HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 38ORDINANCE N0. ~ g NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE ~XENDING ORDINANCE NO 6 NEW SERi~i~ ENTITLED AN' 0RDIN)Y~CE REBULATING AND R~P~SING MUNIC~!~] LICENBES~ PESCRIBING HOW AND BY V~0M LICENSES SHALL BE 0BTAIED: M~(ING THE VIOLATION EREOF A MISD~E~NOR PESCRIBING A PENALTY THEE~OR AND E'~E~.LING ORDiNaNCES NOS. 2~ ]2 ~d No' 2 NEW'S~IE8 BY~DIN~ ~ '~'~W~EC- ~.. BE IT 0RDAINED BY TE COUNCIL 0F TE CITY 0F B~%ERS~['D, .'.':.. :..:.;..~. as ~ollows: That 0rd. in~ce No. 36 New Series entitled. "AN ORDINANCE EGU- LATING AND IMPOSING MUNICIPAL LICENSES: PRESCRIBING HOW AND BY WHOM LICENSES SH~,LL BE OBTAINED: N~XING THE VIOLATION HEREOF A MISDEI:~ANOR AND PRESCRI3ING A PENALTY THEREFOR, AND REPEALING 0EINANCES NOS 327, "': 332 and No. 2 NEW SERIES," be and the s~e is hereby snended by addle. ']..(..~ a new section thereto to be n~bered ~d knoE as Section' 58, as fol-~" ~." lowS: SECTION If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held. to be unconstitutional such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Co~mcil hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, cla~se.and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that"any one or'more other sections, subsectionS, sentences, clauses or .phrases be declared· un- constituti'onal. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoi~ Ordinance was passed s.nd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the ~ day APPROVED this ./.~Aday of ~_, 1920. of March, 1~20, by the followin~ vote: · S- , , , " 'de , "" . ~, V~ ..... ',,~-,,, Ren.~zo, Willow, .... ' _.. Absen~ - ......~- City 81:erk and ex-officio Clerk of the CounCil of the City of Bakersfield.