HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 107 as follows SECTION 1- 'ORDI~!ANCE NO./~i.'7 NEW SERIES. .-'.. "[: ::':!'..'::~ii~'~'j",v~;~.......;..-.',::::..~ · ' ~"' "... AN ORDINANCE REGULATIN~ THE-OPERATION OF" .. · ,.:...,:~.f~f,:..,....-.:.-.:~,~ · ." . "(~:i.':" ": ' TION OF STREET CARS ON CHESTER AVE~E 19tn STREET AND B~j{ER STREET IN THE CITY. O~ B~J4ERS- FIELD. IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~{ERSFIELD,', It shall be tne duty o-f every person, firm or cornoration' operating, driving or propelling. any electrically driven street car on 19tn Street, Chester Avenue a~d Baker Street in the' City of Bakersfi. el~8 to operate and drive the same as nereinafter provided. 'i .. SECTION 2. -~: .," rna~ any person., finn or corporation driving, or operat~ing'." any electrically propelled street car in a northerly direction on" Chester Avenue in the City of Bskersfield, shall bri~.~ said. street' car to a stop at the southerly intersection lines of 18tn, 19tn and 20tn Streets with Chester Ave~e prior to said street car being driven into and through s~id. intersections. SECTION 3. That any person, firm or cor~:~oration drivin.~ or operating a~y electrically propelled street· car in a southerly direction on Chester Avenue in the City of Bakersfield, snail brirg- said street ca~- .to a stop at the northerly intersection-lines of 20.tn, 19tn and 18't~ · Streets with Chester Averye prior to said street car being driven into and through s~dd intersections. SEOTION 4. ~'n~t any person, firm or corporation drivirg or operating · " any electrically.propelled street car in an easterly dir'ection on ......... _l._9.tn St_ree_t._.ir,. t. ne city of Bakersfield, shall bring said street car 'to ""' ...... .~_~.-c~*~-~ ......L-..-r..-F:'.,.:-~...=,~-.,~.~ a stop at .the westerly. ir..tersection lines .of .I Street, Chester Avenue, and K Street, with 19tn Street prior to said street car bei'rg driven ·. .. · .. .~. into ard tnro~n said intersections. SECTION 5. ':";' T.nat any person, firm or cornorabion driving or. operating any electrically propelled street car~:~nf~':.~~ L"';,.w~st!e~l;y.~..~. ~!~;'~t~.~.,!.._..j,...:~...~ .... · ' ' ' . . . ..~ ;;,.:....' '~C~i~.. ~iff....:z... ... 7~ · ..~z'~-i~, 2 !~,: 'ql.',~."y~c'-~..~-.' ~.--....-....,.~,~:..~r · 1 STREET C~-,RS ON CHESTER A~ENUE 1 tn STREET AND B-~ STREET IN THE CITY ~)F E~J{ERSFIELD - AMD REPEALING ORDIN.~,NCiE NO 10 NEW SERIES"' entitled "A~~ OR~IN)i~E R~G'~LAT~NG THE OPERA- easterly intersectionllines of K Street, Chester Avenue and I"~ · . .,. ~!; ~ . ,::...:~:.~..~f'.~: with 19tn Street prior to said Street car beir~E driven into and '~hro.~n said intersbctions, .. SECTION 6. .... · .,. That any person, fire or corporation-drivi~ or operati~ a~y electrically Propelled street car in a northerly. direction on B~er Street i~ the City of Bakersfield., shall bri~ 'said street car to a '.. .. .stop at the soutner!y intersection lines of HmbOldt a~ Sinner Streets with B~er Street prior to said street car bei~ driven .into and tnro~ said intersections. SECTION 7. That any person, firm or corporation driving or oper~-tirg. any electricsally propelled street car in a southerly direction on Baker Street in tn~ City of Bakersfield, shall brin~o said street car to a stop at the northerly intersection line of H~mboldt Street with Baker Street prior to said street car beirg dri'ven into a~d tnro~a said intersection.' SECTION 8~ . : Ordinance No. 105 New Series entitled "AN 0RDINANCE REGU- LATING THE OPERATION OF STREET CLRS ON CHESTER. AVE~E, 19tn STREET AND BAKER STI{~ET IF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD," be a~d 'the' same is nereb.V expressly repealed.. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoi}E Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council ~f the City of Bakersfield on the D/~/~ day of ~~~ 1921,mby the following vote · Ayes-Carlisle, Criffith, I-Ioughsm. Renfro, Robinson, Smith, Willew Nays .........~ .......................................................................................... Absent- .. ................. ' ........................ i y T,I~rk" and"eXzo ~o~' ~-~k Uo'f ~e ~O~nci~ of the City of B~ersfield. ' M~yor of the ~~kersfield. "