HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 111 BE IT 0RDiIhrED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B'~XER,.gFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1 Whenever the Council of tne City of Bakersfield Shall grant permission to any person, firm, company or 'corporation. to '. · · cbnstr~ct sewers, ' : grade, pave, sid. ewalk,,/.or otherwise make any permanent improvements- on,. under, over or across the streets, alleys, or otner public places of this City, by private co'ntract, such person, firm, com- pany, or corporation, snall immediately after penuission ~xall nave been granted therefor by tnis Council apply to tne Superintendent of Street's for a permit to do such work, wnicn said written permit from said Superintendent of Streets snail be obtained before any of the work sougont to be done shall be commenced.. Before issuirg. such permit the Superintendent of Street Snail require the person, firm,. company or corporation applyirg .therefor, .to pay over to him all of the proper fees of the Superintendent of Streets and of the City Er~ineer incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith, or the said Superintendent of Streets may in lieu thereof require- a.bond of sucn person., firm, company or corporation, with at least two sufficient sureties to be approved by sai'd Superintendent in an _..amo~unt-:to_ be fixed. by said Superintendent of Street, not exceedi..rg.. · .. . ........ - .- .................... ~.- . ............ , ..... _: -.-.:,: nowever the Sum o'f Two tnousand ($2.000.00)' dollars, conditioned . tnat sucn person, firm, company or corporation, so applying for' such permit, will upon demand pay over to tne said Superintendent of Streets and. tne City Engineer,. and to each of them,. all fees and ' -." -.: '.':"' :.'.:.i ..: expenses ~ue to or incurred by them or eacn of them, .or. to..b~Come due or to ~be incurred by tnem or each of them upon demand therefor'. SECTION 2, Said person, firm, company or cornoration, to whom per- .CSuncil mission for .such work shall be granted by the ~ ~.d and also in writing by the Superintendent of Streets sna!l, before. con~nencement of the wok for which permission nas been granted, ..enter into a written a teemerit between himself or tne contractor doing tne work for him o~ them, and the Superintendent of Streets of the City of .Bakersfield, in wnicn said agreement the person, firm, company or corporatic n or Contractor snall agree to.'commnence tne work so~gnt to be done 'fcr wnicn permission is granted witnin ten. days after the permi~ is issued, and also agree therein to complete the'same witnin' such time· as the Superintendent of Streets of the City· of Ba~ersfield may desig~ate,'.wnicn saall of course· he reasonable time in all cases. SECTION 3. All contractors, contracting owners, include~l shall, the time o~f executing any contract for street work, execute a bond to the satisfaction a~d approval of the Superintende~ of. Streets of said C~ty, with two or more sureties and payable to sa~d City, in a sum not !less than twenty-five per cent of the amount of the contract conditione~d for the faithful performance of the contract; and the sureties ~nall justify before any person competent to administer an oath, in double tne amount mentioned in "said bond, over and above all statutory exemptions. SECTION 4. ....... '-.-' --~ For' the purpose of tnis.ordinance. i~-is-.a.ereb-Y-ma..ds.--tne duty of tnSe Superintendent of Streets to nave and prepare and keep in his office the necessary blanks for sucn permits, the necessary cohtraCte~and agreements provided for nerein, and. also a b~Ok in which a r~cord snail be kept of all 'permits. issued and sgreements SECTION All work 'so done by private contract must be under tne supervision and direction of the Superintendent of Streets· or an · inSpectOr appointed by aim, and in all respects shall comply with'. tne plans and profiles on file in the office of t.ne City Ergineer .. and SpecifiCations on file in the office of tne city 61erk of the City of Bakersfield. No inspection will be made unless twenty-four (24)'.nours notice has been given to the City Ergineer that an inspection is desired. The minimum fee for any inspection under the provisions of this ordinance shall be five ($~.00) dollars. SECTION 8. The person, firm, company or corporation, or contractor doing. such work for wnicn such .permit snali nave been granted shall not collect from the property owners, his agent or assigns, any com- pensations for any part or portion of said work so done until 'ell of the incidentel expenses for surveying, inspectirE, etc,, nave been paid, no~[ snell sucn compensations be" collected until the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. shall nave accep- ted the. work in writing, wnicn said acceptance mall be tne only notice to the property owner that tne work was done to tne satisfac- tion of the City of Bakersfield 'through its Street Superintendent, SECTION 7, ~r the violation of tnis ordinance the person, firm, company or corporation, so violatirE the same shall be deemed guilty of s. misdemeanor and upon conviction tnereof shall be puhished by a fine of not. less tn'an ten dollars ($10,00) a~.d. not more than three ."" hundred dollars ($300',00) or by imprisorment,' in the City or County Jail for no.t more tnan ninety (90) days;-or by both such fine and impri sO rme nt, SECTION 8. SECTION 9. All' ordinances and part'S of ordinances tnis ordinance are hereby repealed... ... "" If any section, sub-section, clause or phrase of tnis ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional such decision.'· .-..~. snail not affect the validity of tne remainirg portions of tnis. ordin-~nce. The Council hereby declares that it would nave passed this ordina:nce, and each section, sUb-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, ·irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unco ns~tutio hal. I HEREBY CERTIFY tn~t tne foregoing Ordinance was passed and 'adopted. by tne Council of the City of Bskersfield,' on tne day of ~)-~-~-~~/ . 192 / , by the following vote: Ayes-Car i ]e, Griffith, {t~m, Hougham, Robinson, Smith, · ~:~,~ '-~~ ............................ City C1 e o f the Council of tne City of Bakersfield. :Is a o ' , 192 / ·