HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 29 ORDINANCE NO. l~ SERIES. '> :. .. .- . . .. AN 0RDInNCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICIAL GRADE."0.F....¥.'~:~'.~-~'.'~.~..!/':~"''.''' !RTAINPORTIONS OF TWENTY-~FOURTH STREET S .STREET .......... . "~'.':"!;"" STREET U STREET AND V STREET IN THE C~ETY 0F'.B~RS- .'.'. "'.'. ......'... ELD, ' · · · - · BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows,: SECTION 1. The figures in the column marked "GRADE" are elevation in feet and hundredths of a foot above the datum plane as established. by an ordinance of said City of Bakersfield, entitled. "'AN ORDIN/uNCE EST~jBLISHING A DATDI~ PLAN FOR THE CITY OF B~j[ERSFIELD," which'~s~'Aid ordina.nce is nu~nbered. 18, and said figures represent the elevation of the top of the curbs. SECTION 2. Where but one elevation is given, at an intersection of streets, it indicates the elevation of the curb at each corner of such intersection 'and where but one elevation is given at an intersection of a street with a given line, it indicates the eleva- tion of the curb on either side of the street at its intersection with such line. SECTION 3. The curb grades for all points between those hereinafter fixed. shall be in the straight line joiniDa. the adjacent grades, as hereinafter fixed.. SECTION The followi~; are the streets upon which the grade is hereby fixed: Twenty forth Street 132 feet easterly from ea..~terly line of Q Street .... . ....... ......... Twent -fourth Street at its intersection wi~h S Street produced ................... .... ..... we u r at its intersection . e uced ................. . .......... Twenty-fourth Street at its intersection with GI~,DE. 96.80 95.00. with U Street produced 96". 50:ji" .""""".. =L".:"=!~ ""=""'~'= Twent -fourth Street at its intersection · .'.':: '~", ~:.:.'-'-'.-'.~... wi'~h V Street produced ....., ~................... 107.00 ~":-..:..,,~.~..I .:..-,.,:.....-;,..-. I HEREBY CERTII~f that the foregoing, Ordinances was passed'" ..:r~.i and adopte by the Council of the City of Bakersfield., on the ~ ":" day of , 1920, .by .the followin~.~.vote: "' ''''~'; Absent - ...~ ..... city 'el ' erk '~!~: the CoanCil of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this %~day of .".',.~ ._/l'~ , 1920. · f the City of Sake'rsfi~ld.