HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 78 :: "~,:.,.,-..<.?..<.....,... .... :.-:.~ .... S~BIVIgION (e), BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Subdivision (c) of section 19 of 0rd~Xnance No. 55 New Series, entitled "AN 0RDIN~3CE REGULATING AND Ik~POSING ~a~NICIPAL 'LICENSES; PRESCRIBING NOW AND BY ~HON LICENSES SHALL BE .OBTAINED; M~XING THE VIOLATION HEREOF A MISDENLEANOR AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THEREFOR, ~'ID REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 36, 38, 40 and.41 NEW SERIES", be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SUBDIVISION (c) . For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting an open air show,. theater, or tent show, in any building or structure not having permment fireproof walls, as pm:ovided in subdivision (b) of this section. other thsm as provided in subdivision (d) hereof. the licenses fee shall be as follows: If less than one month, Twenty-five ($25.00) DollarS.per day; if for one month 'Five Hundred ($500.00) Dolfars per montt~; 'if for one yeax, Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2500.00) per year, or,. One Thousand ]351[ 000.00) Dollars per quarter SECTION 2. ....... "' " ' That Section 19 of Ordinance No 55. New ser'iesi" ent~i~led · .. . ...... · ...~..~ · · ','AN ORDI OE EeULATINe IMPOSINe MUNIDIPAL IOENSES; PEESC I:B.'ING..: HOW 'AND BY '~0I~ LICk~qSES SHALL BE OBTAINED; MAKING THE VIOLATION BERE- OF A NIBDk~,~EANOR ~ND PRESCRIBING A PEN~.LTY THEREFOR, AND REPEALING. ORDIN~NCES 'NOS. B6, ~8, 40 and....1 NEW SERIES",' be and the same' i.!.s. .. hereby amended by adding a new subdivision thereto. to be numbered .s~d ".~...... . · '.-.~:.,:: '..~-.'.~:~..'!~-'.. %...~-" · · . · ..~ ....... :.- . .:~".. jE~.~:..,'.>.<:,'>'.::...:..... ...... ... '.,..,.....-;..., .:-. :'..:!.<.:_ --...~.=_::.~!'..~!~-~,.*:--'~~;'-:~~ known as Subdivision (e), as fOl. Iows': SUBDIVISION ('e) , For every person, firm or &orporat~on engaged' in the'BusineSs of conducting a carnival' the li. cenSeS'.:~'..fee:'..shall be ' . "" "' 7':!f' "'.' '..~' ': Five HUndred ($500,00) Dollars per day, .... ' I HER~Y CERTIFT t..hat th'e foregoing Ordinance was passed day , 1921, by the folio.'wing vote: Ayes-Bau...-.hm----n, Gi!ch-,ist Hhman. IIzughmm, Renfi'o, Willow, W~m " Abs.ent -' ....~ '" Ci' y 'l ~~1 erk o f the ~PROVED this ~~ay of ~Oo~cil. of the City of B~er~field. _ ~ , 1921. ' · .