HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 105.. as follows': SECTiO~~. 1', · AF ORDI~ANCE ~EGUL~'.TING 'T.HE'OPERATIOT~ .OF ' .':""~:'.'E:""";~""':'L~i STREET C~2~S ON' CHE~TER 'AVENUE' 19tn STREET -.,'.-. AND' BAKER STREET IN THE CITY 6F BAKERSFIELD, ... '-'.'-"' ""-".':. BE IT ORDAIFED BY THE COU~v. CIL OF T. HE CITY 'O'F BAK~RSFI' D~.'-": ''.'!.~`'~! It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation operating, driving or propelli~ any electrically drf~en street car' on 19tn Street, Chester'Avenue and Baker 'Str~-et in the City of Bakers- field,' to operate a~d drive the 'same as nereinafter provided., SECTION 2. Tnat any person, firm or corporation driving or operating any el~ctriCall'y propelled street car in a ~ortnerly direction on Chester Avenue in the City of B~kersfield, snail-bring said street 'car to a stop at tne southerly intersection lines. of 18tn, 19tn and' 20tn Streets wit~ .Chester Avenue for 3~ ..... seconds prior' to said street car. being driven into and through said' intersections. SECTION 3. Tnat any person, finn or corporation driving or opera~irg any electrically propelled. street car in a southerly direction on OneStot Avenue in tne City of Bakersfield,snall bring said. street car to a stop at the northerly intersectio~ lines of 20tn, 19tn and 18in.. Streets witn Chester Avenue for D~) seconds prior to said street car beirg driven into and through said intersections. SECTION 4. That any person, firm or corporation driving or operating any elec.trica].ly propelled street car i'D. an easterly direction on 19tn Street i~ the 0ity of Bakersfield, shall bring said sireat 8at":"' "'~:"" to. a stop at t.ne westerly intersection lines of I. Street, Cnester Ave- nue and K Street, with 19tn Street for ___ seconds prior to said. street car being driven into and through safd intersections. SECTIOF · ' '· Ttlat any person, firm '-Or corpOra~ion driving or operatirg any electrically propelled street car in a~-westerly direction on 19in Street· in tn~ City of Bakersfield, shall bP. irg !aid street c~ to a stop at the easterly intersection lines of K Street, Chester Avenue and I Street, with 19tn Street for ~ o 'seco~ s prior to said street c~ bei~ driven i~to and thrown said .i~tersectioDs. SECTION 6. That a~ person, fire or 'cor~ration drivi~ or operati~ any electrically propelled street c~ in a northerly direction on Baker Street· in the City of Bakersfield, sa~l bri~ said· ·street c~ to a' stop at the southerly intersection lines of H~boldt a~d 8~ner Streets with B~er Street for 30 seconds prior to said street c~ bei~ driven into and ~ro~n said· intersections. SECTIOF.;7. That any person, fire or corporation drivi~ or operati~ any electrically propelled street car in a southerly direction on B~er Street in the City of B~ersfield, sn~l bri~ said. street car to .a stop at the northerly intersection lineM~-~ ~-~H~boldt 8treet~ with B~er Street for ~o seconds prior 'to said· street car bei~ 'driven into aPd tnro~ said i~tersectioDs. I HEREBY CERTIFY tnat the foregoirE Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of ...... 1921, by the followirE vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Grlffith, Hougham. Ren{~o, Robinson, Smith, W~l~w" Nays .......~ ........................................................ .-. Absent .........~ ......................................................................" ....... Uity Ulerk of the B Council of the City of. akersfield day of APPROVED tn i s · ..,. ~ -~,~' , ....