HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 116BE IT 8~AINED BY THE COUNCIL OF Tg, E CITY OF B~]{ERSFIE~ as follows: SECTIO~-~ 1 It shall 'be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation. to drive or operate any rent car, automobile for nire, 'taxicab. auto stage, treck, ominbus, hack. coach or other ~enicle used· for .carryirg paeser~er~reignt,. animals, baggage or mercnandise for hire witn:in tne C'.ity of Bskersfi. eld,witnout. first navirg.procured a perm_i~ from t t f Bakersfield'.to so do. · " the e Ci y o BECTIO~ 2. ~ll ·applications for permits under the provisions of tnis ordinance anal!. be made out on forms to be obtkined from"'tne. :... City Manager and snail contain the 'following' .The name of .the, person .. l; firm or corporation owning such vehicle; the kind of venicle,.fO"r." wnicn such permit is sought, and if a motor vehicle, the state'~liCense'' number thereof; and if the owner or perso~ i~ cnarge of same intends .'- wnile awaiting employment to occupy any stand upon the streets· of the .... City of. Bakersfield., the proposed location for sai& stand. ··Said .::y applics.tion v. men so filed eat shall be returned to the office Of the Oity.Manager, wno'wi.ll at nis discretion, grant or deny said permit; "' provided, nowever that in no case shall a permit be grante~ for any such venicle to stand on 19tn Street between. F and N Streets or on Baker Street between Grove ~treet and Lake Street. SECTIO~ 3- ~!ot more tnan eignt such venicles shall be permitted to stand upon a street witni~ tne limits of any one block and. no~mre such street within any sucn block, and not more than two such veniclee shall be permitted to stand upon one side of such street within tne limits of any one-na.l f block. Pc such vehicle shall be permitted to stand within forty (40) feet of a~otner s~cn venicle upon tnej same side of.any street and no sucn vehicle shall be permitted to sta. nd.. w~tnin.twenty-.five (25) feet of any alley i~tersection. Provided ........ nowever,. the fore~oirg restrictions in this sectior shall' ~ot apply .to"'autemobile stages runni~ on regular scned. ule betwee.~ BakerSfield,. and other points. And. provided· further that no stage shall occupy its sta~d to exSeed one (1) hour prior to its Schedule time for leavin[~o Bsl~ersfield. SECTION 4. A Separate permit shall be issued for. eacn vehicle, and all permits issued by said ant to' tne provisions ~;f tnis Ordinance, shall. contain the name of tne person to whom the same is granted, 'tne kind of ven~le, and if a-motor venicle. the state lic- ense n~mber thereof, and tne place designated as a stand for sucn vehicle. .. .. SECTION ~. Every driver or person in charge of any venicle for wnicn a permit snall nave been obtained, pursuant' to the provisions of tnis Ordinance, shall nave such permit at.tacned to ~ucn vehicle in a con- spicuous place at. all times wni.~:e...drivirg or ~n charge of such. venicle a~.d 'mall permit the examination O.f such permit whenever requested to do so by any police officer or of the ,~uperintend. ent of Streets o f the. said City. SECTION 6o Upon written notice the Council may in its discretion revoke the' permit' of any person· whenever it :shall appear to the satis- faction of said Council tnat the holder of same uses. or operates said venicle or permits same to be used 6r operated in an unlawful manner, or for lewd or immoral p(frposes or for carryir~ passergers to or from nouses of prostitution ~ assignation. From' the time of the revocation of any s~xcn permit it shall be unlawfifi for the person, firm or corporation wnose permit( any otner vehicle under the control or management of the ..norson noldirg said. peri~it to use or operate said veni~les for nire, or permit or allow same to occ,.~py any stand, desi~.nated i.n such revoked permit, ,~nless a new permit snail nave been granted said person,..f..irm--..:~ .... .~"'-~ It' snail be unlawful for 'a~y person. firm or .corporation... Section 7. their a~e. nt.s or' empleyes, or any perSOn on their Own behalf, owni:~ .... Operati~,"'.drivirg or usi~t~ automobiles for hire, or carryirg on, .. maintaini~ or co.nducti~ a~ business under or by authority of ~n automobile rent car.license, or an automobile .st~e license, to solicit for patron~e or customers in or u~on ~ street within tne CCity of B~ersfield. SECTION 8. Tne word "Street" witnin 'the ~eani~ of section 6 of tnis Ordinance sn.~ll' be de~ed a~enues, courts, lanes, alleys, sidew~ks, ... p~nways, or other'public places. SEOTI0~ 9. A~ ~erson, fi~ or corporation violati~ a~ of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeamr and · upon conviction thereof shall be punisnab!e by a fine not to exceed · the s~ 0f Three nuDdred ($300.00) dollars .0r by imprisome~t in the County Jail Pot exceedi~ Pi~ety days (90), or .by both such fine impri. so~e~t. Each day such venicl'e for hire is operated in violation ...~' of tnis' ordinance the p~son operati~ s~e shall be deemed '.6Uilty o f a separate offense. SECTION lOl " Ordinance ~o. 201 Of the City of B~ersfield, 'r~ulati~ ..... ~ne cnarge~ of aatomobiles carryi~ passedera for hire; Ordinance ~o. 294 of said City, regulatiU.~ stands for venicleS for hire; Ordi'- ... nance ~o. ]~1 of said City requiri~ permits before operati~ ve~icle for hire, 0rdinance }~o. 370 of said· City, pronibiti~. rent car drivers from soli. citi~ for patronage on the public streets of the C ity'of. B~erS'field, Ordina.nce ~'o. 23 ~ew.Serie's, raguls.ti~ the business 0'f operatiC' vehicles for hire; .and Ordina.nce No. 77 New Series ~endi~ Ordinance No. 23 New 8eries ~e hereby expressly repealed.. I. HE~Y CE~I~ that the. foregoi~ 0rdi~ance was '·passed a~d adored by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on tne '}3~ '. ..... ...d~y ?f. . 1922, by tne"followi~g vote:~ . Ayes,CaH~s~ Gr]~h ' ougham Robinson Sm~h W~]]o~ · "'..