HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 120 ORD'I} A . CE FO'...Mmv SERIES. AN ORDINANCE FIXING APD' EST~3LISHI~G F. IRE L~ITS WITHIP THE CI.~ OF B~XERS- EFTITLED "AF 0RDIFAFCE FIXIFG A}~D EST~LIS~ING FIRE LIMITB WIT~IF T~ CI~ 0F B~S~ELD AND EE~IN~ ~L O~I- BE IT ORDAI~D BY T~E 00UFOIL OF ~E 0ITY 0F B~SFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. ...... :~.. There mall be and there is nereby established " two fire limits districts within tne City of Bakersfield, to be knoWn'and designated as Fire Limits District number 1 and. Fire Limits District Number 2. SECTION 2. .. The exterior boundaries of tne territory-compri'si~6 Fire Limits. i~istrict Number 1, are hereby established, designated and fixed as fol lows: BeginhirE at a point on tne southerly line of 20tn .Street at the northeast corner of Block 226 in the City of. Bakersfield. as shown on tne map of said City filed for record in the' office of the County Recorder, of Kern County, November 2~tn,' 1898; tnence westerly alorg the southerly line of 20tn Street to tne westerly line of N Street, tnence north- erly alon.~ said westerly line of N Street to the southerly line of 23rd Street; thence westerly alo.rg said southerly line of said 23rd Street· to the westerly line of the first alley east of Chester Avenue; tnence ~ortnerly s/orE said westerly 'line of said alley to tne southerly line"'of 27tn-"Street, tn'ence westerly alorg said· southerly line of 27tn Street to ~mae easterly line of tne first alley west of Chester Avenue, 'thence southerly al0~g said easterly line· of'said alley.-.t.o. the so'utn'er:,!..~i..'-".-'..".' southerly alor~ ·said easterly line of'H Street to 'tne'soUtn~]']' ;'.":;'.""".':" of 22nd Street; thence westerly along said sotitnerly line. of..'v- 22rid' Street'to 'the easterly line of G Streetjt~ence soutnerly.'.~. "" alor~ said easterly line of G S~reet:'to ~e southerly line ,of . 20tn Street; thence westerly .alor~ said southerly line of 20tn Street to the easterly line o f F Street; tne'nce s0utnerly said easterly line of F Street to' the northerly line of 18.th- Street; thence easterly alor~ sai,d ~ortnerly line of 18tn street .... to the. easterly line of G Sireerr thence 'soutlierly alox~ Said .:. · easterly line of G Street to the nortneriy line of 17in Street; ~nence easterly alorg said. nortnerly line of 17tn Street to the easterly line of B Street~ thence southerly al0rg said easte, r]M, .. ;~-! ~..: line of I~' Street to the nortnerly line of 14in Street; thence 'easterly .alorg said' northerly line of 14tn Street to 'the w~sterly line of L Street~ 'thence northerly said' westerly line 'of L Street to the northerly line o.f the first alley south of 18tn ...... Street~ ~nenc'e easterly aloft. said northerly lineof said alley · to the westerly line of R' StreetSthence no.rtnerly alorg said westerly line of R Street and R Street produced to tne point of Provided nowever, tnat the nereinafter described portions of.the above district shall be excepted from the .' fire limits. to-wit: '(~) Be~in~ir~ at tne southeasterly corner of Lot 19, Block 126, as said lot and block are"snown on .tn-e ... · ~.r,.....~.. "~a~'o~e '~esignated Map, and runn'ir~ theriSe westerly alo~'."~ " soutner. ly line of said lot 19 a distance of 30 feet; thence nortner~y at right argles to the last-described i'ine a distance. of .2~ feet' thence easterly on a line 2] feet. northerly from ..-:. ~ . .. ~ .. ... and parallel ~o the northerly 'line of said Lot 19" a distance..' '~""' ":~' SECTION 3. lot 19 a..distance of 23 feet to .the point of 'begi. nnirg. (B) Beginni-r~ at'a point in the easterly line of lot. 4, Block 286, as said lot and block are shown on the above designated map, distant 74 feet soatnerly from the southerly line of 17tn Street and. ranni.ng thence easterly on a lin~ par~lel tO the southerly line of 17tn Street a distance of l0 feet; thence southerly on a line'parallel to the easterly line of said lot 4 a distance of 30 feet; thence westerly on a line 104 feet s'outnerly from and parallel .to the' southerly line of 17tn Street' a distance of 2~ feet; tne~ce northerly on a line 1~ feet· westerly from ard'parallel to the easterly line of said l?t 4 a distance of 30 feet;· thence easterly on a line parallel to tne soctnerly line of 17tn Street to tne point of beginning .. The exterior boundaries of the territory comprisirg 'Fire Limits ·District Number 2, are nereby established, designated and fixed as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly· line of Kirg Street at its intersectia.~ witn tne first alley south -of Grove Street in tnat part of tne City of Bakersfield formerly called Kern,.. as the' same appears o~ the map of-Kern filed in tne office· of the 0Ounty ReCorder of Kern County, April 10, 1893 .thence noM~nerly alorg said westerly line of Kirg Street. to the soutnerly l~ne. of Jackson Street; thence westerly alorg. said southerly line of Jackson Street to a point 200 feet' east from the easterly line of Baker Streets°thence' on a line parallel· to the.~ said.' east. erly line of Baker Street to the soatnerly.=line~.of Lake .Streetjtnence westerly along said southerly line of. Lake.. 8~reet to a. point 200 feet west from the. westerly line of Baker Street; thence on a line parallel to said westerly line of Baker Street to the soutnerly line of Jackson Streetj~nence westerl~ alor6 said southerly line of Jackson Street to the easterly line of Tulare Street; tnence soutnerly alo~ said easterly line of Tulare Street to the nortnerly line of said first alley soutn of Grove Street~ thence easterly alorg said north- erly line of said alley to the point of begin~ir~. SECTIOn! .4. All ordinances, and resoluti'on~o'f tne City 'of Bakers- field neretofore or hereafter adopted, providir6 for any restrictions. prohibitions or .regulatiens of buildirg or structures within fire limits. or witnin tn'e ~rire limits of tm City of Bakersfield. shall be governed by theterritories nerein designated and fixed.as fire limits. 8ECTION 5. Ordinance No. 89 New Series of tne City' of Bakersfield entitled "AN ORDINANCE FIXING ANI~ ESTABLISHING FIRE LIMITS WITHIN' THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. AND REPF~LING ORDINANCE N0.11 ~ SERIES 'OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD E}TITLED 'A~7 ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE LIMITS WITHIN THE 13ITY OF BAKERS- FIELD AND REPEALING ALL ORDINA~.CES I}~ CONFLICT HEREWITH" = and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances 'in conflict nerewitn~e~be and the same are hereby repealed. I HEPa~Y CERTIFY that the foregoirg-0rdinance.was ~assed a~d. adopted. by the Council· of tne City of Bakersfield, on the ~..~aj of March, 1922. by tne'followir6 vote:. Ayes-C~]~, Oriffith, Hare, Hougham, Robinson, ~,~d[4, Willow of City Clerk and. ~Pofficio Clerk'of~' . ' - the ouncil of the City of B~er.s? . " .'