HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 100ORDINANCE NO. ·/ca. · AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUA- TION OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY INTHE CITY OF BAKERSFI~,LD; A RATE OF TAXATION UPON EACH ONE HUNDREE DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR 'THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1ST J.921,AND ENDING JUNE 30T~ 1922. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, -as follows:· SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied. a tax of ninety two ($ ·.92) cents· on each one-hundred doll'ars($100.O0 of the as- · sessed valuation of all taxable pro erty in the Ci~y of Bakers- field County' of Kern State of Cali~o'rnla, for munici I expenses to c~_ry on the seve½al departments .of the Mun'cip I nvernment of said City(exce ti,ng as nereinafter mentioned du:~ the fiscal. ear b.eginnl.ng wi~h' the first day of July 1921, and , ] with ~he ·thirtieth day of June 1922. . .' pal expen cxpal Governme ~ duri th xenneing nt SECTION 2. That there is hereby levied a tax Sleight ($ .08) cents on ·each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valua' tion of all taXable. ropetry within the City of Bakersfield county of Kern, State of Ca[ifornaa, for Free Library and Reading i~oms.. SECTION 3. 'Tha there is hereby levied a tax of twenty and one half cents, ($.20~ on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of akersfiel , s B County of K,;rn State of California 'for maintenance sad impro'vem s of ]]arks and Playground · . SECTION 4. That there is hereby levied a tax of five and one half cents($.8'.~5) on each one hundred dollars(S100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable pro erty within the City of Bakersfield .. County ..o f. Kern State o f Cal i~ornx.a, for sinking fun~-'- ' on the' 1912. Sewer Bonds. "' ·interest and , .. :... SECTION. 5- That there is hereby levied a tax of .four cents($.04)-.. on each one h~ndred dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property ·within the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern~ State of California, for interest and sinking-fund on the 1912 Cxty Hall SECTION 6. That .there is hereb levied a tax of one and one half cemts. ($.01~) on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation. o~.f all" taxable ropert within the City of Bakersfield Count 6f Kbrn State of Calif~ornxa, ~or interest and sinking fund on ~ne 191~ Fire Depart- ment Bonds. SECTION 7, That 'there-is hereby levied a tax o'f one cent ($,01) on each' one hundred($100.O0) dollars of the assessed Valuation· of a all tax, able. roperty within the City of Bakersfield, Count of Kern State of CalifoPornxa for interest , and sinking fund on the .19~2 Library Bonds... SECTION 8. "' Ths,t there' is hereby levied a te.~ of five mills ($.'005) , 6h;'eAc~'.-.o~e hundred dollars(S100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern. State of. Californxa for interest and sinking fund on Street Improvement Bonds issued under'.the improvement bond act of 191~. ' " SECTION 9. 'That there i~ hereby levied a tax of two cents "'($.02) on each.one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable prop- erty ~-~t~'~x ~E oortion of the tit of Bakersfield which was known and design2~at'ed as t'ne'City of Bakersfie~d prior to the'consolidation 0f said tit and the Town of Kern for i~terest and. sinking fund on Sewer ' Bond Number One. ' . .. .. . SECTION 10~ That there is hereby levied a tax of one' cent($ .01) on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property it~in th t portion of t'e City of Bakersfield which was known and" ' ~esxgnate~ as the Town o~ Kern Drier to the c6nsolidation of said Town with the City of Bakersfield, ~o~ interest and sinking fund on Kern Bond ~ · . .. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the for oing ordinance and ado ted by the Council of the City of~akersfield, on ~__p.a~_ day of E~g~st 1921, by 'the following vote. Ayes-Caj'lisle, Criffith, Hougham. Ren~s. Robinson, Smi~, ~ .......... Oit Ul '01erk of ~he 0it 0ouncil of the City. · . of B~ersfield~' .... · ......