HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 95 ORDINANCE""-.NO .. NEW S'ERI :'.':"":!:;::i"" :"" "" '. """f" ';. ' .........' '.:~:~!'~: .., ..... .- .:....: ..-,.-::~..~..~.-'.~.~...;,,~.~=;~ · . TITLED" ~3 ORDINANCE ~2~TEND~NG'-... '._;....~ '. CTIO~I ~ OF ORDIN~3CE NO. ' ~ ~ITITLED"" "~3. .' ' :"'.' .....~ DINANCE ~GULATING T~E Ae~XATION"" ...""'- · . . ,.... ~..'.-......:.~ M~3~; ~XING T~E VIOL~:TION A MISD~IEANOR ..... PROVIDING A PEI. I~Z'ff' THEREaR." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~X~ER.SFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. (a) For the purpose' of this' Ordinance, rubbish' snail mean and. incl,~de all combustible and non-combustible waste and re-'..: .-. fuse matte.r, excepti~ gar.b.,sge ordinarily accumulating' in and . about residenceS, flats, buildings, apartment houses, lodgi~l~ souses,.:"' ".' hotels, .restaurantS, ea, tin~ souses, stores, shops, 'Offices and .. other public buildings, and src, ong other tni~4Es it shkll include tree' trimmhings, grass cutti~4Es and dead plants and weeds, but shall not include brick, mortar or other debris incident to the. construction or demolition of buildings. (b) For the purpose of this ordinance, combustible 'i/ r~bbish snell include, paper, pasteboard, carpets, rags, clot~ing ' 'books, boots, sno~s, .straw, packing, barrels, boxes, furniture, and: Other similar articles tnsot will cinerate through contact wits flames o~ ordin-~ry temperature. (d) For the purpose of this Ordinance, non-combustible! rubbish shall include asses, bottles, broken crock'e~j gl'a'ss"~"~'~n' cans, and other metallic substsnces, and other or similar articles (d) "RUBBISH COLLECTOR." is defined to .be any or persons, fire or corporation whO-m~ee a businesS. 'of'goi~.abo'~t~.~ from ~Ouee to house. from place to. place collecti~ rubbi~h"~d '~-~'.~"" hauli~ 't~:e s~e to t~e City D~p Yard. " SECTION 2. It snal'l be the duty of every resid. ent, owner, lessee, ...._:.~ .... tn tenant, or' occupant of any private dwel'ling house, and of the ~wner, 'lessee or keeper of every flat building, apartment house, hotel., 'restaurant, eating house, lodging ~no.use, store, sh~p, office. and other public buildi~E or buildings, where rubbish will accumulate, to provide suitable boxes, barrels, or other proper receptacles to be kept on each of said premises, sufficient to hold the rubbish which would. ordinarily accumulate on such premises. ' · No one of said receptacles snail nave a capacity exceed-'. ing fifty (50)gallons. The receptacle for holding the'combustible rubbish s~all be'of wood or metal and have a cover to prevent the contents from being scattered or blown about by the wind.. For holding ashes, each such receptacle shall be' of metal and. Shall be water tight; the same sns.ll nave a capacity of not less t~an three (~) g~lons and not more than fifteen (15) gallons and provided with a handle or nanriles on the outside and with a tight fitti~ cover which s.nall not be removed except when necessary and no.t~ing but ashes shall be .pls. ced therein. SECTION 3. ................. I~"'S~a~i'~ unla~ful for any person, firm' 0r'co~rpor'~ti6n "" 'to. deposit, 'keep or accumulate or psrmit, cause or suffer the 'deposit ing', keeping"o~ acc~nulation of any rubbisn of any kind .whatsoever within any house or building, or upon any lot within the City 'of · Bakersfield, except as hereinafter provided; provided,. however, SECTION · that tnis provi s~on .shall not b ..e. '. ~'.onstrued .as interfering'. Wi. n '-" Escn such receptacle sh~l be plainly marked O.n. the outside to designate the contents thereof,' ~d it sn~l be" mlaw- ful ..for any person to place or c~use~r pemit to be placed in the receptacle used for combustible rubbish, ~y ashes, or non-com- bustible rubbish whatsoever. or to place in the receptacle used for 'non-combustible rubbish ~y ashe~ or combustible rubbish, or to. place in either of such receptacles ~y .garble ~atsoever. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the occupant of every d.welling~ house and the owner, agent or manager of .every flat building_, apart- ment house and the owner, agent or .manager o'f every flat building, apartment house, hotel, rests=rant, eating. house, lodging house, store, shop, office .or other public building, to remove· or. cause to be removed, the contents of any box, barrel 'or receptacle whenever such receptacle is so nearly full that any additional deposit of rubbish therein would cause the same to overflow. Such contents, when removed, must be deposited' at 'the City Dump' Yards, excepting that m~y ~cCupsnt of a dwelling house 'or the owner, agent .or manager of any flat building, apartment house', ··hotel, restaurant, eating house, lodging no.use, store, sn6p, office or other p~blic building my if he so desires sell or dispose o'f the rubbish accumulating on n_is.. pr~ises to a~.-y independent rdbbisn collector operating under .a permit from the City of Bskers~field. SECTION 6. No rubbish snail be removed and carried on and along the streets· and alleys of the said City 6f Bakersfield except that the 'SECTION any of the contents of.Such con~,eyemces' to ·.sift The contents of such conveyance must be further pro~ecte~ so as.to prevent the same from bein~ blo~n upon .the streets, a!!ey.:s..L."'~ Every person, finn or corporation carrying on or conduct- ing the business of rubbish collecting as provided. in this ordinance must remove 'all rubbish before the receptacles .containing the same become so full as any further deposit of rubbish in such receptacle would cause' the same to overflow; and such rubbish co!l.eC- tot must after collec%,in~ such rubbish haul the same to the Oity Dump Yard and there deposit said rubbish under the direction of the manager or custodian of the 8ity Dump Yard, SECTION 8. Every person, firm or corporation carrying on, conducting maintaining-or eng, aging in the business of rubbis~ collecting ander' this ordinance must first obtain a permit from the City Council of the City of Bakersfield to so carry on, conduct, maintain, or engage in ~ucn business; and pay to the City of Bakersfield a license fee" to conduct~ such business in the sum of One Dollar (~1.00) per quarter, such permit when issued .shall entitle the holder of same to collect and. haul rubbish to the City Dump Yard and to make charges therefore as follows: ~br residences a charge not to exceed One n~'i"i':~r'~"i~i'~O0~. '. per month; for apartment nou. ses, fiat buildings, lodging houses.,. .. ~q. ei~l s, r~A~a~cnt ~ r ~i_~ Xem~_,--~e-_T-a~e~m~4-~:'' ..,.~. ..... ~~'~l-~e~m~6s a ciqar~e not to exceed in any event Four and must'.be indorSed by at leas~ 'tWO' reputabl'e citizens" SECTION 9. W~enever it shall appear to said. Council that said rubbish collector has failed to comply with'the requirements of this Ordinance, or ·that Same is carrying on, conducting and. maintaining said business in an unlawful, improller .manner, such permit, so granted, shall be revoked after due notice to the holder thereof. SECT ION 10. '. No rubbish of any kind whatsoever, shall be dumped at the City Dump Yard except between 'the hours of seven (7) o'cloCk A.]~. and..six (6) o'clock P.M. SECTION 11. :ItLsh~l.'.be unlawful' .f. or any person, firm or corporation to deposit or to cause or permit to be deposited any combustible or non-combustible rubbish or any refuse or waste matter of any' kind, whatsoever, upon or in any street, alley or other public · place, or upon .any premises or in any canal or ditch within' the City of Bakersfield. ..(. SECTION 12. Nothing-, in this Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the burning of rubbish in a reasonable quantity on the premiseS. where'... ........... it' accumulates or, on--vacant .lo.ts,..by,.,the owners 'tn~e~e~ or their ag~ents or en. ployes, provided such' burning: be done between the hours of six (6) a.m. and' six (6) p.m., and in sucn a manner as will not · " endanger"property or persons, and no person buriing rubbish shall leave the same ungmarded at any time until all the embers are wholly extiD~uished.. '. SECT I ON 13. It shall be the duty of .~very person,firm. o.r corporati...0n.. engaged. in or conducting the business of collecting rubbish·-unde'r this· ordinance, when· requested or con~nanded so to do by the 'msnager~ or custodis~n of the City Dump Yard to immediately call'at .any prer~ises in the City of Bakersfield to which said. rubbish collector" my be directed by said manager or custodian'of the City Dump ya.r.d' and where rubbish has accumulated, and there collect and remove said rubbish to the City Dump Yard. SECTION 14. It shall be unlawful for any person .to deposit, keep or accumulate stable manure, or permit, cause or suffer any stable manure to be deposited, kept, or accumulated upon any lot, or parcel -of land, or any public or private place, drive, alley or street, unles,s the same shall be in tightly closed receptacles which shall not be accessible to flies or rodents. SECTION 15. No stable manure from any premises within·the City Bakersfield sn~l be permitted by +Abe person having~ charge or· control .- thereof, to accumulate or to be deposited on any street, alley,' public lane or place within said City,. except as herein pro,vided,· All manure accumulated at any stable, corral, shed or building, shall be removed at·regular intervals of not less than once a Week, or oftener if the Health Officer shall direct, to such place as may be provided by the City Council of said. City, and under such condi- tions as the Health Officer prescribe~,- All manure shall be c~n- ,. v. ey-ed and .handled in such manner as to prevent any thereof from being dropped, sp~lled. or scattered upon any street, alley., lane or other public place within said City. ~my person either as lessee, tenant, occupant, or owner, having control of any premises where stable manure 'shall accumulate shal.1 provide a suits~ole covered box·of such dimensions .and of such capacity as to hold., accommodate and care 'for~.alLi:-.man~!~h~.-.~ii~j~.'!~: 'may be produced'or acc~nalated. o'n the premises, and' 'such 'bo~..~ · . .... ~:-....~.-:..-.~?.~. . be constructed so as to exclude therefrom all flies or other ~.~.~-~.~...~..~Ly.:~. · bearin4~ insects. ..- ... . · . Any person, firm or corporation failing to perform' ~ny..??:~'~.' -. duty· prescribed herein, or violati~ any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be .deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conrio". tion thereof, shall be punishable by a fine in the ~n not exceed- in~ Three Hund'red ($~00.00) or by imprisonment in the County-Jail for a period not exceedin4 ninety (90)' days, or by both such fine and. imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day dUrin4 any portion of .which any violation of any provisions of t~iS Ordinance is con~nitted contained, or permitted by suc~ person, firm or corporation, ~,~nd shall be punishable therefor as provided 'by this ordinence. SECTION 17. That Ordinance No. ~9~ of the City of Bakersfield entitled "~N ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ACCL~IULATION, RE~OV~J~, ~ND DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH' ~3~D STYiSLE N~!URE; N~XING THE VIOLATION A MISDR.EE~j,~OR PROVIDING A PEN~I~ T~REER," ~d Ordin~ce No. 33 New Series entitled "~,~ ORDINanCE ~ENDING SECTION 6 OF OEIN~,]CE NO. 393 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING T[~E ACCUSATION, R~OV.~t ~]D DISPOS~I 0F R~BIS~ ~D ST~LE M~J,I~; M~XING THE VIOLATION ~ISDE- ME~IOR A~D PROVIDING 'A PEN~tTY THeiR, 'f be and the same are hereby ..... 'repealed and all other ordin~ces md parts of ordin~ces in. ~n~!:9,~ ..... herewith are al so repeal ed, I HER~Y CERTIH that the for~oi~ 0rdin~ce was passed ~d. adopted by the City Council of tn'e City of B~ersfield on the ~ day of ~ . 1921,' by-the following vote: Ayes-Carlisle, ~rifflth, Hougham, Renfro, Robinson, Smith, Willow Nays ............~ ...................... " , ·