HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 26 .VIDI~G A PEN~ T~~R ~D "~PEALING ORDIN~3eES .... 1' 46 ~ · W~AS, public. peace ~d s~fety require .the passes.' of ~ emergency ordin~ce for better fire protection within the City of Bakers NOW, T~~, BE IT ORDAI~D BY T~ COUNCIL OF T~ C!~ OF. B~ERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. Duri~ the continu~ce of a fire the Chief of the Fire De- partment ~h~l have police power sd in the block or blocks in which the fire is established the variou~ peace ~d police officers of the City of Bakersfield s~ll execute all orders received from said Ohief of the Fire Department, relati~ to said fire ~d. the extin- guis~ent thereof. SECTION .2. The ~hief of the Fire Department,. whenever in hie ]u~ement it i~ deemed necessary for the h~dli~ of the fire apparatus or the m~ement and control of a fire, shall ~ve the power to place or cause to be placed, ropes or. ~uard~ across the streets, alleys ~d public ways, on which ~hall be situated ~y build. i~ on fire, or to otherlee obstruct or block the streets in the imediate vicinity of said fire, ~d. at such other points as he my deem e~edient ~d necessary, ~d shall have power to prevent ~y ~d all persons not necessary to the h~dli~ of said. fire appratus or in ~i~ ~d controli~ said fire, except ousts or occup~ts ~d employee of build. i~s' endUered by the existirE fire. from enteri~ within the lines desi~ated by ropes or guards, ~d exceptiD6 also menhere of the Fire ~d PoliCe Departments of the City of Baersfield, .~d.such... · o~her persons as ~aid Fire Chief my call to a~sist in h~d. li~ said fire apparatus, or to aid in m~i~ ~d controli~ said. fire; :' ..~.' viction thereof shall be punished.'..a.s prov. ided in this Ordinance. SECTION ~. All fire engines and other movable apparatus and vehicles'.'. belonging to the D'ir~ Department of the.City! of Bak=~rsfiel'~!'.~sh~ll ~ve par~o~t right of ~ay over '~d...thro~h all the streets,· alleys ~d public ways ~ithin s~id City ~hen r~i~ or goi~ to or on duty at a fire; upon the approach of ~y such fire apparatus or vehicle the moto~ in charge of ~y street car shall retard or accelerate the speed of such car, as the occasion m~y require, ~d. shall then bri~ s~id car to a studstill ~til said· fire apparatus shall have passed, in order to give such fire apparatus or vehicle the ~ob~ str~cted use of the street for the time heir. SECTION 4j Upon the approach of ~y fire apparatus or vehicle belo~i~ to the Pire Dep~rtment, ~hen respondin~ to a fire ala~, 'the driver of ~y vehicle in or ~pon ~y street shall i~ediately stop such vehicle as near as possible to the r~ht ~d curb of such· street, ~d it shall be ~l~ful for ~y such driver to cause or petit s~ch vehicle to be moved ~til such fire ~pparatus ~d. vehicle s~ll b~ve passed such vehicle. SECTION ~. It s~ll be unlawful for the driver of ~y vehicle to race or attempt to race ~ith ~y movi~ ~pparatus or vehicle of said Fire Department or to follo~ ~fter s~e ~less reasonabl~ sure t~t all such fire apparatus ~d vehicle shall have passed alo~ s~id street. SECTION G. It s~ll be ~lawful for ~y person ~vi~ the control of ~y vehicle to petit the s~e to obstruct or delay the progress of the apparatus or other vehicles of the Fire Department, ~,hi~e " ~o or respendi~ to ~ ala~ of fire; and ~ shall be· ~law~ 'for .~'~ ~y person or persons to in ~y m~er obstruct the s~e ~hile re- spondi~ to ~ ala~ of fire. SECTION 7, · any hose while said hose is being used by '.the Fire Department'~" SECTION 8, All fire engines and other vehicles used by 'the Fire 'Dep.a(~.t..-.,.-..'. 'ment of the 'City of Bakersfield shall at all timeS' b..e... equipped with a siren and it shall be unlawful for any other vehicle except those o'.f' the Police Department of said· City to be equipped with or use such a d. ev:ice. SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully or neg-,li- gently injure shy engine house, hose, en4ine, automobile or other vehicle or any apparatus of the Fire Department of the City of Bakers fi el d. SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for any .person to break, remove or injdre any of the wires, parts, apparatus, or appurtenances of the fire alarm system of the City of Bakersfield, or to disturb 'or in any manner interfere with any such wires, parts, apparatus or appur- tenances; provided, however, that nothing shall be so construed as to make pmxishable the doing of any of the above mentioned acts with the permission of the Chief of the Fire Department of said. City. SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for. any person to make or cause to be made, any key or keys that will lock or unlock any box of the fire alarm system, except under the order and regulations of the Chief of the Fire Department. SECTION 12. It shall be unlawful fo.r any person, firm, or corporation their agents or employee to place 'any wire or wires within six (6) feet of any wires used for or connected with the fire alarm system of 'the City of Bakersfield, unless a written permit therefor be given by the Chief of the Fire Department, SECTION 13, .Whenever it shall be necessary for any person-in the pur- It shall be unlawful for'any person to drive an~y..Ve~i~'~!"~U~:~f~:~.';'''')'.j': suit of a "].awful object to remove, interfere with or disturb any-....:L...-~y.-~. portion of the wires of the Fire Alarm System, he shall give or cause to be given to the 0hief of the Fire Department.~of Bakersfield a notice thereof; which notice sh~ll be given at least· five (~) hours before it shall be.necessary to remove, interfere with or disturb any portion of t'he wires of said Fire Alarm System, and shall state the locality at which .and the manner in which it shall be necessary to remove, interfere with or disturb .the same. SECTION 14. It shall be the duty of any person or persons taking down, disturbing, interfering with or removin~ any portion of the wires of said Fire ~larm System under the provisions of the precedin~ sec- tion, fo.rthwith to replace or repair any such wire~ or wires so taken down, disturbed, interfered with or removed, and to place the same in as good condition as the same was before being~ so taken down or removed, and thereupon to report to the Chief of the Fire Depart.-- ment that said work has been done. SEOTION 1~. It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employee opening or disturbin~ the surface of any public street within the City of Bakersfield, or causing same to be opened or disturbed, or who for any reason places or causes to be placed any barrier or obstruction thereon, which would in any way impede or endanger the speed o2 progress of any fire apparatus on its way to respond to an alarm of fire, to at once notify the Chief of the Fire Department of such opening or disturbance of such street or any barrier thereon giving the exact location of same, the Fire · notice thereof thief shall thereupon cause/to be conspicuously posted in each fire house for the information of the drivers of all such fire apparatus. It shall be the further duty of said person, firm or corporation to notify the Fire 0hief when the surface of said street is ag-ain restored to its former condition and any barrier thereon has been re- ~~'6Ved'. SECTION 16. It shall be the duty of any pers.on, firm .or corpo~,ation supplying water to the City of Bakers field and its inhabitants 'bhro~ gh hydrants located upon streets, alleys or public places within the City of Bakersfield. whenever by reason of repairs or Work:,'.,~'or.i "'::' .any cause, the water is turned off from any such hydrants, to notify." the Fire Department of said. City thereof, before the water. is turned off, and the length of time such hydrant will remain without water, .. And in case· of an alarm of fire in the City, i't shall be the duty. of ... such persons or corporation to turn into all the mains and hydran'ts'."" all the water necessary or available if possible. SECTION 17. In case such person or corporation be engsged in work upon any line of.pipe necessitating the turni~E off of water, no s~ch line of pipe shall be left open or empty during the night, or when work is not actually goi~E on therein, and if any line of pipe be · open at thE; time of quitting work, or when an alarm of fire is Miven a cap'or t~timble shall immediately be placed. closely over the mouth of such pipe and the water left in as far as p~ssible for the use of the Fire Department. ~my person, superintendent, foreman or agent having charge or control of any such pipe or hydrants, in doing or ord. eri~.~ work done in or upon the s~._me, who sh~l violate ,-any pro- vision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten ($10.00) nor more than three h~,~dred ($)00.00) dollars. SECTION 18. It shall be unlawful for' any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employes, having under their control any lot or pre- mises to permit or allow water to flow upon said lot or premises -' from any hose, hy. drant or pipe connected with shy water system sup- plying water to the City of Bakersfield and the inhabitants thereof, during the prevalence of any fire, after an alarm' shall have been given or they have knowledge of said fire, except where such water is ·used to extinguish said fire. 'SECTION'-1'9'. ....I~5'~ti~ll be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employes, having under their control any lot or pre- mises, to permit or allow water to flow upon said lot or premises · 'from any hose, hydrant or pipe 'Oonnected with any water system.~.sup.- plyin~E water to the City of Bakersfield.' and the inhabitants thereof, for irrigating purposes, between the hours of ten (10) o'clock P.M. and four (4) o'ciock A.M. on the. following day. 'SECTION 20. It shall be unlawful for any person to open or use or cause to be opened and used any fire hydrants within the City of Bakers- field except such person or persons as my be thereunto authorized and directed by the Chief of the Fire Department, of said City of Bakers field. SECTION 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowing..-,ly send., give transmit or sound. any false alarm of fire by means of any fire alarm system or ~ignal or through any telephone within the City of Bakers- field. SECTION 22. Each'person making, using or hs,ving.~ charge or control of shavings, .hay, 'sacks, litter or other combustible waste or fragments shall at the close of each day cause the same to be securely stored' or disposed of so as to be safe from fire. In no case shall empty packag_~es or other inflammable materis.1 be stored. or allowed to re- main upon the roof of any building. SECTION 23. In all cases where there are gratings or slatted openings in the sidewalk, or over any opening leading into the basement of build, i~, a wire netting of not over one-half inch mesh shall be beneath such grating or slats so as to prevent rubbish .from falling through. SECTION 24. All arc lights' or inc descent lights in show windows shall be covered with ~i.~.~.~o~e~. No goods of any kind. or ' . (6) inches of any c s o for 'my s~'~"'lii~ht or ihcandescent light in show windows. ...' .... SECTION 25. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield, to inspect at least once every month all basements, store-rooms, garages, machine-shops, paint-shops, and passage ways, wi thin 'the Ci tyo f Bakersfi eld, and all lots~:' o.~..'~'~C'~'t' . . . · . spaces surroundix~ or adjoining same, within the fire ·limits .or wi..th our the fire limits if he deems it necessary, to. see that same is beir~.~' used end kept in such manner as not to be a fire menace,...~an.d- that no rubbish, waste, oily rags, or other combustible matter is allowed to accumulate therein or thereon, unless same is properly . ... stored with every precaution to prevent the spread· of fire; such " inspection to carry with it full police pov~er to compel the ovmer ... or person in charge thereof to clean out and. make such char4~es in, · . on or about said premises as public safety may deemand. SECTION 26. It shall be unlawful for any person., firm or corporation, their a~ents or emilores, to keep, store, sell or offer for sale or permit to be kept, stored., sold or offered for sale, within the City of Bakersfield, any gasoline, benzinc, naptha or other inflam.- able liquids or substances, in quantities greater then five (~) gal- lons, unless a written perr,..qit therefor be ~:iiven'by the Chief of the · Fire Department of said City, which permit shall specify the kind and. quantity o'f and the place or location on the premises where such liquids or substances may be·kept or stored; said permit shall also d. esiF~nate the character and color of the receptacle in which same may be kept or stored. The said Fire Chief may make any other reF~ulation relatin-~- to the keeping, storage, sale and. delivery of said liquid. s or substances as public safety demand. Provided., how- ever that no permit shall be granted for the keeping, storing, in~ or offerin~ for sale any of the above described liquids or sub- stances in any buildir~.~ or upon any lot or premises within the Fire · . Limits of the City of Bakersfield, when the quantity to be store~,' kept, sold or offered. for sale shall be F~reater than twenty(20) gal-. l_o..ns unless the same shall be kept and stored in underF~round reset- volts conformin~ to specifications, regulations and requirements of any and. all ordinances of the City of Bakersfield· relative thereto. Any person keep"ii~F~ stori~, selli~'E or offering. for sale, or permittin~-~.. the keeping,, storing, sellir~ or offerin~ for sale any of . · . ,, "~' '.< ' ..:j .; ...;;,i .~. . :~..:. · .. ;.. ' .. ' ' 7'.. .....· ~'L'.-.'.: .~:.. ' '. "-' ~.',~ ""'~~"""~ ''~ "~:~""'i~"""~'~'~<~'~'i~i~ .. . ...... ;.:. ............. ..... . ..... the liquids or substances coming 'within the pro'v,isi. L'ons'.e:..f ....... · . '. . . .' .r.'o...~.~. ,.L.~?....~.' ..' ~ ,'.....~:~.~. :.','~..~.:I' ~ ' ' · ' r ...... ' ......".."..'.,. tion. in any manner other than-'~'S specified in s.ai~dpe~:~~o"~.~' shall wil f,Ally or negligently fail, refuse or neglect to' comply. with any regulation of the Fire Chief relating. thereto, shall be deemed· guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 27. It shall be the duty of any person, finn or corporation, their ag=~ents or employes. maintain:ing~ a telephone system within the Sity of Bakersfield, for the purpose of furnishing telephone service to the inhabitants of said City, whenever the said· telephone service extends to and. is connected with the fire houses of the City of Bakerg- field, and the said telephone service to any one of said fire ho~ses. is cut-off, interfered with or for ~ny reason whatever is temporarily discontinued, to at once notify the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield. as well as all other fire house 'belonginS to said City, of said cut-off. interferred with and discontinued tele- phone service to said fire house. and to thereupon proceed to restore said. service with as little delay as possible and when said telephone service is again restored to noti~y said Fire Chief to that effect. SECTION 28. The Chief of the Fire Department, Chief of Police and. all police officers of the City of Bakersfield are directed to see that the provisions of this Ordinance are in force and to that end are hereby empowered whenever any complaint shall be made to them, or either of them of the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, and they or either of them, have reasonable grounds to believe theft any of the provisions of this ordinance are being vio- lated by ar.,y person, to enter ~pon any premises or place, or ~o into any buildir.,~,f.~ about which complaint is made, or upon or in which they or either of them have reasonable grounds to believe that any of the provisions of this ordinance are bein~.~ violated. SECTION '29." '~ny person., firm or corporation failing to perform any 'd~ty prescribed herein. or viol ~ any of the provisions of this Ordi- ati g nance or who f~ils, neglects or refuses to obey any order'of the Chief of the Fire Department within the scope of his duties. shall· be deemed guilty of a misd. emean0r~.. and upon conviction 'the~e~,fi~'~ .~( "' shall be punishable by a fine in the sum not exceed, i~g Three 'Hundred, (~300.00) Dblls. rs 'or by imprisonme.nt in the County Jail for a.'period. not exceeding ninety (90) days' or by both such fine and imprisonment Each ~uch person, firm or corporation shall be deemed. guilty. of a separ~te offense for every day d. uring-~ any portion of Which.any violation of any provision of this Ordinanc~ is committed., contained or permitted by such person, firm or corpors~tion and. shall be punish- able therefor as provided by this Ordinance. SECTION 30. It shall be the duty of all police officers of the city of Bakersfield to at once notify' the Chief of the Fire. Department upon their becoming cognizant of the violation. of any of the provia- ions of this ordinance. SECTION 31. Ordinance No. 41 of the-.City of Bakersfield, r~iulating the use of t~ire hydrants; Ordinance No..$.6 of the City of Bakersfield providing for the organization, control and management of the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield and Ordinance No. 106 of the City of Bakersfield, prohibiting interference, damage and mutilation of Fire Alarm Boxes and fire alarm wires and prohibiting turnin~ in false ala~ns, are hereby repesled, and. all other ordinances and parte of ordinances in conflict 'herewith. I HEREBY CERTI~?f that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and Council of the 'City of Bakersfield, on the/~'z~.ay of , 1920, by the following vote: