HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 102 I LED ~N -.~ E REG~ATING STA. IDS ER -.' .. VEHICLES FOR HIE PROVIDING ER THE ISSU~CE ' " 0]~ P~!ITS N~XING THE VIOLATION OF THIB "~"'~""' OEIN~3CE ~ NISD~E~NOR ~D PROVIDING A PEN~i~' T~[EEFOR," DID REVOKING" ORDINanCE NO. 210." ': ""'- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI~ OF B~X~SFI~D as follows: That section 1 of Ordinmce No. 23 New Series of the..~".~="'.~ ... City of Baksrsfield entitled ,'~ ORDINANCE EG~LAT!NG T~E BUSlNESS~',' ."' OF OPERATING VEHICLES ER HIE; MEING THE VIOLATION NEEOF A D~D~,IOR 'AND PEVIDING A P~I~ THERE.RE,. A~ID EPE~ING ORDINANCES NOS. 201, 29~ md 370." is hereby m~ded to read as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be ~lawful for ~y person, fire or corpora-.. tion. to drivs or operate ~y rent car, ~utomobi~e for hire, t~i-' cab, .auto st~e, truck, omibus, hack; coach. or other vehicle used for. carryi~ pasSe~er, freiF~t, mnimals,. b~e or mercn~di'se. ~... for'hire within. the 'city of B~ersfie!d, 'So to do; provided nOwever that ~y person, fire or corporation. noldi~ a v~id petit as ' nerein protided to operate or drive a rent car, auto for. hire, 'taxi.". cab, auto s~e,. hack, coach or other vehicle used for .carryi~ in the City of B~erMfield, may ~sn ~y such rent Car~ auto st~e, t~i cab, ~ru~, omibus, hack or other .vehicle s.o used in such " business is put in a gar~e for reDairs or is being repaired by ~" such person, fire or corporation ovmi~ the s~8, may aperate vehicle so being reoaired, without obtaining., a fur~aer permit so~."';.'~:~:~ ..~':~"-.. from to do 3/. the City of Bakersfield. SECTION 2. Ordinance No.'99 New Series of the City of'Bakersfield entitled· "AN ORDIN~MCE ~ENDING SECTION 10F'ORDIN~NCE'NO-.""294-OF THE ·CITY OF BEERSFIELD N'~ITITLED "~.N· ORDIN~3~CE REGULATING .ST'~3DS FOR 'VEHICLES FOR HIRE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE. VIOLATION OF TMI80RDIN~ICE A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING A:PEN~'7~" ALTY T~,ERE2~R," AND REVOKING '0RDIN~MCE NO. 210," be.. and'. tne same.. is hereby repealed, I }{EREBY CERTIFY that the foreg~oing 0rdinmce Was passed and. adopted by the Council of the Oi~y..of Bakersfield, on the ___~._/~.__day of 4~, 1921, by the. following vote:· Ayes-Carlisle, Griffith, Hougham, Ren~ro, Robinson, smi~lx, wil!o.w uity l~'-rk of tC ti~e Council of tne City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this ~c~t day of f'~J'~]-~, ,. 1921.., ' · or ~xeCit ~akeraffbld,