HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 20 ORDINANCE NO..~dP NEW SERIES. ~1~ ORDINANCE DECLARING AND .PROVIDING 'FOR THE ~UNIS~ENT OF ' AND REPEALING BAKERSFIELD. BE IT 0RDAINED BY TAT.: COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ as follows: SECTION 1. ~my person violatir~ or wilfully non-complying with any of the provisions of any ordinance of the City of Bakersfield. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, when no other penalty is ~pecific- ally provided, be punishable by a fine not to exceed. three handred · dollars ($30C.00), or by imprisonment in the City or CoLtory Jail for a perior not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2. It shall be competent for the Police Judge or Court convict- ir~ any perscn charged with the violation of or non-compliance with any provision of any ordin,lnce of said City of Bakersfield, to enter an alternative judgment imposing a fine, and on failure to pay the same, imprisonir~Lg such person one day for each ~.ollars of such fine. SECTION 3. Until 'the City of Bakers field has a City' Prison, all persons sentenced to imprisonment for the violation of any ordinance thereof must be imprisoned in the County Jail of the County of Kern, and the expenses of .,~uch imprisonment shall be a charge in favor of said County and a~Zainst said Cit)r of Bakersfield. SECTION z~. ~my person who willimF_,ly or maliciously brea~s or destroys· any window, window-sash, door, blin,d.', screen or pane of glass of any occupied or unoccupied 'house, out-house, or building within the City of Bakersfield, or commits any nuisance therein, or breaks or destroys or injures maything therein, or any part of said'house, out-house or building, or any..fence or improvement whatever, or who aids, abets, 'or assists anyone to commit such nuissmce or to injure such property, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. -1- SECTION ~ '~,ny'. n, 'firm or co' ration',' e~4't or'.u~i'ng Or .causing ...... -~;" "- ......· ....... : ' ' '~ .............'.-,~'~---.. ':':.'.~'~'.~..~:,::~:~:"~-~!::" '/:'."'.-~U. ' "'.' ~l' .,. ~ ' ~' -" -' ',' ~ ~ ' ......... us4s' (er.~ pe. mits:.' ~e-" used ~y such .wire as' a ba~i.er acr~..$.:. '~9i~,?~~::'. . ... . · .. . . . · . .. - ..... . -.~ ....~ · ~.~.~i~.~.. - .~.. ,. . ot. '.':. or alo~ any street alley ~.I-.pub~l~i.c way~ within the .City' of':'Bake~sIiel d: · '" ...... · '. ' ...~. · .- .~ .....f' ~' ·"~'TY -"-...:'.'. '- ..' ' : .. ' · .... ...- .' - . · ' . :." .b.e . · ..-. ""' .." '8EOTtON-6'. A~Y person .who s~ll car~ On his'.P~re~.n..~:':~.~ke ~., :... .. ~..-.. ~ .. .. ,..~.~ .-.:[.~-,?~- -.-~....... -. air-gun, sli~6.shot or instr~ent, or other .thi.~.'e.o~o'nly used .or. . . . . .. ~. .. ~.~;..:~ ., ..' .... .:~. .. .... 'T~:~..'L..~ which my be' used for. throwi~ any shot, bullet, rook, stone '.pe~le, X"..'.' . .... :. .or .other mi~sle, within the City: of-Bakersfield, S~ll be guilty of.a :. ;~..~.:~,-~. . .... . . · ' misdemean~r.:~rov.~.ed.,' however, ~.~ this .section: sh~!l.~:~t apply tg..~ ... ... adult person when us.i~ any of the ab0ve] deScr~'ed inst~ents or thi~.s of his property; but such use .mst at all ti'm. eS' be'~ith due r~ard · . .'~,..:., the. Safety of others .... . ..... _- .... 8EOT-ION 7. "Any person oui~, or' havi~ in his .'.possession .~y waten'pipe-.. drain or 'hose, 'Who.-sh~l pemit the uter therefrom"tq.~ across.-:~y' " ' · ........· ..:~:.'."':~.~ i "':;(~' '." SideWalk, pu~ic street or alleyway,-so as to injure. the s~e.'o~..L"ob'...'~'...=-. · . .. . Y.... · . .. . ..-. · .." .. . ;.~.:. · .:~.f. · '~ .. _.- 'struct or interfere with the free ~ravel thereon,. '0r who"~Mi.t:'pe~.''''~' . .. . -.-...' .Z '.,... said water~.to r.~ into or Upon the'Surface of the street," s~ll'jbe.."'j~-:]'Y~--":(?: guilty of a'misdeme~or. ...-~..... .~. n..- . .~ ., . SECTION 8~ Any person le'~Vi~ or pemittin~ '~o."~'~be~8.ft ~y hose' o~...~.......~.. water Upipe upon or across any sideulk,- sideUik 'space. or any public..'.. pass~e~y, '.within -the City of Bakersfield, between .the" hours of -'..V . o'ciock M'..be 'S i ty" m.i sSemeanor. .... SECTION 9 Any 'perSon who at ~y theatre or' ~ace of ~usement within the City of B~ersfield, s~ll we.~r ~y hat or hea~ea~· t~t' sball.:Cb.~'... .-' ..U .' ... · struct the view of 6hose sitti~ behind them~ while a pe'r'fomce.,...-~i~F.z . . . . . ' ........ ': ,,,.: ~:' ;,'....' ':',~'....'.. or other en.tertai~ent is bei~ given ~d acto-al!y in prog~e'sS.,. ~ha~"i].' . .. . ~.:' · -' be-gU. il-ty:--o-f a-m-isdeme~or. - .... ....... "'~ .......' '~'~ ~ 'T ": ..........~ ......... SECTION. 10.' ay person expectorati~ upo~ the floor of ~y"publio..bu$1d,.. .:.: ~ or upon the floor of ~y street car, st~e, bus, automobiI-e. for.' pl ithi~.~he. City ilty ace~ .: .. ~... of B~e~.s"fi.eid,. s~!l be gu of .a m~ · ... ...... ~:~ .~..-.-~ .. ~..'> ... .... · . . ,; , '.. .... " ..... : .~¥~.r:. . .~..,~:~:.[ SECTION '11. Ordinance No. 28 of the City of Bakersfield prohibiting wearing- bats in places of amusements. and .Ordinance No. 29 of .said City prohibiting. expectorating upon sidewalk are hereby repealed. I HERk~.Y CERTIFY that the .for .eg.~oing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the 'Council of the City of Bakers.field. on the 7~(day of /~.~c~-~t~~ ~919. by the Following vote: Ayes.- Baughman, G-:lchrist, Hinman, Itougham, Renlro, Willow, Wilson. Absf nt .~ ........... C City C1 l erk of the Co,~ncil of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 9~day o f . X0~-e-~--~ , 1919. # yor of the, City of Bakersfield.