HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 109as follows: 0RDINAN..gE NO EEW!.SERIES·:" AN ORDINANCE ESTABLIS.HING .THE OFFICI~J~ GRADES'OF 'CERTAIN STREETS IN.THE CITY OF B~ERSFI~D, CALIERNIA. t BE IT ORDAI}~ED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY_ OF BAKERSFIF.ZD,: SECTION 1 The Figures i~ the column marked "GRADE"' are elevation in feet and hundredths of a foot above the datum plane as established by an ordins.nce o f the said City o f Bakersfield,, entitled "AN ORDINANCE EST~B.LISHING A DATU~ PLA}~E FOR THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD,." which gaid' Ordinance is numbered 18, and said figures represent the elevation .of .. the top of the curbs· SEOTIOF 2. The' curb grades for all points between .those nerein~fter · fixed shall be in the straight li.ne.joining.tne adjacent grades, as nereinafter fixed. SECTION 3. n ereby fixed: The following are the streets· upon Which .the grade...i's.. .Ot.n the soutn. erly side of Sumner Street at 'its ermi'nati~n~': in East Truxtun Avenue . . . . . . . . . . OD the rortnerl~. line· of Sumner Street at'. its ~ehninatidn'.:in ast Truxtun Avenue ...... · ... Tne soutneriy side of East Truxtun Avenue at its intersection with the easterl line of Block 101 Cit of Bakersfield, that portion formerly known as ~ern ............... ' ......... ....... ~)n~i~n'e~'='side o f '~,~st'Tmxtun Avenue 680','08' feet easterly from tne intersection of tne center line of said East, TruXtun. Avenue witn tne center line. of Sum~.er Street GRADE, lo3.80 03.9o lo3.8o 104. o on eitneri. side of East Truxtun Avenue 730.08 feet easterly from the intersection of the center line . i '..'.i'. of said' East Truxtun Averue with the center line of Sumner Street .............. '..' ..... 104.'7~ ... ....... .. :." '.~;:;~'~.'~-: '-':' ..~. ~.~.'. "."n.-:: ... .... ff '.~L-,-~l': · ':~ . .. ~' 'f The nortnerly side of East Truxtun Avenue 780.08 feet easterly from tne intersection of tne center line· of said East Truxtun Avenue with the center line of 8~nner Street · 10~ 50 · The southerly 'sid. e of East Truxtun Avenue 780,08 feet t .. eas erly from the intersection of. 'the center l'i.n.e of - s~id. East Truetun ~v'en~e wi~n the center line of' 8~mner 'Street '10~ 45 The.northerly siae of E~st Triton Avenue 93~.08 'feet' ' easterly from the intersectio~ of the center line of "' s~i'd E~st. Tr~xt~n Ave~e with the .center line o f. 8~ner. Street ............................ 108,60. T~e. so~tnerly side of E~st Tr~x~n. ~,ve~ue 93 .08 feet eaeterly from the intersection of the center line of s~id E~st Tr~xt~n Aven~e with the center li~e of · 8~ner 8~reet ' 108 40 Tne ~or~nerly side of East Tr~xt~n Ave~e 946,09 feet e~eterly from ~ne intersectio~ of the center line. of · Said. East Trcxt~n Avenue witn the center line of 8~ner Street '108 90 The southerly. side of East Tr~xtun Avenue 9~.07 feet easterly from the i~tersection of the ceDter ].ine of " said ~st Tr,~tun Avenue with the center line of' . Sinner Street . ....... · · · · · · · · · . . . . .. 108.60 · · Tiue southerly side of East Truxtun 'Avenue 99~.25 feet easterly ~':. ":.. from the intersection of the center line of sai-d E~:st Tr~xtun Avenue .witn the Center line of Sumner Street.. . . '108.90 The northerly side of East Tr~xtun Averue 1287.73:feet es~sterly from tne intersectior of tne center line of " said ·East Tru~ctun Avenue with the center line of' Sumner Street . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 107.·42 On 'either side of East Truxtun Avenue at tne inter~ section· .of said East Truxtun Avenue witn tne easterly City Limits of tne City of Bakersfield, . . . . ... . . . . '106.·70 I HE~_~Y CERTIFf that the foreg0irg ordinance was the Council of the City of B~ersfield on the . ~ day . . . 1921 by the followirg vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Griftlth, Hare, Hougham, Robinson, Smith, Willow c c o Council of the City of B.aersfield..'