HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 510RDI N~3CE i~,~./.~/ NEW SERIES tN 0RDINP~qCE CH~]qGING ~.~D RE~EST~3LISHING .THE OFFICIAL CURB GRADE OF G STREET AT A POINT ~ FEF, T NORTH OF THE NORT~ LINE OF FIFTEENTH S EET, IN THE CITY OF B~XERSFI_~LD. BE IT ORDAINEB BY T~{E COUNCIL OF Tk~E CITY OF BPXERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. ~H. ERE. AS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield· did on the 22nd day' of March, 1920, by Resolution of Intention No. 377, de- clare its intention to Cnsng.,e and re-establish the official curb grade on either side of G street' at a point 39 feet north of the north line of' Fifteenth Street from 93.42 feet above the datum plane for the grades of the City of Bakersfield as fixed by Ordinance No. 18 of ~aid City, to 91.70 feet above said. datum plane; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Resolution directed the Clerk of the Council ~to publish said Resolution of Intention No. 377 in THE B~j{ERSFIELD C~J-IFORNI~3. for two successive insertions in said news- paper, and to post the same for two days, consecutively, on or near. the Chamber door of said Council; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention was so published and posted for two days describiD~ the proposed change of grade; and WHEREAS, the Street Superintendent duly published and posted Notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 377, in the manner, form and. time as required by law; and WHEREAS, no protests were filed. against said change of grade; NOW.' THEREFOR, it is hereby ordered that the grade on · either side of G' S~reet at a point "39 feet north of the n'orth""lin'~'of ...... ""~"' Fifteenth Street be and t/qe same i~ hereby changed t'o .and re-estAbli.~hed from 93.42 feet above the datum plane for the grades ..of. the Dity of Bakersfield as fixed. by Ordinance No. 18 of said City t9~:91.70 feet above said datum plane. .'- · - :, ':"., .' . ..' .~-...... 'E.....i~i.~:ii:~!~::b ........ -: .. ';,,~'..~.~ :.~-..~;" ""'i'~ .s.~: · ... .:::..; .. :.,.. :... :.'-.:.": .. ::"'..-"!: :!. I HERk~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of .~,~a~ . 1920, by the following~ vote: Ayes- I]a.u--.lxmau, Gilch~2t IIinr,:~4 .ri~..',gZ'-.::;,, Ro:ff:'o, ~ Wilson. st.. ........................ ' ............. APPROVED this 7~day o f ~ , 192o. i' ths'6~xty of Bakersfield.