HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 570RDIN~NCE NO. ~? NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE ~J.~-ENDING SECTION 0E 0RDI~ANCE NO. T42 NEW SERIES E~TTITLED "AN 0RD~NE.{CE RE3ULATING ~.~ BUSINESS 0~ SELLINC~ SERVING OR 0THeWISE DIS- POSING'0 "SOFT' DRIES" ~0N-ALC.F.0LIC tND NON-INTOX- ICAT~NG LIQUORS: RE U~[RING A PE'P~IT THEREFOR: I~,I~s3ZING T~oE VIOLATIOI~ H_~EOF A }~ISDE~IEANOR AND PRO- VIDING A PENALTY T..~E. REFO R," NE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~ZERSFIELD, "aS"".foI'l'~Ws'~':.'-':-','.~"'-" That Section 9 of 0rdinm~ce No. 42 New Series entitled "AN 0RDIN~jqCE REGULATING T!~!E BUSINESS OF SELLING, SERVING OR OTHER- WISE DISPOSING OF SOFT DRII~YKS, NON-ALCOHOLIC AND NON-INTOXICATING LIQUORS: .REQUIRING A PE~IT THE~FOR: ~XING THE VIOLATION 2HEEOF A i~ISDEOR AND P~VIDING A P~i~' T'~RE~R," be and the s~e is hereby ~ended .to read as follows: SECTION 9. It sh~l be ~lawf~ for sy such establis~ent, place or stud to have ~y room, st~l, nook, comer or private place connected thereto or therewith in which any table, cotter, shelf, aterid or other '-contriv~ce is placed or arr~ed whereon or ~ereby ~y ~e of skill or ~oci~ ~e of cards or ~y ~e of cards whatsoever may be played for drinks, ~usemmt or othe~ise, or to pemit ~y such g~mes of skill, social ~es of cards, or any g~e of cards whatsoever to be played therein or thereabout, except said. room, stall, nook, cor- ner, or private place shall be open to the ~eneral public at all times duri~ business hours, ~d not screened or currained off from public view. I HE~Y C~I~ that the for~oi~ 0rdin~nce was passed ~d. adopted by the Oo~cil of the City of B~ersfield, on the ~ day of l~, 1920, .by the followi~ vote: AP O~D ~ ~s day of City 'l~~'lerk o-f'~he