HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 72as follows: ORDID~ICE NO. 7~ NEW SERIES. ~N ORDINN'~CE ~MENDING ORDIN~ICE NO. 404 . . ' .' ENTITLED "~30RDIN~NCE R~JLATING THE BUSINESS OF CONDUCTING PUBLIC DANCES WITHIN THE CITY OF ." ?~"~:""'~-' B~XERSFIELD AND PROVIDIT~G A PFNALTY FOR VIOLA- .'- TION ~EREOF'" BY ADDING FGUR N W' SECTIONS THERE. '..' TO TO BE KN6I$] AS SECTIONS ~ 9 and lO ADD- " ING ADDITION~i REGUE~j.,!ISN8 ~6 T.~E BUSINES~ OF CON-' DUCTING PIRBLIC D~JCES AND IE~OSING A LICENSE T}~ERE, ON kND REPE~iING ORDIN~,MCE NO. 24 ENTITLED '°~jkV OR~I~C~E TO PROHIBIT NOISY AMUSENENTS AND TO PREVENT IM~EOR~iITY." BE IT ORDA!NED BY THE COL~qCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIEL.D,' That Ordinance No. 404 entitled. "~,I ORDIN~]CE REGULAi'ING T.ME BUSINESS OF CONDUCTING PUBLIC D~NCES WITHIN THE CITY OF B~X~' FIELD, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY ER VIOLATION NEEOF," be and the ssme is hereby sinend by the addition of ~our new sections thereto to be known sr, d numbered as Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 and that ordinance No. 24 entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT NOISY ~IUSEMENTS ~JqD TO PEVENT II~:~iOR~tIT~," be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 7. ~ authorized. peace officer of t~e City of Bakersfield shall at all times be in attendance at each and every dance .given and conducted. ander the provisions of this ordinance. Said officer shall preserve order and see t'~at said dance is properly conducted and carried on and. the expense of havi~ such officer in attendance shall be born by the person' ca~ryi~E on and conducting said dance. SECTION 8. It sAuall be ~nlawf~l to admit any person under the sge of sixteen (16) ye&rs ~o any dance carried on or conducted under the provisions of this ordinance except ~nere sach person be accompani~ .... '~' by his or her parent or g~ardian. SECTION 9. Each and. every person, firm, corporation or association. before e~sgir~ in conducting, carrT~ing on or'maintaining 'the -'b"~s'i~n~!~ of giving public d. ances-s~.all.procure 'from.the City Of carryin~E on or maintainir~g' the business 'Of giving public dances shall be fifty ($50.00) dollars per quarter and no 1-icense for less then quarter. SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for. any person either as proprietor, sgent or mans~:er to conduct or run any dance'hall or public dance in the City of Bakersfield in the night time, after twelve thirty o'c!ock ~.~4, unless a permit in writing is first obtained 'from the Ch!ef':o.,f Police of said City, It shall also be unlawful for any person to participate or take part in any public dance in the night time, ~fter twelve tbirty'o'clock , in said city~,~ unless such permit shall be granted as aforesaid. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adouted by the council of the City of Bakersfield, bn the/~ day of 1920, by the followipd vote: ~PPROVED this/~Cday of · o I tne ,~~~e I d.