HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 41 ORDINANCE N0. '~/~/NEW SERIES iN 0R~IN~3CE E.TENDING SUBDIVISION (b) -0F .SECTION 8 DINANCE I~!0. ~6 N~N SERIES ENTITLED~_ "~N' 0R~INANCE R~ULATING ~D Ii,¢PO SING ~.~MIC IPAL LICENS'EB: PRE~CRY~ING H0~ AND .BY ~0N ' LICENSEB SHALL BE OBTAINED: M~XING THE VIOLATION HEREOF A MIS. DE~ANOR AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THFRE~K,R AND EPE~iING' 0EI- N~n3CES ~vO3 327 332 and No. 2 NEW SERL.S." BE IT 0RDAINED BY TE COUNCIL 0F TE CI~ 0F BEERSFiELD, as follows: Th.~t subdivision (b) of Section 38 of 0rdin~ce No. 36 New Series, entitled "AN ORDINANCE EGULATING ~3D D~POSING I,,iUNICIP~I LI- CENseES: PRESCRIBING HOW AND BY ~0M LICENSES SH~iL BE 0BT~INED: i~XING TE VIOLATISN EEOF A EISDE~..~EANOR AND 'PRESCRIBING ~ PENP~TY THEREFOR, AND REPEALING 0EIN~3CES NOS. 327, 332 ~d No. 2 NEW SERIES," be and the smue is hereby ~mended to read as follows: (b) Except as otherwise provided in this ordin~ce, ~very ped- dler of goods, wares ~d merchandise asi~ a wheeled vehicle shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per day, provided how- ever that for peddlers usin:~ $ wheeled vehicle in selli~C fruits, vege- tables and other faro or garden products direct to the cons~er the license fee shall be Fifteen (815.00) Dollars per quarter. I HEREBY. CERTII~ that the foregoi~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the /~f'~i day o f ~~___, 1920, by the following vote: Ayes - Baughm~n, Gilch:ist,. ttinnmn, ~sa~;hr'~,, P, anf~, W~w, Wilson. APPROVED this/~day of = ~ _._, 1920. '~~f f the C~Ity Ci e k o Council of the City of Bakersfield. layof ~'~ th~ Ci~ of Bakers field.'