HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 23 · I.: ~..~F' .' ' '. · ' M~' 0RDIN.~.NCE REGUtji-~TING'T~"BUSINESS OF OPEm, T!'I~":~'':~'`'''''~':']':''' ' . . ."j=..T..~;?...' ..'... VEHICLES FOR HI}~' ~ING T~ VIOLATION HE~OF'A MIS- :;" ":"" D~J~0R AND PROVIDING A PENAL~ THE~0~ AND t~- '.,.~ PErtaiNS 0RD m . CSS N0S. 201, 294,' '9' i 370... BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BiKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to drive or operate any rent car, automobile for hire, taxicab, auto staeZe, trucl~, omnibus, hsck, coach or other vehicle used for carryirE passspOor, freiFjht, animals, ba~T~a~e or merchandise for hire within the City of Bakersfield, without first havir~.~ procured a permit from the Council· of the City of Bakersfield· to so do. SEC'flC~] 2. All applications for permit~ u~,_dcx' the provisions o~" this ordinance shall be made out on forms to be obtained from the City I.,~.anatger and shall contain the followir~g: The nsme of the person, firth or corporation ownirE such vehicle; the kind of vehicle for which such permit is sought, and' if a motor vehicle, the state license nuanber thereof; and if the o~vner or person in charge of same intends while awaiting employment to accupy any stand upon the streets of the' City of Bakersfield, the proposed location d~or said stand; said app'- lication must also be endorsed by and have the written consent of the occupant of the first f,%oor of that portion of the building~ on the premises in front. of which it is desired that such vehicle shall .. stand; provided, however, that if there is no buildin~ on said pre- mises, or if there is a building anti said first floor is not occupied~ then said application'must be endorsed by and have the written. consent of the owner or lessee of said premises. Said application when so filled. out shall be returned to the office of the City Mana- Fter '~or'-his approval of t'he proposed. location d~or said stand.;-. ~fter.' said' approval has been endorsed thereon, said. application shall be placed. tiefore the City Council at the next regular meeting-~ of said. -1- Council, who will at their discret':..ion, grant or deny said p:ermit; provided, however that in no case Shall a permit be grmated for any such vehicle to stand on Nineteenth Street between F and N Streets or on Baker Street between Grove Street and the Southern Pacific Railroad Trs-cks. SECTION 3. Not more t'han eight such vehicles shall be permitted to stand upon a street within the limits of any one block and not more that four such vehicles shall be permitted to stand on one side of such street within any such block, and not more than two such vehic~ lea shall be ~ermitted to stand uoon one' side of such street within the limits of any one-half block. No such vehicle shall be pennitted to stand within forty (40) feet of mother such vehicle upon the same side 'of any street and no such vehicle shail be permitted to stand ..;. within twenty-five (25) feet of any alley .intersection. Provided, however, that the foregoing restrictions in this section shall not apply to automobile sts~-.,es rmaning on regular schedule between Bakersfield,and other points, ~a~d provided further that no stage shall occupy its stand to exceed one (.1) hour prior to its schedul~ time for les.vfi~g Bakersfield.. SECTION 4. A separate permit shall be issued for each vehicle, stud all pexEits issued by said Council pursuantyto the provisions of this Ordinance, shall contain the name of the person to whom the same is granted, the kind. of vehicle, and if a motor vehicle, the state lic- ense n~mber thereof, and the place' clesignated as a stand for such vehicle. SECTION 5'. Ew~ry .driver or person in charge of any vehicle for which a peanit shal[_ have been obtained, pursuant to the provisions of this 0rdinanc~, shall have such permit attached ,to such vehicle in a con.- sp'icuouS' n~lace at all times while dri'Vi'ng' 'or"'in' ch-~r~ge of such ..'." ... ....... vehicle, and shall promfit the exmnination of such pen;qit whenever requested to do so by any police officer. of the Superintendent of Streets, o f the said. City. SECTION 6. Upon· written notice the 0ouncil may in its discretion revoke the permit of any person whenever 'it shall appear to the satisfaction of said Cotmcil that the holder of same uses or operates said vehicle or pen~its same to be used or operated in an unlawful manner, or for lewd or in'~aoral' purposes or for carryin~6 passengers to or from houses of prostitution oF assignation. From the time of the revocation of any such permit if~ shall be unlawful for the person, firm or cor'-~oration whose permit is so revoked to allow any vehi~-le for which such permit is grsated or any 'other vehicle under the control or management of the person holdiD~g said permit to use or operate said vehicles for hire, or pern~it or allow same to occupy any stand., designated in such revoked permit=, unless a new permit shall have been granted said person, firm or .- corporation. 'SECTION 7. It shall be unlawful for stay'person, firm or corporation their agents or employee, or any person on their own behalf, o~u~ing operati~;, driv.4ng or using aUtomobi].es for hire, or carryiDa; on, maintainir~ or conducting any business under or by authority of an automobile rent car license, or an automobile st~e license, to s~licit,.for patronage or customers in or upon any street within the City of Bakersfield. SECTION 8. The word "street" within the meaning of Section 6 of this Ordinance shall be deemed avenu.'es, courts, lanes, alleys, sidewalks, pathways, or other public places. SFCTION 9. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this 0rdinsnce shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed ...the-sum Of Three H,indred Dollars ($300.00) or by impr. iSQ~ent. in the County Jail not exceedin~-~ ninety days. (90), or by both such fine mad imprisonment. 'Each day such vehicle for hire is operated in viola.- tion of this Ordinance the person operating same shall be deemed guilty of ~ separate offense·, SECTION 10. Ordinance No. 201 of the...:.C. ity of Bakersfield, regulating the charges of automobiles carrying passengers for hire; Ordinance No. 294 of said City, regulating stands for vehicles for hire; Ordinance No. 321 of said City, requiring~ permits before ope~.ating vehicles for hire and Ordinsmce No. 370 of said. City prohibiting rent car drivers from soliciting for patrona~e on the public streets of the City of .!. !' adopted. by 'the Council '~au~l man, G~!chris~, tv:.,.,,.~, Hou~ham, Renfro, Willow, V~som Bakersfield are hereby repealed. I EREBY CERTI~,'Y that the foregoing- 0rdin~.nce was p~ssed and of the City of Bakersfield., on the 9~/~jlay .of 1919, by the following.; vote: City'Clerk and exofficio C?~k of ~he Council of the City 'of Bakersfiel. d. APPROVED ~hi s ~ay o f f t'he City of Bakersfield. ../