HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 32" OSDINANCE 'NO.;]!)? ':. "5 9,'. NEW SERIES ':' "" "' LATI.0N 0'F ."'THE PROVISIONS F,F. REOF A IIISDEME~0R AND . REPEALING SUBDIVISIONS a b c d e and". f OF SEC- ~,~N 20 0~ 0RDIN~CE NO.' l' ~SUf. ATiNS T~ COBT~UCTmN '-', · ' .' . "'. ~. 'i~. ~,IOVAL D~i0LITION' WHEREAS the immediate preservation of property and public safety denkand the enactment of an emergency ordinance providir~-, for -.. the installing. of standpipes, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. · B~XERSFIELD, as follows: SECT.ION 1. In every building of two stories or more exceeding B5 feet 'in. · height there shall be provided a vertical standpipe of not less than four (4) inches in internal diameter. Each such standpipe shall ~jave a Siamese inlet valve near the sidewalk or the ground directly under same and sn outlet at each Story above the first story and on: the roof. O~e such standpipe shall be placed. on or in the external walls of 'the ~uildip~-, at one fire· escape on each street frontage and the outlet valves shall be redily accessiabie from the balconies of the fire escape. The inlet and outl.et valves.on every standpipe shall be threaded and brought to a size which will meet the standard connection of .the Fire Department of the City·of Biersfield. All standpipes after installation shall be subjected. to a ... · satisfactory'test of hydrostatic pressure of not less than BOO pcunds' to the .square iinch, such test to be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. . '- SECTION 2. " ....... · ...... : ..... .-.' Every;person'violating any.of.the provisions..of thiS..Or.d:iH~c e shail be guilty of a misdemeanor. · .... · . '.....:~.~ ..' . :.. ~ ........ Subdivisions a, b, c d, e and f. of SectiOn( 20',." ~.~ [:~~ , , .. · .:~ .. ,~ ..~ .; !. No. 179 regulati~ the construction, erection, repai.'rs,. 'alteration,....--.:..? :,.. .. removal, demolition, condematio. n md use of buildi s !s hereby ""']':~;j~:'~ :,.-.,.. .. :.'.. repeal ed ...... "' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoi~ Ordinance was passed and .... 2 by the followir4g vote: Ayes-Baughmau, Cilchrint Hhman; iZ~;!~t.,,, Renfro, Willow, Wilson. Absen~ - ....~..~ ' c ty rk o f". · d the Council of the City of B~ersfiel ... ~PPROVED, this/~ay of the City of Bakersfield·