HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 56PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF B'~XERSFIELD; M~XI. NG ".'. THE VIOLATION THEREOF A M'ISDEME~nNOR AND.PROVIDING" A~EN~tTY THEREFOR" BY ADDING A NEW ·'SECTION T_.ERETO TO BE KNO~] AS S'ECTION.3a," as follows: .... . . BE IT ORDAINED BY T~ CO~JC!I, OF T~ CI~ OF B~SFIELD, That $rdinsnce No, 397 entitled "~l ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSTalLATION OF GREAS~TRAPS IN CERTAIN BUILDINGS ~ID PLACES WITHIN TME~ CITY OF BAK~RSFDDLD; NAKING TP!E.. VIOLATION THEREOF A NIBDE- N.E~IOR AND PROVIDING A PEI~J,TY TL~EREFOR," be and the same is hereby amended by the addition thereto of a new section to be known as Section 3a, as follows SECTION 3a, All greas~ traps installed under the provia.ions of this '~ m t b ordinance shall be inspected at least s-.vicc each m~ cvcry on h y the Plumbir~ InspectOr, and if upon any such inspection any such grease trap is .found not to bed'in good working order the said PlUmbing ... Inspector ,,mall inmediately notify the owner, tenant or person zn possession of the premises upon Which .2sai.d grease trap is located, in 'writing.~, specifying in such ·notice wherein such ·grease trap is not in good working order and the owner, tenant or person in possess, ion of said premises shall within forty-eight {48) hours after··. · .... ~. receil~t of such notice cause the said grease trap to be put in good working.. osier to the satisfaction·of said Plumbim~.. Inspector, I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed· . by the Council of the City o'f Bakersfield., on the y 'the foli ' owing vote: · day of .... , , . · . , . ' . ". '... ' . ~.. . · '. ~.'. . ..."'f.Z'~..-..