HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 103 ORDIN~TCE N0. /'D~-... NEW SERIES~ AN ORDINANCE CHANGING".~ND RE~'EST~.SLISHING ...-t ,'. ': .....-.:."'..-,"' THE OFFICIAL CURB GRADES OF L STREET AT' ITS · ~ .-...::· .... , . . ..... .... ET"' " ...... STREET AT ITS INT~.~RSEOTIO~ WITH 1 · tA STREET' P STREET AT ITS INTERSECTIONTWITH ~ tn STREEt; AND R STREET AT ITS INTERSEC ION WI~'H 15tn ' STREET, ALL IN THE CITY OF BkKERSFIELD.. as follows: SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF B~XIeRSFIELD, 'WHEREAS, .tne Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 8tn day of August, 1921, by Resolution· of. Intention No. 414, declare. its intention to cna~e and re-establish tn'e official curb grade on L Street ~t its intersection with 15tn Street from 90.8 feet-above the datum plane for the grades of the city of Bakersfield, as fixed by Ordinance No. 1$, of said City, to 92.17 feet above said datum plane; To change and re-establish the official c~rb grade on M Street at its intersection with 15tn Street from 90.0 feet above the datum plane for the grades of the City of Bakersfield, as fixed by · Ordinance No. 18, of ss.id City to 92.05 feet above said datum plane; To cnange and re-establisn tne official curb grade on N Street at its intersection with 15tn Street from 92.~ feet above the datum plane for the grades of the City 'of Bakersfield, as fixed by Ordinance No. 18, of said City to 91.92 feet shove said datum plane; To cnange and re-establisn tne official curb grade on 0 Street at its intersection witn 15tn Street from 90.5 feet above tne datum plane for the grades of tne City of Bakersfield., as fixed by Ordinance No. 18, of' said City to. 91.79 feet above said datum plane~ To cnsnge end re-establish the official curb grade on P Street .at its intersection with 15tn Street from ~1.0 feet above the'. datum plane for 'the grades of the City of Bakersfield, as fixed by Ordinance No. 18, of said· City to 92.65 feet above said. datum plsne~ To change and re-ests. blisn tne official curb grade on R · 'Street at its intersection with 15tn Street from 92.0 feet above the datum plane for tne grades of tne City of Bakersfield,. as fixed by Ordinance No. 18, of said· City to 94'.37" feet above said datmm plane~ and. WHEREAS, tne aforesaid resolution directed. tne Clerk of tne ',COUncil to publien said Resolution· of Ihtention No. 414 in the THE B~aKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN, for two successive insertions in said news- paper, an.d to post the same for two days, consecutively, on or near tne'.Cnamber door of said Council; and. '~.EREAS. Said ReSolution of Intention was so publisned and. posted "for two days describing the proposed cnange of grades; and'. '~.EREAS, tne Street Superintendent duly published and posted. Notices·of tne passage'of said Resolution of Intention No. 414' in the manner, form and time as required. by law; and · WHEREAS, no protests were filed..against said· cnange of grades; i NOW THEREFOE, it is hereby ordered' that the grade On L Street at its intersection wits 15tn Street be and the same is sere- by changed to and re-established from 90.8.~'feet above the datum plane for ·the grades of the City of Bakersfield as fixed. by Ordinance No. 18 of said City to 92.17 feet above said datam planel· also That' the grade on M Street' at its intersection wits 15tn Street be and the same is hereby changed to' and re-established from 90.0 feet above the datum plane for the grades of the City of Bakers- .field as 'fixed by Ordinance No.' 18 of Said. City t~ 92.05 feet above said datum plane; also . ., .. .. Tnat tne grade on N Street s.t its intersection witn 'lStn Street be m~.d tne same is hereby cnanged to and re-established from 92.3 feet above tne datum plane for the grades of tne City of ·Bakers- field as fixed by 0rdina~ce No. 18 of said City to 91.92 feet above· .said datum ~plane; also ...... That tne grade on 0 Street at its intersection wits 15in Street 'be ~.qd the same is hereby changed to and. re-established from 90,5 feet above the datum plane for the'grades of the City of Bakers- field, as fixed by 0rdin.o~nce No. 18, of said City to 91.79 feet above said datum '.plane; also " That the grade on P Street at ,its intersection'with 15tn Street be and the same is nereby'cn'Snged ~o. m'd' 91.0. feet above the datm nl~e for the gr~eS'of the City of~'Bc~ers-' :". .~ . , ...,-.~ .~: " . .': . · . · . · ... .~; · field, as fixed bY Ordinance No'. 18, of s~i.d' City to 9F~5 feetf abo'*e said datm pl~e; ~so ~' That the grade-on R Street at its .intersection with 15tn Street be ~d. the S~Ae iS hereby cn~ed to ~d re-established from" """ 92.0 feet ~bove the datm pl~e for the grades of the City of B~ers.- field, 'as fixed by Ordin~ce No. 18, of said City to ~.37 feet above. said d. atm 'sloe. ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the '~oregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted. by the Council of the City of B~ersfield, on the day of ~ 1921, by the following vote: Ayes-Carlisle, (~riiB'~h, Hougham, Ren~r~, Robinson, Bmi~h, Willo.w r'.Ulty ~lerk or tn~ C0~cil of the City of B~ersfield. ·