HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 86 ORDINE~OE NO. ~ NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE ANENDING SECTION 7 0F~'0RDI.N~j~CE H RWISE DISPOSING OF SOFf DRINKS NONiAEC0HOLiC D NON- INTOXICATING LIQUORS; REQOIRING A PERMIT EREFORE. NAKING THE VIOLATION HE~EOF A MISDE- ANOR ~'Eq~ PROVIDING A PE~LTY THEREFOR. ...... BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE a0UNCIL oF THE CITY .0F B~XERSFIELD, as follows: -.. SECTION 1. That Section 7 of Ordinance %, 42 New' Series, entitled. "AN 0RDIN~3qCE REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF SELLING, SERVING, OR OTHER- WISE DISPOSING OF SOFT' DRINKS, NON-ALCOHOLIC AND NON-INTOXICATING LIQUORS; 'REQUIRING A PERMIT THEREFORE; MAKING 'THE VIOLATION HEREOF A MISD~NOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR," be and the ssme is hereby amended to read as follows: . SECTION 7- .. '~11 permits granted' hereunder shall'be goe.~ until .. .. ~-.. ........,. revoked or surrendered;' the same shall not be assignable;;that said permit. or permits may 'be revoked by .said.· City CoUncil for a violation or infraction of any ordinance of the City of'Bakersfield or the General Laws of the State of California on the part of the holder of such permit or by any person or persons conducting, operating, working or-so. tying in or about said establishment, for which such permit is gr~mted. The permit so revoked shall not sgain be issued,to the person ore: persons holding said permit at the time the same is so revoked;· and when a permit to operate· any soft drink establishment. or place of'business .has been revoked no new permit or .any permit shall be grsnted to Operate the same place of'buSineSs "~'~"'~'s~b'i~.~h"'m~:':.''-~ ...... o'r' any"sU~h' busineSS 'at~such location; to 'any 'person' or persons' for a period O'f thirtx ~0) days from'the date of such revocation; upon a bonafide sale of .any such bus~iness""'a:dpermit shall be gran.ted ..~-o...the purchaser upon ~tie 'same terms .s~f~ ..condi'tions that the :~inal.' permit was .issued provided that such sale was made prior to any cause being given by the original holder of such permit or by any person or persons. employed. wOrking or serving in or about such' establishment which I HEREBY CERTI~f that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City .of Bakersfield, on the ~. day of ~~ . ·1921. by the following vote: · 'iS ~ a o .. '~. o ayor oi' e ersfieI.YE'.h Ayes-Carlisle, C~ffifh. Hare, Hcc.~ham, Robinson, Smith, Willow. Xqays ............~ ..................................~. ..... Absent ~ _ ' · ~Oi%y lerk .and' ~x-offieio lerk of the ouncil of the ity of Bakersfield. '