HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 93 · -' .." -.' · · 'HE REINSTATI. NGL 'OF ';; ...:..-;.'. '-'.,. "XL'.-:"i ..':... :...' ,.~ ',- . BES OF TH~,~.-FIRE AND POLICE DEP~RT~' "";'; ":' ""'..=~.~: ".~?' M~TS 0F THE CITY OF B~XBSFIELD; ~D PROVIDING. ":'...~,';~'.'::';"~:"'::";"':,~'..';' '; :''~ Ao .3 u:u .,.:, ;.. N~LOYED BY THE CITY 0F B~XERSFIELD 'E4D 'REPEALING~ .;."' '.'" "." '." ORDINANCE NO. entitled "~ 0RD~N~3CE' E"INSTAT. '." .... .., .... ING ~ER E~PLg~ES 0F THE FIRE ~JqD POLICE D~T'~:".: '."'..,.;'." M]~TS 0F THE CI~ 0F B~X'~SFI~D TO THE 'SN~E ~SI-.-;":":"'~'...';:"-"' Ti[ON 0R R~J~ ~ICW TH~ HELD AT THE TBIE 0F LEAVING'.U;:."~:.V[;:'.:;..';"'.::".'.:.~t::- SAID SERVICE." -'-. .....-...' ..........'~ '...' ..;..;~U ... ~" ~;y. "~' · l ...... BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~i{ERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. .... Whenever any person.applies for 'employment in the Fire Department.or the Police Department of the Ci. ty of Bakersfield, and said. person has been at some previous time employed. in such Fire .or Police Department, such person so applying, if employed,, may be reinstated to his firmer position or rank and receive the pay t9 which such position or rank entitled him. SECTION 2. Whenever any police officer, patrolman, Or fireman. is employed by the Police ~epartment of Fire Department of tae City of B~kersfield and such palice office, patrolman or' fireman has at any time d. urip~ tn~ past fi,v'e (5) yea~s served as a police officer, patrolr man, salaried deputy sheriff or fireman in any city or town in the . State of California;' such police officer, patrolman, salaried. deputy sheriff or fireman shall be given credit for the past service in such capaaity 'and. said service shall be estimated in establi'shing .the salary to be paid such police officer, patrolman, or fireman. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the l~oregoing Ordinance was passed' and adopted. 'oy the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on. the ~z~da' "' .......... of ...... .-.-1921. by the followin~ vote: ..... - ...............· .......- .... · '.. o ' ~his~ 'day of 'ity Clerk ~~k of .the ' ~ .~~ .. . .~ ' · - C' . · .' '.. .',.'