HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 114 ORDINANOE NO.//~ · 'NEW SERIES. AN ORDIN~,CE PROVIDING 'FOR THE CONDIFICATION 0 F ALL ORDINANCES NOW IN FORCE UNDER APPROPRIATE .'-:--,~' ":""~" "': ;"[ ':" '''''''i~'! ADS, THE PUBLICA*ION 'THEREOF'IN BOOK OR PH~.PHL.-~T!""':[/'-' ." q:";?' , ..I..r.. BM TOGETHER WITH THE CHARTER' PROVIDING FOR- '.' .' "'.~' THE PUBLICATION IN PH~MPHLET F0~M OF P,L ORDINANCES' ' '.." EACH YEAR; PROVIDING FOR C .' "',~.-.'~"..~.'-' SUCH ORDINANCE8 IN THE YEAR 192 AI%B] EVERY FIFTH YEAR THEEAFT.MR; AND PROVIDIFG R THE DISTRIBUTION OF SUCH.BOOKS OR PHAMPNLETS. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIEL.D, as follows: SECTIO~~ 1, The 'Council of the City of Bakersfielei shall, durirg tn.e years 1922, 1925 and every five years thereafter, cause to be indexed,. classified, a~d co~ifie.d. under appropriate nead. s all .. ordinances then in force, and provide for the publication ~nereof in. book or pnampnlet form. together with t~.e Charter; no other publication snell be required. The Council shall also, within thirty (B0) days after the end of each year, except the years aforesaid cause to be indexed, classified and pubiiSned in pnampnlet form, all ordinances passed or mended during su-cn year and then in force. SECTION 2. When sucn ordinances are so indexed, classified and ~o~ified as provided, it shall be lawful for the Council to revise and 'mend the same and to pass or .adopt the whole as mended, as one er more ordinances, and no other than such book or pnampnlet snail be required. SECTION 3- Every officer of the City of Bakersfield shall be. entitled to one copy of all smcn books or pn.smpnlets and a sufficient number' shall be published for general distribution in the City. " SECTION 4. · Such .books and pnampnlets snail be of a 'unifom size 'not less than five and three quarters .nor more than six inches wide and-not less than eight and tnre. e quarters nor-. mo..re tn.an..~.'...:"":......:....'.:'..~'.i: . · ' . · . . . .... ".'. . ,: ·, ....' .'.. . . ?-t=.... ".~ri' ~':f:=, ~'~:.-. ~: ...... .' . - t "... Ayes-Carlisle, ]~th, Hare, Hougham, Robinson, Smith, Willow ':... .. .. ' .~ .'. ~ ": ."j- ":.'.....".".... city u 1 erk o f the .. Council of the City o.f B~ersfield.. .- APP~VED. ~ i s '/~day o f .. '~ .-1922. " "~ ....' o ~~' '~y r o~ tn~~ B~ersfield.