HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3'ORDINANCE N0. ~ NEW SERIES. OFFICERS AND ENPLOY~,S OF TFjE CITY OF BiKERSFIELD AND RE'~' PF~LING 0RDINANCE N0. 379 AND ALL 0RDIN~3CES ANENDAT~)RY THKRET0. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,. as follows: " T:~T Section 1 of Ordinance no, .403 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COIWPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND k~PL0~ES OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIF. LD AND REPEALING 0RDIN~3CE N0. 379 AND ALL ORDINANCES ~I~ENDATORY THERETO,"' 'be and the same is hereby amended to read.. as follows; SECTION 1 .That from and after the thirteenth day of August, 1919, each officer ar employee of the City of Bakersfield shall receive as a monthly salary, in full compensation for performing the duties of the office, offices or employment to which he or she is appointed or employed, the amount set opposite the respective office, offices or employment hereinafter. desi.grnated: 1. CITY ]~NAGER ....................................... $ 250j,~0(! 2. CITY :~iANAGER' S SECRETARY ............................ 3. CHIEF OF THE, FIE DEPARTMENT ........................ 4. CiPTAIN OF THE FIRE DEPAR,TNENT ... ................ . .. 5. LIEUT.EN~IT OF THE FIRE DEPART~iENT . .......... .... .... 6. ENGINEER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ..................... 7. HOS~3 0F TE FIE DEPAR~IBT:' {}For the first six months in the sereice ....... ~r the second. six months in the service ...... c Thereafter . ....................... ..... ....... 8. D. DDE~.~N 0F TE FIE DEPOnenT: a~ For the first six months in the service ,....., b For the second six months in the service ,..... (c) Thereafter.· .~. ~'.. ~-.-~.~-.. ,.... -.... .... · .... · -. 9. CHIEF 0F POLICE .......... ....,..........,.......,.,. 10, ASSIS~NT CHIEF OF POLICE .......................... 11. S~ERINT~IDENT 0F BEAU OF IDENTIFICATION .... .... . 12. PATROL SERGEA~ .....,............... .... .......,,.. 13. SERGEanT -.. 12 .oo 225.00 14 .oo 125.oo 13o.oo 110.00: 110.00 11~.00 .120.00 220.00 14. PATROL DRIVER . ...................... ...... ......... 15- DET, ECTIVE ............... ,...... ..... · .....· ....,. · 16 MOTORCYCLE POL1CFNAN ' ' 17. PATROLM~Jl: tlFor the firs~ six months in the service ..... .For the second· six months in the service..... ~; Therafter ,...... ...... .... · · · · ~ · ...... · · .... 18. Attorney ....................... ,.................. 19. POLICE JUDGE ............. ...... ..-..............., 20. CI~ff ENGINER D~D S~ERI~EDENT 0F STEETS ....... 21. TEAS~ER & T~ COLLECTOR ......... ................ (He or she to fumish all deputies.) 22. BUILDING ~D PLYING INSPECTOR ................... 2~. E~ZSTH OFFICE (Includi~ Nilk Inspection ) ....... 24. AUDITOR ................................. .......... 26 DEP'~ CL~ ~d ~RU~:~AUDlm~ 27. ASSESSOR ........................................... 28. CHIEF DEPU~ ASSESSOR ........ ,...... .... · .......... 30. JANITOR ............ ........... · ................... ; ...... . . ~. , . '- Tf.( . . - ... , .. .-. '. I and adopted day o f July, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on 1919, by the following vote: A_ves-Bau~hman, Gilchrist, H~nman, iiouSham, Penfro, Willow, Wilson, Nays -__~ ....................... Absen~ - .~ ...... $159.5o lZ2.oo 132.00 200.00 1'50.00 ·200.00 200.00 200.D0 200.00 125.00 75.00 100.00 200.00 150.00 110.00 passed the / City Cler~ and ex;.0fficio Clerk o'f 'the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this/~q{day of July, 1919 ~~T~of the City of Bakersfield.