HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 5ORDINANCE NO. 40 ~.NTITLED "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF ~,RTAIN OFFICERS ~iD .'eLLYES THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDIN~J~CE NO. 379 AND ALL ORDINANCES ~2~NDATO~ TEP~TO" BE IT ORDAINF..D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'i~/OF B~XERSFIELD', as follows :: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3 New Series entitled, "AIq OFdDINANCE ~XENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 403, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF CEHTAIN OFFICERS ~.ND E,iPLOYES OF THE CI~F OF B~XERSFIELD ~J~D EPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 379 AND "be ~d. the s~e is hereby ~ended to O~I~CES ~j,~ENDATO~ T~ET0. read. as follows: SECTION 1. T~t from ~d. after the fi.~t".lday-of.:Sept.~bsr,. !9.t'-9~ "" .]-j eaeh officer or employee of the City of Bakersfield shall receive as a. monthly salad, in full compensation for perfomi~ the duties of the office, offices or emplopent to ,hich he or she is appointed or employed, the smm,&nt set opposite the respective office, offices. or emplopent hereinafter designated: . 1 CI'~' I,~tNAGER ' ; $ 250 O0 2. CITY 1,1LANAGER'S SECRETARY ............................ B. CHIEF OF THE FIIqE DEPAR~I~,L~qT ........................ 4 CAPT&IN OF THE FIRE DEPAR~,~ENT 5. LIEUTENANT OF TE FIRE DEPAh]'I~,~NT ................... 6. ENGI'~IEER OF THE FIPIE DEPARtdENT ...... , ............... 7. HOSE[,f~J~ OF THE FIE DEPAR'~[MqT: {For the first six months in the service . ...... ~br the second. six months in the service ....... c Thereafter ....................... ..... ......... · 8. LADDElPhi OF THE FIE DEPAR'FNIENT: ..~ For the first six months in the service. ....... For the second six months in the service. ...... ;. Thereafter......'.-. ;..' .......· .'.'... ........ · · ..... 9. CHI.EF OF POLICE ...................................... 10. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE .............. , ........... 1 5'.oo. 1 137.~o 14S .oo 132.00 121 .~0 126'~0 ' 1.3.2.. o 20.' o0 165.oo 1~. MOTORCYCLE POLIC~ SUPERINTD.iDENT OF BUREAU OF IDENTIFICATION ........ PATROL SERGEANT ............................. :. .... DESK SERGE~3,~T .................................... PATROL DRIVER .................................... DETECTIVE !92o,~0 1 9.5o 13 2,0o 159, o 132.o0 PATROLN~,I: For the first six months in the service. ..... For the second six months in the service.... Thereafter .................................. 18. ATTOM~EY .......................................... 9 20. 21. .Og 1321~0 200.00 150.00 200.00 '200.00 POLliCE JUDGE ................................. : .... CI'I~..~ ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ........ TREASURER & TAX COLLECTOR .............. 22. BUILDING tND PL},~3ING INSPECTOR ............. . .....· 200.00 23. HEALTH OFFICER (Includi~ kiilk Inspection) ........ · 200.00 24 AUDITOR 125 00 25. CLE]t .., ................... ~ ...................... 775F'00 ~E~ 100' 00 26. DEP~ff CLEE AND ................... · 200.00 27. ASSESSOR ................................ . ......... 28 CHIEF DEP~'ff ASSESSOR 150 O0 29.CHARITY CORE~iISSIONER ............ . ............... ...... JANITOR · 110.00 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed· and. adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of July, 1919, by the follOwi~tg ~.ote: Ayes-Baughman, Gilch,,ist, Hinman, I-IouE.ham, Renfro, Willow, Wilson. Abse:~t- ~ bity Cle~~k of th~ Co~mcil of the City of Bakersfield., APPROVED this day of July, · or. o f..the ci ty o f Bakers .'..-... : :... . . ..-; · ".'. "~Z:." '. "." -...-..:...~..~.,; ':~ .~ . :..' , .. . ... · . ::~.:~.-:~...:..:-.,:~:~.~ 1919.