HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 68ORDINANCE NO ~Z.:NEW'SERIES "~Jl ORDINANCE REG'~]LATING AND IMPOSING f~UNIC.IPAL LICENSES; PRE.,SCRIBING }{0W AND BY W~{0}~ LICENSES S~.ALL BE OBTAINED; MAKING THE VIOLATION HEREOF A MISDN~IEANOR AND PRESCRIBING A PEN~LTY THEREFOR ~.~]D EPEALING ORDI~iA'~CES NOS. 36, 38, 40 and 41 NE~ SERIES. BE IT 0RDAINED BY T~E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1 That subdivision b of Section 16 of Ordinance No. 55 New Series, entitled "AN ORDIN~j'.ICE REGULATING AND I!,.,LoOSING ~EUNICIPAL LICENSES. PRESCRIBING HOW AND BY W~ON LICENSES SHALL BE OBTAINED; i~XING T~.FE VIOLATION M. EREOF A MISDEMEANOR AND PRESCRIBING A.PENALTY T}{ERE~,~OR, AND EPEALING OR!)INANCES B~OS. 36, 38, ~.0 and 41 NEW SERIES," be and the same is hereby sinended to read as follows: SL~-~DIVISION b of Section 16. In all cases where the first license is to be issued .for a newly established b,lsiness no statement need be made of the amount of receipts or sales or business' transacted, and. the minimum rate herein presc~.'ibed shall be charged for any newly established business where the amount of license therefor is reg'alated by the amount of receipts, sales or business transacted, during the first license per- iod, or portion thereof, duri~l~ Which sach business i~ in operation. I }{EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoi~ Ordinance was ~assed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on theeday o f ~.x_/~-~ . 1920, by the following vote: Ayes- Baughman, Gilchrist, Hinman, Hougham, Ren/ro, Willow, V~rilson. Nays - Absent - ...~ ' ~~ . 1920. Council of the Oity of Bakersfield.