HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 35AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF ~vBERS 0F.:THE:':!'::'~: .... BOArtD 0F EQUALIZATION AND EPE~ZING ORDINANCE N0.22 FIXING SALAd' OF ~]ERS 0F BOARD 0F EQU~ZIZATION. BE IT 0REAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI~ OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows ~. SECTION 1. Eac. h member of the Council while acting as a member of the Board of Ec!ualization shall receive and be paid Ten Dollars ($10.00), for each ~d every day he so acts, as compensation for his services. SECTION 2. 0rdinsnce No. 22 entitled· "FIXING SAL~RY 0F Nn,BERS OF BOARD ' 0F EQUALIZATION" LiS hereby repealed. HEF~EBY CERTIFY that the foregoing. Ordinance was passed Council of the City of Bakersfield on the~ day of 1920, by the following vote: Ayes-Ea hman, Ci',~h,k', ~,I:- .~.~,. Hougham, Renfro, WilloW, Wilson. Nays -_'~--~--j~ Absent- ~ APPROVED this .~.ay of ~~t/~L_, 1920. ~ity Ule ~ an. e~-officio' 'lerk 'oi~ the ou~cil of the City of Bakersfield.