HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 130 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~~.~7:. '. '~at section 52 of Ordinance No, 92 New Series entitled, "AN ORDNANCE REGULATING ANDINPOSING MUNICIP~ LICENSES; PRESCRIBING..;' HOW ~D BY WHOM LICENSES SHALL BE OBTAINED; M~NG THE VIOLATIO~:~L.:~'?. HEREOF A MISDEMEANOR Ai~D PRESCRIBING A PEN~TY 'THEREFOR, AND REPE~- ING ORDINANCES NOS. 55, 60, 62, 68, 69, 74, 78 and 82 New Series," be aria the s~e is hereby ~enaea to read as follows: SECTION 52. ICE CREAM WAGONS.' For every person peddling, vending, s~ling or offering for sale ice cream or ice cream cornucopias'from wagons or other vehicles the license fee shall be the sum of Fifteen ($15.00) dollars per quarter for each such wagon or vehicle. Provided, tthat no license shall be issued under this section except upon the approval of the Health Officer. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was regUlarly' i~troduced, passed and adopted by the. Council of the'City of Bakers- field on the /~ day of May, 1922, by the following vote: Ayes: Carlisle, Grifiith, Hare, Hougham, N~lson. Robinson, Smith, N~-ys ......... ~ ......................................................................... " Absent ........f.~ ........... i .......~ ................................ City C1 rk and ex-offic~o Ulerk-of the · .. e . - ay, 1922. 'Mayor o t.3 City B~ers~~ffeld.. ·