HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 97ORDINANCE N0. NEW SERIES. AN ORDIN~NOE REGU~jATING THE SIEE ~.ND POSITION 0~ S IDEW~LE SIGNS, FND REPEALII~G ORDINANCES NOS. S8 AND ~5, O~~ TEE CITY OF B~-EERS~IELD. BE IT 0RD~R~D BY THE COUNCIL OF. THE CITY 07 B~EERS~IELD as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unls, wful for any person or persons, firm or corporation, to erect or placed within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield any sign or signs that shall be less tha. n seven feet from the sidew~-lk, measured perpendicularly, and that shall extend out from any building more than two feet from the walls of so. id building. SECTION E. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place or erec~ any sign upon any .sidesslk or curb within ~he corpomte limits of the City of Bakersfield; provided, however, t~st any person, 'firm, or c~rporation to whom s permit h~s her.stofore or is hereafter granted, by virtue of any ordi- nance of the City of B~.kersfiel~, licensing ~nd permitting such person, firm or cor or~.tion. to carry on, conduct and opernte, any busines~ in the C~ty of Bakersfield, in' the operation of ~hich busines~ an automobile, truck or motorcycle is used and ~ich ~usiness renuires ~.nd ~ich petit grants, such person, 'firm or corporation engaged in such b'usiness, s known er design~ted space or stand st any curb on any street in the City of Bgtkers- ~field.. fo~ such_ sntomobile, truc~. or motpr.~yq.l.e '.~...S~h. persons. fi~m or corporation may plnce on the curb stone in front of said designated spgce or stand, a portable sign, said sign ~o be constructed and ~o rea~ ~s provided in the nex~ section. SECT I0N Z. THe signs hereinabove provided in SECTION B shall be cons~;ructed of metal and have a metal disc base ~ot to exceed six, inches in diameter, by one-fourth of an inch in thickness: an upright metal rod not to exceed three fSet in length by three-eig~hths of an inch in diameter, ·set in said base and carrying at the top of said upright .rod a metal disc not exceeding six inches in diameter and ·conStructed of eighteen gauge iron. Upon said metal disc. shall be inscribed the words "Please do not park here." Said standard shall ~e painted white and the lettering on said signs shall be red. SECTION 4. Any violation of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $ZO0.00, imprisonment in the County Jail not to exceed 90 days, or by both such fine or imprisonment. SECTION ~. 0°rdinance No. Z8 of the City of B~kersfield, being entitled "ORDINANCE REGUL~·TING THE SIZE AND POSITION 0~' SIDEWALK SIGNS", and Ordinance No. 4~, of the City of Bakersfield, being entitled "AN 0P~)INANCE REGULATING SIZE AND POSITION 0.P SIDE~':~ALK SIGNS" are hereby expressly repealed. I HEREBY CERTIFY ths.t the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of' Bakersf~eld On the ~A~ day oi' ~ ,' 198l, by the following vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Grifi~th, Hougham, Renfto, Robinson, Srni~h, Willow ....................... :::::::::::::::::::::: -. City Clerk and ex-ofi'ioio Clerk of AP vo 'this day of the Co cil of the City er- field ' Mayor e C~ - of Bakersfield. .~ . . ~ ~- .........~' · ~ . .~Z".~ ........... : ~,~ ..,~.