HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 11 ORDINANCE NO, ..~ NEW SE~S, · .. '.~' ..=.~ .i '..' ,~ .-~.. ~...-.. :: ...'..~ ~ IT 0RDAINED BY THE C0~CIL OF THE CITY 0F B~IERSFIELD, ""' as follows: · ~. .. " SECTION 1. There shall be ~d there is hereby established'two fire limits districts within the City. of Bakersfield to be knoE ~d d. esi~ated as Fire Limits District Nmber l; ~d. Fire Limits-Di'stri'ct ~... N~ber 2. '~. SECTION 2. The exterior boundaries of the territory comprising Fire .. Limits District Number l, are hereby established, designated.....and fixe ed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Twentieth Street at the northeast corner of Block 226 in the City of Bakersfield as ".:"'..;.i:r:;'~'~ .... shov. m on the map of said City filed for record in the office of the. ~..'?...f~.';:: County Recorder, of Kern County, November 25, 1898; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Twentieth Street to the westerly ...~..... line of N Street, thence northerly along said westerly line of N '.':'.---... Street to the southerly line of Twenty-third Street, thence westerly along said southerly line of said Twenty-third Street to the west- erly line of the first alley east of Chester Avenue, thence northerly along s~id.-'westerly 'line of said alley to the southerly line of Twenty-seventh Street, thence westerly along said· southerly line of Twenty-seventh to the easterly line of the first alley west of Ches- ter Avenue, thence southerly along said easterly line of said alley · to the southerly line of Twenty-third Street, thence westerly a16~ s aaid. southerly line of Twenty-third Street to the easterly line of H Street,. thence southerly alcng said easterly line of H Street tO the s.0utherly line of Twenty-second Street, thence westerly along said southerly line of Twenty'second Street to .the es, sterly i'in~.'of ";' G Street thence southerly along ss, id easterly line of G Street to the southerly line of Twentieth Street, thence westerly along said southerly line of Twentieth Street to the easterly line of ~ Street, thence southerly along said. easterly line of F Stre~'t to the northe:r½- ly line of Eighteenth Street, thence easterly along said. northerly' . .southerly along said easterly line of G Street to the northerly li'~'!~' ~:"/~!'[:' of Seventeenth Street, thence easterly along said northerly line,~, of Seventeenth Street to the easterly line of H Street, thence southerly. along said easterly line of H Street to the northerly li~e of Four- teenth Street, thence easterly alo~ said northerly line of Four~n'- th Street to the westerly line of L Street, thence northerly ";.~.'.'~i~""' said westerly line of L Street to the northerly line of Seven'~ h.~ Street.; thence easterly aloe' said. northerly line of Seventee.~'] Street to the westerly line of M Street; thence northerly alo~ said."......... westerly line of ~! Street to the northerly line of the first alley .::~.... south of Nineteenth Street thence; easterly along said. northerly line of said alley ~d the northerly line of said alley produced to the .....:...-.~.. . ..... ~ :~ ..~.;.- of Q Street to the northerly line of Seventeenth Street thence east-.:,~..;::... erly alo~ the northerly line of Seventeenth Street to the westerly line of R Street thence northerly alo~ said westerly line of R Stree~ and R Street produced to the point of b~inni~. SECTION 3- The exterior bomdaries of the territory comprising Fire '~- Limits District Nmber 2, are hereby establiched, designated ~d " fixed as follows: Beginn:[r~ at a point in the westerly line of King- Street at its intersection with the first alley south 'of Grove Street in that part of the City of Bakers field formerly called Kern, 'as' the same appears on the map of Kern filed' in the office of the County Recorder, of Kern Gounty, April 10, 1893; thence northerly along.. said. westerly 'line of Ki~5 Street to the southerly line of Jackson Stre~"t"~t'l~n'd'~ ..... westerly along said southerly line of Jackson Street t~ a point 200 feet east from ~he easterly line of Baker Street thence on a line parallel to the said easterly line of Baker ~treet to the southerly' line o.f Lake'Street thence westerly along said. southerly,line..of'" Lake Street to a point 200 feet west from the westerly line of' Baker Street thence on a line parallel to said. westerly line of Baker Streez to the southerly line of Jackson Street thence westerly along said southerly line of Jackson Street to the easterly line of Tulare Street, thence southerly along said. easterly line of Tulare Street to the northerly line of said first'alley south of Grove Street, thence easterly along said northerly line of said alley to the point o f beginnin~. SECTION 4. A].l ordinm~ces, m~c] resolutions of the City of Bakersfield heretofore or hereafter adopted, providiP~ for any restrictions, prohibitions or r~ulations of buildi~ or structures within fire limits, or within the fire]limits of the City of Bakersfield, shall be governed by the territories herein desi~ated ~d fixed as fire I immts. SEC~t~N~,~. All ordinances ~d parts-of ordin~ces in conflict herewith are hereby repeal ed. ~E HEi~BY 'CERTI~ that the foregoi~ Ordinm~ce was passed' by the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield on ~Say of September, 1919. by the following vote: Ayes-Baughman, Gilchrist, Hinman, Hougham, Penfro, Willow, Wilson. Nays -.......~ ......................... City Clerk end ex-officio Clerk of the Co,moil of the City of Bakers- field. APPROVED this ~Cday of September, 1919. ~Nayo~~.~'~n~6y'~'f'~ak ers f i el d. '