said Ordinance shall be in full force ana effect ~rom an,~- after its passage. and puolication. -2- I hereby certify that the ±oregoing Orainanee v~as by ~he Cou~cii of the Cl~y ing on the //~f~ ~ay of vb~e: o~ Bakerg~iel& at its regalar meet- , 1919, by the ~ollowing City Clerk an~ ex-o~ ;io Clerk o~ the Council oY the City o~ Bakersziel~. 32PROI~D this //~( day oI ~ . · r of ~he City o~ B'a~ersfl~l~. 1919.