HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 13 ORDINANCE N0. NE ERIES ':.. ',~ . .... ., . .. . ~ '=' ,-,.'.. ~..: .:...... . ...... . '..........-.. <..:.....?..~!.!:...·.. · AN .ORDINANCE CREATI~ TE OFFICE OF HEAD jAN~OI~"':~'~'.:"'.~.'..:...:":~!~'.. 'I ING TE SALA~ THEREE~, AND ~ENDING 0E'INANCE'~O';"~..' -..~.'."~:...~'..... NEW SERIES ENTITLED ~AN~ ORDINANCE ~ENDING':" SECTION '.i.~..~-..~:~.=~.'."?:''' ~~0RDINAN~E N0. N~W S~ERIES ENTITLED ~"AN ·ORDINANCE' ' :.:":. '... ~YlENDING S~'CTION ~ 0F 0RDIN~3~E N0.40 ' ENTITLED '"AN ~' ' ORDINANCE FIXING THE C0~ENSATION 0F C~TAIN OFFICERS " ' AND ~LOYES 0F TE CI~ 0F B~iERSFIELD AND REPE~iING ORDINANCE N0. ~79 ~D ALL 'ORDINANCES t~iENDATOE THERET0~" BY ADDING THEET0 A NEW SUBDIVISION T0 BE N~EED Bl. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTIONL;i. That the office of Head Janitor be; s~d the same is hereby, created and the salary therefore is'hereby fixed at the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five ($125.00)'~ Dolls.rs per month, the said salary to be ps, id ~t the same time and..in. the same manner and out of the have same fund as the Janitors / heretofore been paid.. SECTION 2. That Ordinance Fo'. 5 New Series, entitled "AN ORDINANCE ~,!FNDING SKCTION'I OF ORDINANCE N0.3 NEW. SERIES, ENTITLED "AN 0RDI- NANCE ~3LE. N.DING SECTION I 0~' ORDINANCE N0. 403, ENTITLED "~q ORDINANCE FIXING THE CONPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS ~3D,E~iPLOYES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING 0RDIN~ICE N0. 379 AND I'~LL 0RDINP3CES E,i,.ENDATORY THERETO", be and the same hereby is s~nend. ed by the addition of a new subdivision to be known as 31 as follows: 31. He.~.d Janitor ............................... $ 125,00 I HEREBY GEETIFf TH~'i' the~..'foregoin~ Ordinance was passe~ and adopted by the council of the City of Bakers'field on the day of ~~ , 1919, by the followi~ vote: Ayes- APPROVED t2his ~Z_~ay of .~..?~~~ , 1919. C i ty C1 ~ rk o,f the Counci'l of the ~ity of Bakers- field.