HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 660RDIN~CE N0. ~ NEW SERIES. · ,.---... T~.E NORTHERLY CURB LINE OF 'PACIFIC STREET AT ITS U H RLY CURB LINE 0F P~CIFI STREET AT ITS IN-.' TERSECTION WITH TM..E '~STERLY CITY LIMITS AND ALS0 0N THE NORTHERLY CURB LINE 0F FLOV~R STREET AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY CITY LIMITS AND 0N M T...E SOUTHERLY CURB LINE OF FL0%~ER STREET A~]~ ITS IN- TERSECTION WIT}{ TM? EASTERLY CITY LIMITS, ~iL IN THE CITY 0F B~XER,q. FIELD . as follows: SECTION 1. BE IT 0RDAIkIED BY T~E COUNCIL OF THE CI~"f OF BEERSFIELD, The figures in the colunto marked "GRADE" are eleva.tion in feet and hundredths of a foot above the datum plane as established by an ordinance of said ·City of Bakersfield entitled "AN ORDIN~NCE EST~3- LISHING A DATU~ PL~3IE FOR THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD," which said ordi- nance is numbered 18, and said figures represent the elevation of the top of the curbs. SECTION 2. Where but one elevation is given, at an intersection of streets, it indicates the elevation of the curb at each comer of such intersection and where but one elevation is given at sn inter- section of a street with a given line, it indicates the elevation of the curb on either side of the street s.t its intersection with such line. SECTION 3. The curb grades for all points between those hereinafter fixed shall be in the straight lines .joining- the adjacent. grades, hereinafter fixed., SECTION 4. The following is t~he street upon which the grade is hereby fixed.: curb On the ncrtherly/l~ne of Quinc Street at Yts intersection with the westerly city. limits curb On the scutherly/line of Qu'incv Street at its intersec. tion w~th the westerl~ 'city limits intersection w~-th the westerly'city limi s curb 0n the southerly/line of Pacific Street at its intersection w'ith the westerly ~ity limits curb 0n the northerly/l~me of Flower Street at its intersection w~t~ the easterly city limits 0n the'so herl~Y~ne of Flower Street at its ut t easterly intersection win the city limits GRADE 140.94 14o.o5 136.81 135.93 149.91 148.68 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed. and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of ~~. 1920, by the following vote: ~PPROVED this ~-~day of Ayes.-Baughm.an, Oilchrist Ii'nman, H~ugham, r~enfro, Willow, V:;;'. ........ . "' .-.. City Ci Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ~/~~, 1920 May,~T o f the City o i' BaKersfield.