HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 42 ORDINANCE N0. ".~:'.~ .:~:NEW' SERIES. ~ : 0R OT~ISE DISPOSING OF S0~::.n.~RIES N0~-~OOHOL] '..C ~.D'.'. NON-I~OXIOATING LI UOR8: RE UIRING A'~IT THEE'.~R: '~. "' ING TE VIOLATION ~EOF A M~SD~0R '~D 'PROVIDII~G"A. PEN' AL~ T~~R. .".~'~: BE IT O~AI~D BY T~ OOUNCIL 0F T~ CITY OF B~SFI~D. as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONB: For the purpose of this ordinance the followir~ words and phrases shall have the meanin6 as in this section set forth: 'SOFT DRINKS'" shall mean and include coda pop. ginger ale eyphon coda. artificial mineral water. malt mead. near beer. root beer or any other drink of like character and nature. "NON-INTOXICATING" and NON-ALCOHOLIO" liquors shall mean and include all liquors described by any state or Federal Law as being 'non-intoxicating. of containing alcohol of no greater quantity than is permissible under the National Prohibition law or any law relating thereto. SECTION. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to connence, carry.~on, open, conduct, engage in, manage or maintain th business of selling-,, serving or otherwise disposing of any so-c~lled soft drinks, non-alcoholic or non-intoxicating liquors whatsoever, or to open, conduct, manage or maintain any establishment, place or stand for such business, without first applying for 'and receiving from the Council of the City of Bakersfield, a permit to so do. SECTION 3- Application for such permit must be made on forms to be .~f~rn?iebed by the City Clerk O.f. said City and shall contain the follow- in~: 1. The particular place. including street number. where said establishment. place or stand shall be located. on at said location, ~d pe : . . . . .....~.... . :... ousts shall have c~rge of conduct or ~e said b~siness;."t~l'.'n~e' '. .S.. .... .., . . . ~d the extent of his authority. ' .....- ..~:...... ,, .:. ~.:. ]. ~ether said b~siness will be conducte~ :'as .a 'r~taii ~usines:~';i?~ or as a wholesale business, or whetherboth retail ~d'.'wholesal.e busi-""': hess will be carried on at said location. 4. Said application must firthor state t~t if a pemit be grit-' ..". ed thereon that said establis~ent, place Or stud. ah~l be open. for." '.Z..:' inspection by the Chief of Police or ~y r~larly appointed police officer of said city 'at any time duri~ business hours, ~d t~t · ·laws of the State of California ~d the ordin~ces of the City of B~ersfield relati~ thereto sh~l be complied with. SECT,ION 4. Upon receivi~ such application the Co~cil shall refer s~e to the Chief of Police for investiSation as to the mor~ characted of the applic~t and whether the proposed location is a suitable ~d proper place for conductin~ the said business, who sh~l report thereon at the next r~ulsr meeti~ of said Co~cil. The said Co~cil thereupon, at its discretion, grit or refise said pe,mit. SECT I ON ~. The petit provided for in this ordin~ce shall be grated and accepted with the e~ress ~derst~di~ ~d ~reement t~t the Oc~cil of the City of B~ersfield my revoke the' s~e at ~y time if ~y of the t, ems or conditions of s~e have been violated, or if the s~e was obt,sined by fraudulent representations, or it is shou to the satisfaction of the Oo~cil that said business, or ·said establis~ent, place or stud is conducted in ~ ~lawful meet, or t~t s~e is detrimental to the soci~ peace or public moreS" of '~H~"CO~'it~; provi'ded, however, t~t the holder of said pemit may appear before ... · ....-~....-'.i... ; .. '... " ' ........: ..,. ~.'... :.'::: .'~. :. :.,.'~,.. the Council in his own behalf, bu~i%h~.' CeunCil' s~all be the the sufficiency of the c~rges'cr 9f~,~t is detrime~ peace .ar public mores, ~d. the decision of said Co~cil' thereo~' · ':' ~l ~].=::'.' be conclusive. SECTION 6. Each ~permit shall be granted and accepted upon the. rther understanding and agreement that all the termsL' provisions' ~~~la- tions contained in this ordinance, as the same now is or my hereaft. e:r ~.~ ~':.' ~ ~ '. :~' All permits granted hereunder shall be good until revo~e~· or surrendered~ the same shall not· be assi~able but upon the sale,·.er transfer of said business the Council will upon application therefo~r~.-.~ issue a new permit to the purchaser of said business upon the same ..~.' terms and Conditions that the orginal permit was issued. SECT I ON 8. It shall be unlawful for any drinks, liquors or refresh- ments to be served or consumed in any room, not havi~ an entrance from a public thoroughfare, which entranc~ shall at all times during busi- ness hours be opened, ·unfastened and unlocked; stall, nook, comer or private place connected with such establishment, place or stand, which shall be in any way partitioned, currained or screened from the rest ~ · of the room~ provided that this shall not apply to stalls having parti- tions not exceeding six (6) feet in height, one side of said stal~ being open into the rest of the room with no screen or obstruction of any kind whatsoever which might in any way screen or hide the occupants thetee f. SECT I ON 9 -. "-' It shall be unlawful-for any such establishment, place o_r stand to have any room, n'o'~"ha.vi'ng-'~n entrance-' f. ro~.~'.pu~'~'i~c~ thorough~i fare, which entrance shall at all times during. business hours be opened Unfastened an unlocked.; stall nook, comer or private place connected thereto or therewith in which ~ny tabl:'~.,'::.c.e:.unter,. shelf-:. st"~n'd"o:~,'yi~o~.'l~er. .... ' ....."" ' ' f-~'~j~ .... ~.' "~' '. "f. '.j.' '~'f v:' '[v' · ' "".~' "]'~."..' · ' , ...... :.....' . '.. . ' ..'. : f(...:. ...:-j or soci~ g~e d r v e i' '~i for drinks, ~usement or otherwise, or to pemit.,~.,...~ch ~es of ".' .skill, social ~es of cards, or ~y g~e of cards w~t~oever to be played therein or thereabout, except s~e be played in the main room of said establis~ent, place or stud, which room s~l be open to the general public a ~1 times duri~ business hours. SECTION 10. It s~ll be ~lawf~ for ~y person. fi~ or corporaion, their ~ente cr ~ployes, havi~ charge, control or m~ement of ~y establis~e~at, place or stud comi~ within the provisions cf this ordin~ce, to suffer or pemit ~y person ~d. er the ~e of eighteen (18) years to be or remain in, enter or visit ~y such establis~ent, place or stud. ~vi~ therein cr connected therewith ~y billard pool or card tables, or where ~y billed, pool or card~ or other g~es of skill, are played or pemitted to be played. SEOTION 11. It s~ll be ~lawful for ~y person ~der the ~e of e~h- teen (18) years to be, re. in in, enter or visit ~y establis~ent, place or stud comi~ within the provisions of this ordin~ce, wherein or co~ected therewith or thereto, are ~y billiard, pool or card tables, or where ~y billlard, pool, card or other ~e$ cf skill are played or pemitted to be played. SECTION 1~. ~y person, fire or corporation violation ~y of the pro- visions of this ordin~ce, or faili~ ~o comply with ~y of the terns or r~ulations contained heroin, sh~l be g~ilty of a misdemeanor ~d upon_ conviction thereof sM1 be p~is~ble by ~ fine not exceedi~ three hundred 'dollars ($~00.00) or by imprisomen~' in' the"'~'~""~a~l:''.'' ' for a period not exceedi~ ninety days (90) in jail, or by both s~ch fine'~d imprisonment. m4, SECTION 13. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here.,- with are hereby repealed. .. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoin~""~d'ir~nce was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the V~ Ayes-B.~u~bman, Gilchris~. IXAa,,,~-, ~b~gh~-m, llcm~ro, WAII~w, Wi41ea, Absent- ~ ~/~'-~n~/~ APPROVED this ~(day of ' · 1920. y the City of Ba~rersfield.