HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 101as follows: SECTION 1. ORDINANCE NO./d / NEW SERIES. AN ORDIN~NCE EST~SLISHING THE. OFFICI~.L GRADES ON M STREET AT A POINT 40 FEET NORTH LINE OF i tn .STRET; ON M' STREET OF THE NORTH FEET sou~H OF THE SOUTH LINE OF AT A POINT 40 AND .0N · TION OF 1 't~ 2N~Q STREET~ ALL. IN THE CTTY 05 . FAKF~SFIE~D. ' · BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, The figures in. the column marked "GRM)E" are elevation· in feet. and hundredths of a foot above the datum plane as establisned'.by an ordinance of ~aid City of Bakers'field entitled "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A DATUM PL~qE FOR THE CITY OF BAKESFIELD," which said ordinance is numbered. 18, and said figures represent tiae elevation o.f the top of the curbs. SECT I ON 2. Where but one elevation is given, at an intersection streets, it indicateg the elevation of the curb at' each comer of such intersection and where but' one elevation ·is·given at an intersection of a street with a given line, it indicates .the elevation of the curb on either side of the street at.its intersection with such line', SECTION 3. The curb grades for all points between tnose nereinafter fixed snail be in"tne straignt lines joining the adjacent grades, as hereinafter fixed. SECTION The-followiB~ are hereby fixed: On M Street at a point 40 ·feet north of · .-the north-line of 15tn-Street .... - ...... '~.~eM Street at a no~ 40 feet south of south line of'l t Street · n 0 Street at a oi t 0 feet north Of ~he no rth l ineo fPl ~ ~treet the streets upon which the grades a~e GRADE ...... .-90,.:l'3.-..~.. '- 89.92,i:. 90.56 On 0 Street at a pc' t 0 feet south o · . treet f the south line of l~tn 90.44:" ..-.'..-: .. '...,.-: ..,. ......, .'; .::...'......... .'-.:~.,, ............-..-. .....i-~_._...i::.:~;~;,,-. ............., z.'.~.i:,~. ~~~i.:.~~i~"'~~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that 'bne fore~5oing Ordinance was passed..· and adopted by the Council of the City~of'Bakersfield, on.tne day'of ~/~/~.Z~' . 1921, by the followir~ vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Grifl~th, Hougham, Renfto; Robinson, Smith, ~ ux~y .Cfer~ rk of ne t B C dt Council of the 'i y of akersfiel , · da~ o.=f~ , 1921,