HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 67ORDINANCE NO. ~7 NEW SERIES. ~3T ORDINAFCE ADDING A N~; SECTION TO BE AS SECTION 2 .b ~TO ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~EW SERIES I},!POSING MU~CIibkL LICENSES ON NEC~.~ICAL AND SLOT VENDING MACHINES AND REPEALING ALL ~RDINkNCES ~.ND P~.RTS OF ORDIN~nN~ES IN CONFLICT .HERE:.YITH. BE IT 0RDAINED BY T~E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: (a) A new se'ction, to be kno~m as Section 23 b~ is hereby added to Ordinance ·5'5 New Series, entitled, "AN 0RDIN~.NCE RFDULATING t~.v.D II~TPOSING }~.UNICIP~L LICENSES; PRESCRIBING HOW ~.ND BY V~IOM LICENSES SH~J~L BE OBTAINED; N~XING THE VIOLATION .HERE.~0F A MISDE, EE~.NOR ~.ND PRE- SCRIBING A PEE'kLTY THEREFOR, E'JD RE. PE~J, ING ORDIN~j~CES NOS. 36, 38, 40 · and 41 NEW SF~[IES," as follows: (b)" From the owner, manager, lesseel or person having in his possession any' mechanical device or slot machine operated by any slug or c argez for the purpose of selling or dispos-' ing of any goods, wares, merchandise or minor articles of trade, ~nere no elemefit of chance is involved, the sum of FiVe dollars ($5.00) per quarter for each ~nd every one of said vending machines· (c) All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed., I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoix~g Ordinanceswas passed and adopted by the Council of t.he uity of Bakersfield, on the ~//t day of ~~ , 1920, by the following vote: Ayes.-Baughman, C~ilchrist, Hinm-an, Ho,~hara, Renfro, Willow, Wilsom Nays - A!me~t- ~ J-~ay of · AP~ s ~20. ]Dity ~1 erk of ne Council of the Cit~,~ of BakCersfield t