HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 106 as follows SECTION 1. AN ORDXNA 'CE mOV n G THE SSU NCE T.HE ·CONSTRUCTION A~9 MAINTEN~CE 0F ST~LES ':'~::':%.":'" -.: BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL 0F THE CI~ 0F B~XESFIELD,...:.'..~ It snail be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation.' to construct or maintain a stable or to maintain an existirg stable f~ one or more horses, donkeys, mules,. cows, goats or livestock within. the City of Bakersfield, without a permit therefore from the City Council of t.ae City of Bakersfield. SECTION .2. .Any perso.n, firm or corporation now condUctirE a stable of tne kin] netsin designated must secure such permit within sixty (60)' days after this Ordinance takes effect. .. SECTION 3. No permit snall be granted for 'a' stable nereafter to b.e constructed. or maintained, or for the future maintenance as a stable~n o~. a buildiD]'now used as such, except on the report of the City Health Officer, or other satisfactory evidence, that.the proposed. place of construction or mair. tenance of sucn stable is unobjectionable from tne point of view of sanitation and of the nealtn and pnysicsl welfare of the innabitants of the in~nediate neignbornood of its location, SECTION'4.' · A permit gra~ted hereunder is subject to revocation by tne.. City Council of the C~ty of Bakersfield. 'No permit shall be refased or revoked. '~y ~n~"City'~uod~HiI ""~r of tne City of Bakersfield except after a full ~earirg, and. tnen only in the exercise of a 'sound and reasonable discretion. by said City · Council. .Any ·person, firm or corporation viols.ti~: any of provisions of this 0rdinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ar~] upon· c6nviction thereof shall be pubisnable by a fine not to eEeee~l Three HUndred Doll'ars ($300,00) or by imprisonment in' the County·· Jail for a period ~0t exceedirE~ ninety (90) days, or by both such fine a~d imprisoPment, ... SECTION 6'. All 0rdinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith ar~ hereby expressly repealed, ' I MEREBY CERTIFY that the 'foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopte. d by the Council of the City of BakerSfield, on the./t3f,4( day of ~%~-~ , 1921,. by the followirE vote: uity Clerk a~~of 'the " Council of tne City of Bakersfield. APPR. ~D tnis'/4~ay of · o~ ield.