HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 19 ORDINANCE NO../'~ NEW SERIES.. ~N ORDINMqCE REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION CIRCULATION-:.-...'" ~ID POSTING OF ADVERTISING MATTER A~D SAI, j~LES'~;ITHIN THE ORDINANCES NOS. 98'a~d ~'5.~'L.TY THEREFOR, .~3,'D R,EPEALIi~G .:.'...~:..:.:j.~... Z-3E IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~Y~ERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employes, to place, throw. deposit. distribute or circulate. or cause to be.placed, thrown, deposited. distributed or .f. circulated an~ advertisement or advertisin,~ n~atter or sample ~pon any layre, yard, doorstep or vestibule. or in or upon any automobile or other vehicle or conveyance within the City of Bakersfield, or apon -any of the p~blic streets, alleys, sidewalks or public places within the said City; provided. however, that nothing herein contain- ed shall prevent ho,~se to hoase aSvertising by placing advertising :..;.~. matter carefally. prepared in book. parcel, pamphlet. sheet. ps~e or b~ndle fo~, within the outer door of any residence within the City of Bakersfi. eld without knocking or rin~ir~ the door-bell, or by handing..~ s~ch advertising matter, so prepared, to any inmate of s~ch residen-ce; and provided further that.nothing contained herein shall apply to United States Nail Carriers in the discharge of their duties in the distribation of mail matter, or to the sale or delivery of newspapers. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person. firm or corporation, their s~.~ents or employes. except a p~blic officer or employe in performance~of a p~blic d.~ty, to post, paint, stick, stamp, nail, print tac~:, or~...otherwise fasten ,or affiz any handbill sign poster ' ',~,~:. , , advertisement or notice of any kind or nature whatsoever, or cause the sam..e 'to be so posted, faste~ed or affixed upon any post, pole~ hya.~ant. bridge, tree, or curbstone upon any public street or public propert~f within the City of Bake.~f~ei..d..._e..X.c.~pt as may be .req.ui' California or of the United. States. :. "'.' ~'' ,.- SECTION S- It shall be ~lswful ~for.".'~ny person," fi'~ "o.r~'~pora'ti~n'' their ~ents or employee exce~ot a pub'i.~C"'officer or employee· in the."~.~.'."" fo~mce of s p~blic d~ty or a private' person in givi~ legal notice, to post, paste, paint, print, nail or'tack, or otherwise fasten?.~y"'~. handbill, sign, poster, a~vertisement or notice of ~y kind. whatsoever ~pon property without the consent of the omqer, holder, lessee, .~nt or trustee thereof. SECTION 4. It shall be u~lz~vf~l for an~ person, fi.~ or corporation, thei~ agents or employee, to dist~'-ibute or circulate or ca, use to be distri- buted or circuls. ted or to deliver to an~.~ chil8 ~der .. ~ . .......... years of ~e, ~y p~tent or proprietary'medicine or preparation, .~ill, t~biet, powder, cosmetic, d. esinfectmqt or ~'~tisep~' tic or an3~"'dr~ or poison, or any ingredient that is deleterious t0 health as s, s~.mple or in any q~itity whatever for the purpose advertisi~ .... - ...... The' term d.r~, medicine psitent or proprietary. medicine, pill tablet, po~'der, cosmetic, desinfectmqt or antiseptic, used in ·this Ordinsmce shall include all remedies for inte~ms.1 or exte~sl ~se. either in packa{?;e or b~lk, simple, mixed or compounded. SECTION 5. bray person, firm or co. rporation violating. s.n~/of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be c]eemed guilty of a misdemeanor" and upon conviction tt~ereof, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeds.'=. ing Three !~undred ($300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the County. Jail for a period not exceedin,..:.]~ ninety (90) days.: or by both s:~ch 4~ine.. and imprisonment. SECTION 6. Ordinance No. 98 of 'the Bity of Bakersfield relating to .the d i-stribution of advertising matter and Ordinance No, .2-~53~.of~. sa.id...Ci~,.b.y ..,....: relatin~ to the postin,.'.-. of notices an.~ advertisements is hereby.'~e~;~ "':' .... peal ed, I HEREBY CF..'RTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed. and adopted by the Council of theCity of Bakersfield, on the day of ~~____, 191~, by the following- vote: Ayes- Baughman, Gilchrist, Hinman, Houglmm, Renfro, Willow, Wilson. Nays -. ......~ Absent - ~ APPROVED this ~_J_~ay of ~~__..~ .... . ~.: City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the CounCil of the City of Bakersfield.