HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 132 -:" "" "~' -. "' .'.-Y. "'A~I ORDINANCE .AMENDING SECT~G~,-~'B...'OF · · .... .."' · .-," .ORDIN:'~NCE"NO~'-~2 NE~.' SERIES,· OF ".' .... . .... .-" '.'; '~'. -THE' CITY OF B~KERSFiEL. D, C~IFO~iA. ' "..'.".' -'- .i ' = ' .- .- . · - - · = B'~, 'IT' 'OREAINED BY' 'SHE' C'OYNCIL .bE THE CItY OF. B~KERSFiELD, ~at-.Section 28 of O~d~nance .No. 92' NeW' series entitled, · ~.. - . . . .'. · .' '~ .. · · - ".'AN ORENANCE' ~EGULATiNG AND iMPOSING MUNICIPAL LICENSES; PRESCRIB- 'ING HOW ~N'D' BY ~HOM LICENSES SH~L BE OBTAINED: M~ING THE VIOLATION HEREOF ~ MiSD~.iE~qOR AND PRESCRIBING 'A PENA~TY TEREFOR, '~qD REPE~LING ORDINANCES NOS.."85,..60, 62~ .68,· 69, 74, 78 and "'Sf' t~e City ~Of B~e~sfield be .~ended to read 82 EW SERIES, . . . " . . '... ~ · ' · i '. :..; -.' '. SECTION 29'.. '.:. · '. "' '-' .. -: '(.a] 'Fo-r'the.-~usine~s of keeping, main' : ~ '. ·/.~'ain'.i. ng·.or' furnishing steam, hamman.or t{irkish' bat'~S not " · ' '-.cOnducted. in c-onnocLtion with and' as a part·' of any other business · ...~ '.paying. a. 'kice~se .~ee., under ~h~'.provision.~ of" this Ordinance~ ..~ ... '..y or Of 'any Other ·ordinance .'~m-endAtory therooT or supplemental -. · .. !~ereto. the,~ "su~ of' Fifteen doll~r'~". per quarter. ' ' · .. '-. .. .. (b) For 'the-bUsiness o~ keeping, mai. n- :-"~' taining o~:·'furniShing mineral li."quid baths·,miner. al· 'va~or-'baths mi'n'eral m~d'baths, o/~ .any ether medical baths 'not conducted in connection 'with and·as a part ·of.'· any other business~oav~in~ a '~ linense.'fee.-under'=~ha pro. Vision~"of this 'ordinance or an~-other Or..d~n~nc'e· ~n.~ndatory ]~ereof or supplemental hereto the ShUn Of .... , ~ fi.~e dollars'per p_uart-er'.. " :" :" "' ".: 'i' H~REBY b~.hTIFY ti~at-the foregoing Ordinance ~as ..' passed and ad~p.t.ed 'by. the Council of. the City Of' Bakersfie-ld on , 192P., by the folloWing.~ote: