HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 122SECTION 1. CanZmANO toO. AN ORDINANCE REGUAI~T!NG TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC UPON AND THE USE' 0F ..THE EIB~.IC ST~w~.TS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIEIAD; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOIAATION 'THEREOF? AND REPEATING .~I~,DINANOES N0S. ~4, 390 ORDINANCE N0. 2~ NEW SERIES, ORDINANCE .... N0. 'i~ NEV~ SERIES AND ORDINANCE N0..5.0'; ......... .~'~ NEW SERIES, AND ~_T.T. ORDINANCES AND 'PARTS. 0F GRDINANOES IN C0NFtlCT HEREWITH. :~' '~ BE IT ORDAINED BY 'THE 00UNOIt OF THE CITY DEFINITIONS. BAEERSFIEIAE, as follows: The terms used in this ordinance shall in addition to the meaning given to them by the California Vehiole_;A~!t ·shall be held to include each of the m~anings respectively set forth in this section. and any term used in the Singular number shalZL be held to include the plural. STREEt:: Every avenue, boulevard,.highway, roadway, lane, alley,, strip path, square or place usea by or laid out for the use of vehicles, whether in the city Or in any'terri- tory belonging to or under the Jurisdiction or control of the .o.i~y ............ CURB: The lateral bounaries of that pertion of a street designated for the use of vehicles, whether marked by curbing constructed of stone, concrete ~r otEer material, 'or not so m~rked.. DHIV~: Eyqry driver or rtder of a~ a~lma!, the rlder of a. bloyCle or trloyole,'the operator. of a motQr veh~ lole,. 'the person in charge or control of ma a~lmal, bloyele, ... motor vehtcZe or push cart. .. ANIMAl: Every horse, pony, ~or~cey, mule, burro' 'or .other animal capable of belng rl~den or drlven or capable' of. belng 8.utdecl by relns or voice. DR MJ: To ride drive, propel or operate. BUSIE~SS DISTRICT: BuSiness district shall mean.. all that oerte.!n territory desertyea as follows: 19th Street from the westerly property line of ~ Street to the easterly property line of ~ Street, 20th Street from the westerly property line of H Street tO the easterly pr.ope~ty line of ~ Street, leth Street from the westerly propssty line of H Street to the' easterly property line of ~ 'Street. H St...reet from the northerly property line of 21st Street'to the southerly property line of.lVth Street. I S~reet from the northerly property line of 21st street to the southerly property line of lVth Street. Chester Avenue from the northerly property line of ~Sth Street to the southerly property line of 15th Street. K Street from the northerly property line of 20th Street to the southerly property line of lath Street. L Street" from the northerly property line of .20th Street to the southerly property line of 18th Street. M Street from the .nOrtherly property line of ~0th Street to the southerly property line of from the oas~erl~ propert~ line of Ie~ ~treot to the-oae~e~."' ".L'jY~..~.....~.:~.. SECTION 2. ST01TING ON RE~T SIDE It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to stop the same or to cause the same to be stopped, in upon any street with the left side of such vehicle toward or along, or next the curb. SECTION DISTANCE FROM CURB. Within.the BusineSs district .of the City of Bakers- field, aS defined in section 1 of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to stop the same or cause the s~me to be stopped except that the right front portion thereof shall be at or as near the curb as possible, and the right side thereof shall stand 'at as near an a~le .of forth-two ~20) degrees with the line.of the curb as pos- sible, provided, however, that on 19th Street between F and · ~/~/~J~ ~ N Streets and on Baker Street between~mase and ~ Streets and on any Street other than Chester Avenue in the business district upon which there are street car tracks it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to stop the'~ame' ~r ....... :'~"""'~'~':"~ ......~ cause the ,same to'be stopped or parked otherwise than with the-rl~ht hand el, de of such vehi. o!e. parallel: ,tO stud a,s~':'nesr..'..-'...-:. '.'. .... .. , ' .;. :..-. ...,y' : v SECTION 4. . The Cit. y Manager .shall cause to be painted o.x~ tl~...e. "'~ ' ] :' · . ...';.. ~.. pavement within the Congosteal d.i..~trict 'at such po. jln.t_~& a2 .~ ..... . .........'. '" -" .... ~"" =-' "...9. "'~ · · ·" ' "'" . be ordered by the Council, White lines at 1.eas~ three. (~') inches wide and of a uniform length', not less than twelve ... : f12) feet lo~, extending from the curb at an angle of forty- two {42°) ~[egreee, such lines to be eight {8) feet apart finside measurement) and placed s.o that they will form a parking space for vehicles parked at the angle provided for in section 2 Of this ordinance and such lines shall be kept 01early visible at all times so that such parking space can be readily observed, provided, however, that such lines Shall not be painte~ on the pavement where cars are to be parked parallel to the curb or are prohibited by.any other ordinance or law from being parked, SECTION 2AREING OVER LINES. ~Tnere parking lines have been painted on the pavement indicating the parking space, then i~ shall be unlawful to park along said street~ except between the lines indicating such parking space. SECTION ~'.' .: In no or part of the load of such vehicle, or trailer attached to such vehicle case shall any part of' any ·vehicle parked aS provided for in this Ordinano'e, .project ~-n~.O...t...h..~,~:::::..': ..:.:..-:.=....~!'.."':L..:'i.,:';! street more than twelve (1~) ~eE~..measured 0n a.!~.~...._. at ":.~, right .anglee to the curb. SECTION V. The provisions of this ordinance shall not ·apply in case of an emergency, or when such a stop is made for the. :..:,. purpose. of allowing another vehicle. or street car. or a 'p~ estrian to pass in front of such v hi le an or · c A order signal of a police officer. .. .SECTION 8. SAi~E~ ZONES. "" The City Manager eh~ll cause to 'be marked off, such safety zo~.es as the Council may order marke~ off to properly· safeguard passengers. boarding or lighting from street cars azd shall also provide suitable devices to warn the traffic. of such safety zones and it shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be driven on'. over or across such zones~ between the hours of seven o'olook A.M. and seven o'clool~ P.M. SECTION 9. CROSSING SAFETY ZONES. -It shall be unlawful for an~vehidle to be driven against, over, or to be propelled in any manner so that it comes in contact w~th any street marker. safety.zone.sign .......... o~..d~vi~e to .re.su.~a~.e traffic. SECTION 10. .,.. 2ARKING IN SAFETY ZONES.- No vehicle shall be allowed to park along that portto~. been SECTION 11. PARK~G -- ~IMITED. It shall be unlawful for the operator or driver of any · motor or other vehicle to park same between the hours of ten o'clock A,M, and six o'clock P.M, on any street within the business district as defined in .Section 1 of this .Ordinance, for'a longer.period than sixty minutes, provided, however, that this shall. not apply to rent cars and automobile stages holding a permit from the City of Bakersfield, and statione~ at a .. regular stand, so designated upon the curbing and provided. further, that any person, firm or corporation whose place of business opens upon, or the entrance tO same i~ from any of said streets, may use or occupy the spaces in f~ont of their respective places of business, but at no time shall they occupy said space with more than one motor or other v. ehicle, SECTION RENT CAES. .. .Whenever a permit is granted to any person, firm or corporation to conduct, maintain or carry on an automobile rent oar business or stage line business,· and said rent car or "- in to stand said rent car or automobile stage, ·'Said space shall be indicated by the curb within said space being painted white. '. SECTION PARKING AT ~.YTERIOR LI~YITS 0F STREETS. · T~$' ext e public street within the corpora~S limits 0f .the' Olty"o~.B'~'rs~ field in, on or upon which the parking of vehicles ~Ow ~ereafter he prohibited by ordinance shall be marked by a line at least six inches in width painted with red the ~ter face of the curb, ~d between the said lines ther. e · . ':~':' :...., ':'~ ~ . .,..... Y., ,..~-~ . ,.... PARKING HERE? Oral, lo, I~)- N. S." SECTION 1~. The marking of curbs as required by section 18 hereof shall be done under the. supervision of the chief of Police of the Oity o~ Bakersfield and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to in any manner mark any sidewalk, curb or street to indic~t~ that parking is not allowed, save and except where parking is prohibit.~d by ordinanO'.e and save and except where parking is pro- ~id. ed ~'~y section E hereof and under the' supervision of the 0hief of :Police. PARKING IN FRONT 0~ HOTELS. SECTION :rt shPj[1 be unlawful for any potson, firm or corporation to park any vehicle on that portion of any public street within the corpon.~ate limits of the Oity of Bskersfi{[id within fifteen feet on eithe'r side of the center line of the~ain entrance to any hotel con'ba.l. ning fifty or more rooms ~.nd said portions of said streets shall be marked as hereinabove p~ovided. PAARKIN~ IN FRONT O~ SIDEWALK ELEVATORS AND CHUTES. - . .'~..,. ..... ~ ......~-.~ .... ~_ -.:.~.~-, It shall be unlawful for any person' to park any veh~cl'e " or to leave any vehicle ~ to c'aues .any vSbicle to be parked o~ left in f:~ont of any sidewalk elevator .o~ chute or within' a space of fiv~ feet on either side of any such sidewalk e.lev~to~ or chute in the City of Bakersfield, .~ ... . .. . . . .....:..:.. :...~. . ... .. ~.' .. ....~ ........: .... .SECTION PARKING -- 17HE.RE PROHIBITED. Along any portion of .any street or alley W.iihln' th_e,.....' ""']'" · . ...~ .,.. .-.- ? -: · .. :"' City of Bakersfield, where· parkin~ .is prohibited the regulations of this Ordinance · .or by the regulati.c.n~ .~.: .... · . , . .!:'-. ...':: ~ ~' : the.' Police Department, such prohibited space shall be 'InSlea-. tea by the curb within said prohibited portion being painted red, ~d it shall be unlawtl for any person, firm or cotper- ation -to' stoma or cause or permit to be left. standing any auto- mobile or other vehicle within any space where the curb there' of is painted red, as heroin provided. COURT HOUSE. It shall be unlawful for any person,. firm or corpOra- tion to stand,. or cause or permit to be left .jstanding any automobile· or other vehicle in front of the"C.ourt House of the County of Kern, State of California, .on Chester AvenUe, between the north property line of leth Stress produced,· and the .south property line of said 16th Street pro~L~es~L. SEC 0N RAIT. WAYS. ( a ) It shall b e unlawful for any pers on, firm or corporation to stand or cause or permit to be Teft standing any automob:LIe .or other vehicle in front of, or along the curb on the west Si&e of ~ Street, in the Ci.~y of Bakers- field, betw~en the Santa ~e Railroa~and a p fn~ 1~ ~ee~ (b) It shall be ~la~ul for a~ person, firm or corporation t.o Stand or cause or permit to be left standing ~y automobile or other vehicle in front of ~or along the · -' 'on t~e east side of Baker StreSS ,in the said Ci.ty'o~ Bakers- Southern Pacific Railroad tr~ckS. ' ~;. .SECTION BAOKED TO CURB. ':" No vehicle· shall be left backed up to the curb except while such vehicle is being actually loaded or unloaded, an& if he, so amw., only whon %hc ho~oo c= ho~ses arc a~ound a~ ~i~ a~los ~o ~ho vohiolo ~d facing in ~o ~i~ e~'~i~n' in Which '~ra~fie is mo.ing on ~sc aia~ ~f ~Lo on ~sioh ~xo .~Aiele. in ota~&ing, and in no ezo who~ ouch position intorforeo wi~e~..~Am~s siroct or suburban our ~x'affic..up8n ouch O/eroe.t. SEOTION J[~. BAOKING' VEHICT. ES IN BUSINESS DISTRIOT. It.shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive or propel o'r to cause to be ridden, driven or propelled in, along·or upon any street within the business district any vehicle in a backward direction, if by so doing, the free and uninterrupted passage of another vehicle or of .any street car is impeded, except as a means of relieving such vehicle · from a oongested position. SEOTION ~.~ BAOKING. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to back such vehicle .wlthout first giving vi.sible. or au.~i_b'ie warning to driverS of vehicles .o_.r st. reef cars or to p._e.~es-- :;' trians behind such vehicle so backing. ... 'shall be unlawiktl for the d~river of an_JZ~Vehicle .~o pass any suburban or-interurban 'car,,/:"headed or ~-~ ..~ · .Z.. ee~ere; eal~vehiole e~ be br no portion there~,,, or ~y feet of the n~ing-b~ra .er ere' re,in until ea~a in~~ or ~ar Is again unde~ way; ~& no vehio~' going in opposite 'eotion to ea~d / . car, while th,~-,.e'~e ~e eo stopped hall pass within te~-"~eet thereof, ~d no ~ole ~ oir- .~" ' ' ' . . ! · ... to 'a standstill so that shall b · within s ix such car, and shall e 0 SECTION ,.~., OB3TRUOTING STREET OARS. It shall be unlawful for any driver .wilfully to stop or' drive. or cause to be stopped or driven, any vehicle along or across any street, railway or interurban railway· track in such manner as unneoessar_ily to hinder, delay or " obstruct the movement of any oar traveling upon suOh track;. provided, bowever, ~tiat vehicles Of the' fire and police dept.(.',.. artmerit of the City of Bakersfield 'and hospital ambulances shall have the right of way, when in service or responding to SECTION UNI, OADING PASSENGERS OR Ff~EIGHT. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle standing at the curb in or upon any street at polnts deStg-' nated for the purpose of'receiving or discharging passengers, freight or merchandise to fail or refuse to give way.promptly to a vehio. Ie when such vehicle has passengers, freight or .merchandise to discharge at such point. SECTION '~. BARRIERS. · . It shall be unlawful'for any.person to ride or drive, or cause to be rldden or drlven any animal, or to ride, drive 'or propel, or cause to be ridden, drlven, Or propelled, any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement in any public · street, across or around which pavement there is a barrier, or'at, Over or near which there ie .a person or a sign warning persons not.to drive over or across such pavement, or a Sign stating the street is closed. SECTION S IDEWAIAKS. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive or cause to be ridden or driven, any horse or other animal, or to ride, drive or propel, or cause to be ridden, driven or 'propelled, any vehicle upon or along any public sldewaR or sidewalk. ~space, or to leave any such amimal, or vehicle .. .............. ~p~'n' any public' 'sidewa~.~k -or sidewalk sp.ace.~- ~r ~o permit any . such 'animal or vehicle to stand thereon. j SECTION It shall be unlawful 'for any person to ride .or drive,' or 'cause to be ridden, any dangerores or unbroken animaI any public street, or to use, or to cause.to. be used, any such street' for the purpose of breaking or 'training any animal. SECTION 2~. PEDESTRIANS& It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian crossing street within the Business district of the City of Bakersf:ield, either within the limits of any block or at any block or at any corner thereof, to cross the same except at right angles. SECTION 2~. RIGHT OF WAY 0F FIRE DEPARTMENT, The officers and firemen of the fore department ana their men of the fire department, and their'apparatUs, of all. kinds, when. going to or on duty at a fire, and all ambulanceS, whether ofpublic or private character, when employed in carry~ ing.siok or injured persons to hospitals or other places for'relief or treatment, and the officers ~nd policemen, and vehicles of the fire and poiloe departments!, while responding to call or alarms, shall have the right of Way over all other "persons and vehicles on any street and through any procession, SECTION ~. ....... o. ': .... '_. ~AILURE TO GIVE RIGHT OF WAY 'TO FIRE DEPARTMENT, It shall be unlawful for the driver[ of any vehicle or the motorman of any street oar in or upo.h any street %J~~ in .the City of Bakersfield, or for any person Standing 'or walking in any muCh.-'2f-~e.~:$,'. ~Q ~..a~l', re.fRee O~...~:~.:~"V?~.-~..... .'.':'~.'..'~:'~ neglect to allow the right of-way'~Q' an~' ~.ff.i~e~ ..~"~.irem~ '"" ""' ' · ~f .... .'~ "' ~ ' · ' ?~' ." ' ' ~,-~n ~?' - .... apparatus of the fire department when .~he'S'me '~s ~oi~ to' Or'..' . . . . .. . . . ~, ..~ ....... · .,~. on duty at a'fire, or to ~y ambulance, v~e. ther of. '~blio or private. character, when such vehicle is employed .in goi~ for or emr~ying a sick or injured person to a h~pital or 'other place of relief or treatment, or ~o ~y officer or polieem~ or vehicle of the police or fire department, while responding to calls or alarms, or to vehicles ~der control " of the Oity of B~ersfiela used for O!e~ing, sweeping or fhshing the public streets or sewers, or for the collection o:~ garbage. SECTION ~.~.. FUNERALS. It shall be unlawful for any person to o~Struct t~xe. f. re~" and uninterrupted p.aS. sage :'in';. :Upon, '. a.~.e...~g:-or through any publi-o street of any funeral cortege or procession, or to intercept the same, or to obstruct, ·impede or prevent the .passa~;e of any person or persons attending the COnvey-' · .. ante of the body of any deceased person t.o'a place for holding services ]~here.over, .or to a place of interment. SECTION S~', HITCHING TO TREES. It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch or tie, or to cause'or permit to be hitched'or tied any .animal to any shade or ornamental trees in any street or·park, or .to h~toh or tie, or cause or permit to be hitched 6r'tied any such animal, or to ailow the same to stand so near to any-shade or .ornamental tree as to permit or enable such animal to ·injure or 'destroy the same. SECTION HITOHIEG TO tAMP POSTS. .' It shall be unlawTul for any p. er. son: .t0 hitch.· or or cause ore.' permit' to be hitched or tied,. any animal to any post used. ior 'the support of any lamp used...in lighting any public street, park or place. SECTION SECTION FEEDING ANIMALS. -"' It shall be unlawful for any person to feea, ..Qr to cause to be fed any animal, upon any street,.unless such animal shall be securely tied or hitched b.y a chain, strap or rope fastened to its neck, bridle or halter,. and to a post or other permanent fastening. It shall be unlawful for any person to feed, or to cause to be fed, any animal upon any public street except by means of-a nosebag fastened upon the head of such animal. SECTION STOPPING ON STREET CROSSING. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpor-. ation, either as owner, employee or otherwise, controlling, operating .or. in ~harge of any street car or interurban car to cause such oat to be stopped in or upon any s~ree~ at a street crossing o:r where another street intersects or terminates in said street.so that any portion thereof or of .~he fender. attached to such car shall project between the prolongation Of the center lines of the sidewalk of the. street crossings. · "!::". "' :": ".' . '.' ' .... - ,.,--' :.? :..t.'7-' · """ "'.. '. .. . . .- ,-' ..' .' : ,'..';. ,..%'.',.;, . :':..: .:...:'. · ' ..- ' . ... ¢...~.Z "'~- :. Beetion shall not apply in case of emergency, or when any. . .,.. such car is stopped for the purpose of avoiding sa acoidel~.. SECTION TRA~FI0 POT. ICE. ~he Chief of Police shall designate such numb'er of police offi. oers as may be available therefor to attend upon the public streets to control the movement and order the stoppage of vehicles, street cars and railway.cars in or upon such streets in order to prevent congestion of traffic and to Prevent accident. Any police officer designated by the 0hief of Police to perform such duty, shall control the movement and order the stoppage of vehicles, street cars and railway oars in or upon such public streets for the purpose heroin set forth~ Drivers of vehicles and .motormen of street cars and railway cars must at all times comply with' any direction given by the whistle, voice or hand of any poiloe officer as to stopping,, starting, approaching or departing from any place in. any street. It shall be unla~fful for any person drifing, using or having the control of any vehicle or .for any motorman or other person running, operating or having charge or control of any street car, string of oars, or train of' oars, to fail, refuse or neglect to obey the order o~ any police officer in regar~ tO.moving Or stopping any' such .vehicle.-or..any.suo. h..... street car, string of cars,or train of oars, in or upon any street. -14- SECTION ~$. to fail, neglect or refuse to stop such vehicle in obedience >. :-~:~?:;~i-;.~ ..-~. ......~ to ~y signal given by a police officer, stationed at the ":' .; -street crossing, ·over which such driver proposed to croSS, " ~.. ::..:..'.:';."'.' ' or for ~y such. driver to fall, ~egleot, or re~se to stop "' "" ~y vehicle under his control at least six feet behind ~y other vehicle which has stopped ~n obedienee.'.to' ~y such It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle .. which has Stopped in obedience to a signal given by a police officer to start such vehicle until such driver has reeeive~ a signal from such police officer to proceed. SECTION MOVING VEHICLES AT REQUEST OF OFFICER. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle standing along or near the curb in any street or alley, to fail, refuse or neglect to move such vehicle away from such curb when requested so to do by any police officer, or when same interferes with, or obstructs any work to be done.upOn said street or alley, or amy prove a nuisance or annoyance to the public, the owner or operator of said vehicle must remove same at the requeet of any officer of the Street Department. SEC TI'ON' ..~;-~ ........ · · STREET O~.~.ANING. ... 'It shall be 'unlawful for the owner or 'operator of any automobile or other vehicle to leave same standing on any between the hours of one o ' clock A.M/. ~o~.~ded, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to physi- ~ians when on professional visits. sEc TXO ~T.T.~y SOUTH AND NORTH OF-NINETEENTH STREET. {a) It shall be unlawful for any. person, firm or corporation to;Stand, or cause or permit to be left· standing, a~ automobile or other vehicle in the .first alley south of 19th Street, ,known and designated as Wall Street, between the easterly property line of'H Street., and the westerly property line of L arrest. {b) It shall be unlawi~l for any person, firm' or corporation to stand, or cause, or permit to be left standi~, · any automobile or other vehicle in the first alley north of 19th Street, between the easterly pr0pert~' line of H Street · . and 'the westerly pro. perry line of V.. Street. lmrovided, ·however,. that the provisions herein con- rained shall not apply to a~y persQn, firm or corporation whose place, of business abuts, adjoins or opens upon said alleys, during such times as may be necessary for the loading and unloading of goods, wares and merchandise, ~ l~x uuen ": SECTION · . DEPACING SIGNS, ETO. It shall be-unlawful for any person to wilfully aefaoe, inJure,.move or interfere with any sign, standard, post rope or other device installed for the purpose Of '.' '.: "-"-.'-'- -.~: ':X, ~. ::: · ... ..'.-.. · ... ...~?.ff.:..-:~....[:...- . ......,.:..:... ......~...:..~.. ..... ..... f.,- ....:..... .. . It' shall be unla~'fUl for any person t~o'.fai.1, n.~g~ .. lect or refuse to comply wlth _.~ny' Instruction'or direc~l.o.n. dtSplaye~ upon any post, standard, sign or' device for the regulation of traffic in any public street.. SECTION SPEED AT CORNERS. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, or drive any horse or other animal at a rate of speed faster than a walk, or to ride, drive or propel an~ bicycle. tri- cycle, velocipede., motorcycle, automobile, or other riding machine or horseless vehicle at the rate of spee~ greater than ten miles per hour on turning a corner from one street into another or on. going over, upon or across street cross- ings or street i~tersections, on any of the streets. designat- ed in Section 1 of this Ordinance as the business district. SECT ION 4.~. PAtlADES. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration, s.ssociation, society or aggregation of persons, firms, corporations associations or societies to parade in, along or u~.on any public street of the City of Bakersfield, unless they shall first apply for and be granted a permit ~ the Chief of l~olice of said Oity, t'o so parade, said permit to d. esignate the time when and the s.~eet or streets in, along or over an~ upon which sudh parade may pass. SECTION 4~. a b~icycle or on roller skates, to take hold of, hang on to, or be .propelled by any street car, automobile, motor or other vehicle. SECTION .- · S C H 0 0~- - PARK- - Pv. AYGROUNDS. It shall be unlawful for any person operation or driving a motor or other vehicle upon the public streets of. the City of Bakersfield, to operate or drive same at a grater rate of speed than fifteen· miles an hour when passing any public echoed. park or playground. or drive in or upon any street· designated as within the safety zone adjacent to such publicschool, park or playground, said ss~ety~ zone being disignated by signs marked "School, Slow, Children," placed not less than Two Hundred feet from the outside bound- aries of said public ·schoOl yard, park or playground. SECTION HOSPITAl .. It shall be unlawful for any'person operating or. driving any motor or other vehicle, or any street or interur- ban car, when passing any hospital within the City of Baker~- field, to. drive Same at a greater rate .of speed than twenty miles an hour, or to blow any horn, ring any bell or give any shrill, loud or unusual signal in passing said hospital, or within ,any quiet zone adjacent thereto, said quiet zone to be 'indicate& .by signs to be placed· not-less than .... '~'-.'-~----E~.m~-red- f.eet ~fr.om-said hospital-, .. and marked ;'HOspital Quiet." except in case of emergency or to avoid an accident, then such signal shall not be greater than may be re- · qU. ired to give the necessary warning. SECTION 4[.> = CONSTItUTIONAlitY. 'If arAy section, subsection, Sectsnee, clause Qr phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason hel& to be un- constitutional Or invalid, su. ch 'decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and e~ch section and sub-section there'of irrespective of the fact that 'any One or more of the sections, sub-sections, seetenses, clauses or°phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.. BEACH ON 0RD INANOE. Every breach of this Ordinance or any of its terms, conditions,, provisions, requirements, restrictions, or limit- ations as the same are herein established, created, declared, to be 'and shall be a spearate breach thereof. ~u.%V person violating any ef the provisions of this 'Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed T h r e · i Hundred Dollars {$300.00),. or by imprisonment in .... ~._the' .County-Jail. not exceeding ninety {90) days, .or by both· such fine or imprisonment. SECT ION ~. In case of any person being arrested for violation the provisions .of'any section of this Ordinance, unless such person shall demand that he be taken forthwith before the Police Judge. the arresti...~officer shall take the name and address of such person. '.-.~nd the number of his motor vehicle and. notify him in writing to appear before the PoliCe JUdg.e of t,he City of Bakersfield. at a time and' place to be, Specified'in such writing ,,!.. ~r:~ three days subsequent to the date of such notice, and upon the promise in wri'ting of such person to appear at such time and place. such officer shall. forthwith, .release him from custody. Any.person wil- fully failing such promise shall be guilty of a misdeameanor. regar.dless of the disposition fo the charge upon which he was · originally arrested. ~hat Ordinances numbered 354,ana.'390.'and 'Ordinances numbered 24, 44 and 50 New Series, and all ordinances and parts.of or,~inanoes of the City of Bakersfield,. in. conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. I EREBY OERTlAvY. that the foregoing'Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the ~O~ay of ~ , 19~2, by .the followl~ vote: Ayes-Carlisle Criffith, Hare, Houghsin. !~5ir, son. Smith, ~ ~ays ............~ .............................................................................. Absent. ~ · - ................. ~ ............ · . . · -' · ~' ..... - ,..u .....'.7C .... 01ty Ole~~erk o'~ 0curtoil of the City. of Bakersfield. JL~i~OT~D *bhle o~ ?~~/ . ~. ~yor of the City of Ba3cersfleld.