HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 110 0PaINANCE 57-...O. I10 .N W s mi .s. AN ORDINAFCE ESTABLISHING A CITY PLAN}~ING COI~iSSION AND'PROVIDING' CERTAIN RULES A~,'1] REGULATIOFS FOR THE GOVERM~EFT AND MAINTE}~ANCE SUCH CITY .PLAN~,~ING C?w~.j. ISSION . WI~I~ THE CITY OF B~X~RSE~D COUN~ OF ERN STATE OF A~ ~SCRIBIN~ THEIR PO~S AND D~IES ~3~D ~OVIDING ~R THE L~ A~'D CO~ECTION 0F A~.ANNU~ T~ T0 . DE~Y ~E LAW[L EPE}~'SEB INO~D BY SUCH PLANFING CO~I8~ION. as follows: BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY 0F-BAKERSFIELD,'. 8ECTION 1. The City Council of tne~..~ity of Bakersfield does 'hereby create a City Plannir~.~ Commission, for the City of Bakersfield. M~,~ERSHIP. TERM. VACANCIES. C0MPE}?SATION. SECTION 2. Such City Planning Com~nission shall consist of five members, to be appointed by the M~yor of the City of Bakersfield,' by and with the consent of the Co.~no.il of said City, one o'f' ~nicn shall be a member of the' Council of' said City; and. in addition there- to the City' Attorney and City Engineer, of said City; anal! be ex- officiO. full members of said commission; and. provided, further 'that the Mayor of Said City shall also .in addition thereto be an ex-officio member of said commission but without any right to vote in the deli]~eratiomtnereo.f except in case of a tie. The five members of the first commission so appointed hereunder shall so classify themselves by lot that on~ of their number shall go out of office at the end of the' ~t~rrer.~~~o~~ ~%~ ' ":' "' · A-..yc~-, two at the emi ..o.f one.-..,~.~ .... year tnerea.fter, a~d the other two at the end. of t~we ·years thereafter Vacancies ~br any unexpired. term shall be filled by appointment as in the first instance. Non-residents shall be eligible to appointment on the City PlanDirE commission.. Exceptirg the secretary nereinafter mentioned the members of'the ..E... :,:.'~l com~.ission snail not.receive any compensation for . but the said Council snail fix the amount of compensat.ion, if any,' to be paid to tne secretary, SECTION 3. ~EETINGB. OFFICERS. The members of the City· PlanmirE commission snail meet at least o~.ee a 'montn at such times and places.as tney may fix by resolution, They snail select one of tneir number as president and anotner as. secretary, and both snall serve for one year and until their successors are appointed·; in case of their absence, .the membersoof the commission snail select a president or secretary prottem, as tne.case may be, Special meetings may.be called at any time by the president or tnree members, .by written notice served upon eacn member of tne commission at least three nours before the time specified for tne proposed. meetirE, Four members of the commission shall Constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, The commission shall cause a proper record. to be kept of its proceedirEs, SECTION· 4. POWERS. The'City PlannirE Commission snail nave power, except as otnerwise provided by law: First: To recommerd to tne Council of tne City of Bakersfield plans for tne regula4mion of the future growth, developement and .beautification of the said .Oi~y in respect to its public and private 'bu['ldirEs' ~.nd works, streets, parks, grounds, and vacant lots; SecOnd: To recommend to tne Council'of the City of Bakersfield plans, consistent with the future growth.. a~d development of said City in order to secure to the City and. its innabitants sanitation; proper service· of all public utilities, snippirE . .... - .... .._- .... ~. Taird: To make recommendations to any public autnoritie~ any corporation Or individuals of'such city'with-reference to the location of any proposed buildings, structur~s or works; '- Fourth; To recommmer~ to the Council .of the said City the ~...:' approval or disapproval of maps' or plats of subdivisions of Every such map or plat snail, 'prior to its final ~pproval or disapproval by the Council of the said City to be submitted to sai8 commission for its 'recommendations t~ereon. to suc~ Council, Fi.ft~: To do and perform any and all other acts and thirds necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of this act, SMCT O ' 5. MAP OF. CITY. RECOmmENDATIONS. '.'The City Planning Commission shall make or cause to be made, e.t the direction of the Oity Council, a map-or maps of the City or any portion thereof, 'ir..clud..ing adjacent territory lying outside of the corporate boundaries thereof, snowing the streets, nighways and other natural or artificial features therein; also the locations or relocs.tions proposed for any new public buildings, civic center, street, parkway, boulevard, park playgrou~l~ or other public ground or improvenent; also 'any proposed widening, extension, closing, or relocation of any street or nighway, or any change in the plan of the city that it may deem advisable, Said Commnission may, at its discretion, p~epare such maps or plans as aforesaid for the purpose of making recommendations in connection therewith to the proper officers of said City having charge,. superintendence or control' of the .matters set forth in such recommendations, "'it shall make' sugg.~estions' Or recommendations to 'the City Coun~;il from time to time, .concerning any of the matters and. tnirgs aforesaid for actAct. by the Council thereon, having due regard for the present conditions 'and.' the future needs and growth of the City includirg the distribution and' relative location .O'f~ · ' .. ..'.' ....... · all public buildings, grounds .and open. spaces.devote8 to..public...-!'' SECTION 6. also the plannir~ and. layirg out'for · grounds bro~:~qt into the market from of the dity into zones or districts for the purpose of' Conservi.rg"'E?"~"."~.]-"..i:i'.i and protectitS the public nealtn, ·comfort and convenience. ..- 'PUBLIC BUILDINGS,.PLAYGROUNDS ETC ~. . ~ , · TAX LEVY The' City Council of t~e City of B..aker. sfield ~ ;may, in makirg its annual tax levy and as a part "'tnereof,' levy and collect a tax for the purpose of defrayir~ the l'.awful"expenses incurred · .~b..y. ~ne .City Plannir~ Commission 'o f such municipality 'not- to'.. ~ex..c.:.eed.. ~'.7,:~ two mills on the dollar of assessed. valuation.; provided,· nowever·, that no expense Of any kind shall be incurred by the commission' unless first a~tnorized lxpd appro?ed by tn'e City Council o.f' the City of Bakersfield., · .. ;U · SECTION 7. .Any officer o~ department whose duty it iS to prepare o-rdi~.ances and resolution relatirg. to the 'loCa,tion of any ,,_u~blic buildirg 'of' the City, or location, extension, Widenirg, enlarge- ment, ornamentation, or parkin~ of any street,· boulevard, alley, parkway, park, playgrour~. or other public grounds,' or to the vaca- tion of any street, or other alteration of the City plan of stre'ets and nighways, or. the location of any' bridge, tunnel, or subway.· :'b'r of any surf.~ce, underground or elevated railway or public utility, or ordinances relatir~ to nousir~, buildirg codes or zones, snail, prior to the submission to the proper board or officer of the 0ity of Bakersfi,;ld, ~f the ordinance or resolution required to be adopted. before such proceedirgs are instituted, give notice .to the commission of the pendency before the officer or department of proceedirgs with reference tO any of the above'matters. SECTION'8. If any section, Sub-section, clause or pnzase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional such. decision snail not affect the validity of the remainir~ por~t'ions of this ordinance. Tn'e Council nereby declares tnat it would Rave passed tnis ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause and pnrase thereof, irrespective of tne fact that any one of more otner: sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. I EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoirg Ordinance was passed and adopted at a regular meetirE of the Council of'.tne 1921, by the followir~.~ vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Griffith, Hare, Hougham. Robinson.· Smith, Willow, Nays .............~ ........................................................................................................ Absent ~