HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 136"0RDI.NANCE NO./~' '~. '·NEW SERIES. .. "A.N.j.0RDiNAN.CS UPoN THE -' .ASSESSED .V.ALUATIO.N 0F THE TAX.- -: · ABLE .PROPERTY..IN-THE CITY 0F'~ "=' . .' ' · · TION .UPON' E~CH. ONE HUNDRED DOL- '."" ' ~AR BEGINNING ~LY let, 1922, .: .... n .. ... .,':. .. .... .. :~.' :~ -... ......:. :~' " BE-.IT'ORDAINED BY' THE C CIL OF THE CiTY· BAKERSFIELD .as-.'.fotlows :. ' .. ~ . · That there. is h~reby"le~ied a tax of hi~ety-tw6 cents, .... '~'on each One.'.hUnd~ed dollars. ($100..00)o' Of the .aSsessed' .~aluation .. ""' of-aliL.~axable property in-the'City 6f Bakersfield,'Oounty of · K~pni.Stat-e'of'Ca!iforhia,-for mun!iCi. P~l expenses .o~-.6He MUni- "' ' cipa-1GoVerxnnen~.-'0f~ sai.d~ City (exc~'pt~ng aS h~rein~fter mentioned) '~.' ddri. n~ the 'fiscal' year begfnning With the"fi~St ~day~b~.-JUly,.~.lg22. · : . . .: " . . .. "an~-ending:wfth'.th-e thirtieth.day of-June, 19~3'.' ~.-..~ = .. SECTION"2.'. "" '?."' " ". "Tha't th.e~e iS hereby levied.· a tax 'of-eight i$..08) cents '.' .: 'L ' ' " ' "' " on."sa~h"0ne hundred' ~$100.00) dollars' of the assess~d".Valua-tion- of" all .t'ax~bl'e.' property within· the City of Bakersfield~' County .. ~. .= of' Kern.,.' Sta~e of' calif'ornia 'for ..F~Tee. Library and Reading' Rooms.· · SECTION ~.. " ': '." · · · .. Ttiat ·thhere is..h~reby levie. d a tax of tWenty=one and..one-' ...... . .:'.'.' half. '.($.215',,.'cents on each one hundred '($100.~0) dolla~s'o'f the assessed valuati6n "of .all taxable property .within 'the City 6f. '~. ~_ ~-,..:.,-. .....-..'. '.~'7 .' ._~.~.L'.."~.'L.__'ii~k.~ jr .- L ..... L~__~. _ .... __. .....L , "'__~"~ ~' _' __~ ~ ' __', ..... ~-- ....:', ' · '=' "Bake. r~fietd,: County. of' Kern, .. state.. 6f. Caltf6rnta'-for Pa~ks' 'and ' i ....~'Pla.Vg~6'~ """ ;... '~ .. .. . · . . · j.· ... . · ,. . 'j' . '.. ~ .' .: .' .. . ' . . . ~..--. .. .. .... ... .. L.',....; .. ~ ,....:... .. ..~.' .' ': .,~ .~..,'.. ..: ."..' .~.. ~ '~ . -j-'L. -~' ~. ' ..: ' · - ': -- "' :.~' ,. '. . - . -L ° .' :j'l ' ' ' ~ " :"" ' .:I-.- · '. ~ ~" ~' · " · " ' -L ':' L' : - -' - That' there is h.er. eby levied a tax Of fi~e'L($.Os)· cents ..: .-.o.. ~"..,,-= -. on'..e~ch one h~.ndred ($1"OO.O0)...doiia.rs 'of 'the-as'SesSed Valu~ti0n .... · . '.of ail-'.t'axabi.~..p~6pert~ within the'City. of B~ke~sfietd., ·County ...... . - . ...-. · . · . . .. ,. :. .' -. .-, · . .f ..- . : . -'.. . .. -.. - : ... .. '.' '....... .. - --. ~ ..' ':' " . j ...' - ...' .. ½ · .' "' .....: nalr:...($.0sb). e'ehtson' e~enone hundred ($1OO.OO).aoiiars or 'the a~seS:~.ed .ValUation'of. allt.aSX. able ~prop.er~X. ~,~t'hin ~'ne OXty of. : "'~. interes~ and slnk~nS fund on the 191P-. Oi~y Hall-;Bonds' '.. -. ":. ":" That. the'~e~.s 'hereby' levied a ~ax 'o~' one .and' one-half -' ~..'].-.. ($'..'0~$) 'cents 'on ]'each.one handled ;]d o~n.aPs.'or. the" ';sacssea".. · . .. valuation'. of. all 'tadhie pPope~.tv '.Within :'~he 'O{tX or BakePsr~e~d, "' · ,. . . = :...;'..., .... ':z. · .. ~ · ~ ' . - .... .",: . . ~... - .. · SECTION 7 .. .. .; '. .. ' ' '- .:--een~ 0n eaeh..me h~naPea ($1OO',OO.).;"dolla~a of ~'e a-Sse. Saed rains- ..?, .-- ., - ~ '.' " .. '.of ,Keys, sta~e.'of California', f0P..:in%ePes~ and sinking-fund on. ~he sEcTion ' -' '~- :~r~"?"to.-~he'~OnsolidatiOn'Of said C~'ty'~d the Town'of.'Eern-,.'-'fo~ inter- ""' ~.' '..:' '-'e~/t. a~d.-s~bking fu~dY On':Sewe'~ Bond:;'N~bep One; "' '.': " .: ' ' '7. {'.' '; .~ - - ,' .. ' L, ' .... .~.~ .j-.].. ;' ..' C. · i-- · · "q' ' ': "" '. ' ' .' ' . '~.,4 ~' " ,2.'2': - · : .. That there i's hereby levied a tax-o~f ~h~ee ($.03).cents ~ax-abie"-pi~opertv within.. t~at ~orti6n or the O~v...of Sake'.~sff~d · ..'wh~cn'..was kn6Wn"ana'~es~gnatea..as-~he City .6f 'Bak.e'raf~id, .~riov ..". 'That there is hereby levied a tax of ~wo:'.:($.02) 'cents "'.' on each one hdndred do'lla~s of the' assesSe'~. valUation.]of' all .... :.. "'~b'le-"p!~oper~y,v.'.wit~in that ·.port·iOn of 6~e ..O.~t'y o'f' B~ke~sfiel'd, '. .. Which ~as. hov~n. ~d"'des'ignated' as "the Town'. 6f Kern, .~ri0'9. to the ...... ... .... .. · . '. '-'c0nsoli~ati'Snj0f.. sai 9wn 'o~ K~-~n. With the ~City' 'of Bakersfield, .for'-'in~e:r~Bs~ and sinkin~ f~nd. on. Kern-.Bond~]' 'n-.- "" · . -- 'I H~EBY C.ERTIH ~iat'the foregoing o~din~nce was .paSsed ~d adopted by 'the.'Council' of the Cited. of Bakers.field, o[n the '/~ '-day of Au~s'~., .19~2~ 'by the ~'ollowing'V0t~: ' ,'.' Ayes: Carlisle, G~t~, N~e, Hougham, Nelson, Robinspn, Snu"-h. · ' -~ my~..j ........~--~ ..................;.=..~l: .........::---~ ....................: ...........~--~ ............:""= .......~... .- '-"'" Absent-[ .......~ .......................~'~""'~ ...........~'~":~' ...........~":"'~"r='Z ............~'U' ;' " ........ ' ..:'.'" k-[,: . . :.'-. '..~' .. - . :.. '.....z'..' .,-...-. .... · . .... City C1 i0 Clerk o'f. ~ _/.. ~ ~h .Council of. the:" City 'of Bakersfield-. ."' '."VED 'l~~t~~ ' '~ ' ' · .. : . day o ' '~ .... ' ... , 1922~ -... .. .. .=Mayor o 'he' " '