HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 700RDIN~jqCE OF INTENTION N0. ORDIN!~,ICE 0F INTENTION TO C~LL '~2~ ELECTION 'IN THE PROPOSED I~NICIPAL IMPROV~.~NT DISTRICT HEREINAnE DESCRIBED 0R AS THE~S~ MAY BE NODI~IED IN A~C0~- ~CE ~TH'LAW, ~R TI.E PU~OSE. OF S~MITTING TO '~E' ~U~IF~ED ELECTOR~ OF SAID DISTRICT THE PROPOSITIOiq F AUTLORIZIf~G T~4.~ ISSU~qCE ~D S~iE OF BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT ~R THE P~OSE OF THE ~CQUISrEION OR CONSTRUOTION OF A SYSTEy! OF W~TER WO~s IN AA~D ~UH SAID DISTRICT AND ITS II~[~BI']2~3TS. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed in the office of the Clerk of ~he Council of the ~ity of Bakersfield, which said Council finds was signed by not less than ten per cent of the qualified electors residing in the territory hereinafter described and proposed to be formed into a Municipal Improvement District, Which said petitira sets forth a general description of the improvement work or public utility to be acquired or constructed., and a general description of the exterior boundaries of such proposed. district; NOW-THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the Council of the uity of Bakersfield to call an election in said proposed Municipal Improve- ment District; an accurate description of said proposed· district, bein.g as follows: Begirming at the southwest comer of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Twenty-nine '(29) south, Range Twenty-eight (28) east, M.D.B.& M.; thence east· to the southeast comer of the southwest quarter (1/$) of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Twenty-nine (29) south, Range,Twenty-ei~,~t (28) east M.D.B.& M.; thence north to the northeast comer of the northwest quarter (1/4) of said Section T~en.ty-eight (28); thence west~.to the northwest comer of the north- west quartre: (1/4) of said Section Twenty-eight (28); thence north to the northeast comer of the southeast quarter (1/4) of Section .... · -. ......~;...~-~.~--- .....~.~.'-...':~.:;.~::~u~.~/~~u~, .'~ ...?..::~:. Twenty (20) Township Twenty-nine (29)'south, Range Twenty~e]~gh.~"'[(='28~).'.'-'~s~''. ''. M.D.B. & l~.; thence west to the center of said Section Twenty south on the H~,f Section line of s~'id Section Twenty (20) to ~~r%h.em bo~dary line of said Section Twenty-nine (29); thence west on. said bounda~ line to the center line of Union Avenue; thence south' on the center line of'Union Avenue to the eduthwest comer of section Twenty- nine (29), ToEship Twenty-nine (29) south, R~ge .Twenty-slight (28) east. M.D.B. a M. to the point of b~inni~, all of which is within the City of B~ersfield, Co~ty of Kern, ~d State of Califomia. For the purpose of eubmitti~ to the qu~ified electors of said district the proposition of autnorizi~ the iesu~ce ~d. s~e of bonds of' said proposed ~.a~icip~ Improvement District for the purpose of acquiri~ or constructing ~erein a water-works system to famish water for m~icipal purposes ~d for the i-msbit~ts thereof. SECTION 2. The estimated cost of the proposed improvement work or public utility ~d the incidental e~eneee in connection therewith, is Two H~dred fifty Trio used dollars (~250,000.00). SECTION 3. December 27,· 1920, is hereby fixed as the date When m electira will be called; which said election will be held. on Februa~ 8, 192·1, in such proposed ]~icipal Improv~ent District, for the purpose of submitti~ to the qu~ified electors therein, a p~position for incurri~ m indebted- ness by the issu~ce of bonds of said p~opoeed I,~unicipal Improvemint District, to pay the costs ~d expenses of ~e said proposed improvemint work or public utility md that a map showi~ the exterior boldaries of s~id district with ~elation to the territory imediately contiguous thereto, ~d a general .description of the proposed improvement are on file in the office of the 0ity Clerk of the City of B~ersfield. SECTION 4. That up to five o'clock P.~I. on ~Ionday the 20tn day of December,. 1920,-at th.e.--Uo~cil Uh~bers of the Co~cil of-the City o.f B~ersfield. in the City Hall of said City, is the time ~d place hereby fixed ~en ~y person interested objecti~ to the fomation of said. district or to the extend of said. district or to the proposed improvement or work or to 'the acquiring of .the~."pro'pose~::~i'~-'-'!~:::"..~?;j:?~:I'' may file his written protest ~d that all p~otests so filed will be. heard ~d considered by said Oo~cil at ei~t o'clock P..M"o'f the said "' day at the said Co~cil Ch~bers of the said City Co~cil ~d that.· any person so interested. may then and there show cause Way said improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this ordinance. SECTION 5. The Clerk of this Council shall cause this Ordinance of Intention to be published six times in the DAILY I~PORT and THE BEESFIELD CALIFORNIAN, daily newspapers pablished in said ~ity and "'~" hereby desigaated for the.'5 p,~rpose by the uouncil of the Uity of Bakers field. I H.EIqERY CERTIFY. that the foregoing Ordinance was passed b.y.'th~. Council of' the City of Bakersfield, on the '~ day "' of ~ . 192 ~ , by the followin.g vote:' Ayes - Bau~-h an, Gfichr~s~, Hh~m~, I~o~ghara, E. er.~o, "~ Nays-. ~~ Ab~nt: - f C o City C1 erk f the C~cil of ~he ~ity of ~akersfield. I. hereby approve ~he for~oi~ Ordinance this ~ day of · ~ 1920