HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 99SECTION 1 AN ORDINANCE APPENDING SECTION I 0F ORDINANCE NO. E94 0F THE CITY 0F B.~_KERSFIELD ENTELED " ~.N 0RDIN.~NCE REGU- LATING ~T~ND~ FOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE 0F PEPj~IITS, I,i~.KING THE VIOLATION 0P 'THIS 0RDIN~_NCE A EISDELIEANOR AND PROVIDING A' PENALTY THEREFOR, "~ND RE- VOKING ORDINANCE N0. ~lO. That sec'tion I of Ordinance No. ~9~ of the City of Bakersfield· entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGUL~.TING ST~.NDS FOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE PR.0VIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE 0F PER~.IITS, }~EING THE· VIOLATION CF THIS 0~DINANCE ~ I~.ISDEI~EANOR AND PROVIDING A PEN,~,LTY THEREPOR" is hereby amended to reas as' follows: SECT ION 1 It shall be unlawful for the owner or person ~n charge of any hack, coach, carriage, omnibus, automobile, cab or other vehicle used in carrying passengers, i'reight, baggage or merchandise' for hire, to allow any such vehicle while awaiting e~ployment 'to occupy any stand upon the streets of the CIty of Bakersfield without having first obtained from the Council of said city s written permit ·therefo. r, which permit shall in all cases eontin~.e for the ·course of one year from the date thereof,unl'ess sooner revoked as hereinafter set forth, and at the expiration of such period of one year said permit shall be w, id and oi' no effect; provided, however,·that no such permit sha].l be granted except upon the written consent of the occupant of the first floor of the portion of the building in front' of which it is desired ths. t such vehicle shall stand; provided, however, that if there is no bulldinE on the premises in' frond.of which-it is desired that s~ch,'v'ehicle shall stan. d,.~,or'. if there is a building and the ~.irst floor of the same is not occupied then such permit may be granted upon the written consent of ~he owner or lessee of such premises or building; provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation holding any permit as herein 'provided to .stand on the streets in the City of Bakers~iel. a~ may at all times, when any such hack, coach, carriage, mobile, or other vehicle so used in s~h business, is taken off said stand for the purpose of having such vehicle repaired, place another or similar vehicle at or on said stand as a substitute and in the stead of the vehicle being repaired without further permit from the City of Bakersfield. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the C~uncil of the City of Bakersfield at a-regular ~e~.t'in~ '~f s~,id Co~cil held o~ the /~,/-~ da~r of August, 19Zl, by the following vote: Ayes-Ca~isle, (]~i~th, Hougham, Renfro, Robinson, Smith, Willow :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......................... ............................... City Clerk lerk of' the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this /./~Y~ dsy of ~---~. ~ffayor of the City ~eld.