HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 131SECTTON SECTION 2. ORDINANCE NO.. J"~/· NEW SERIES. ... 'AN ORDINANCE REGULATING-THE FiR~ "'.'... .~ DEPARTMENT OF THE CITYOF BAKERS-' FIELD, L PRESCRIBING ITS DUTIES, ~- ~ ' .pROHIBITiNG INTERFERENCE WITH OR · '.. ...... SENDING 'FALSE-ALARMS, REGULATING' .· '. '. ~'L ': .'. "' THE STORAGE, USE AND .H~qDLING OF'. .·INFLAMABLE LIQUIDS AND PRODUCTS · .... THEREOF~.'IN'THE.CiTY-OF BAKERS~ " .· FIELD: MAKING THE'VIOLATION HERE-' OF A MISDEMEANOR A~'D PROVIDING A .. 'PENALTY THEREFORE; AND'REPEALING.. " · ·ORDINANCE NO. 102.·AND ORDINANCE N0. · ' 26 NEW.SERIES, AND·ALL OTHER ORDI- NANCES AND PARTS OF.~ ORDINANCES iN · - CONFLICT HEREWITH. · · . BE. IT··ORDAINED BY THE'COUNCIL· oF THE·CITY·OF BAKERSFIELD, '-2.. as- ow'~: ..... CH'APTER .I.".RE~ULATIONS & ·DUTIES *.*.FALSE ALARMS & INTERFERENCE' · '- WITH FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. ... .. ....: Du~ing ~he continuaAce of a fire"'the Chief :of.POlice · of..the Fi:ee'Department.'shall.-have Police power.,· and.in.the biocks whic~ the. fire'is es~'ablished, the various police and peace -. .Offibers'o~.the City'of Bake~S'fi'eld shall execute all. orders received from saidChief of the Fire Department, relating to said fire 'and the eXtin.guishment thereof. .. ~!' ., . : · . The Chief .'of the Fi~e Department, whenever in' his :. Judgement it is deemed necessary 'for the handling of the fire' -. apparatus-or' the management and. control of a fire, s~a~l have the power' to place or cause to be placed,' ropeS.Or guards. across .the'st~eets,.'slleyS and Public ways on which shall be.situated any building on fire,.or to o~herWise obstruct' or. biock the .... : :__. ........ . .... ~.. ....... '~:,'__~.~.:-,: .: .... ._ .. .. . ...... streets.in the immediate. vicinity .of said fire~ and at' such other .. Doints as he may'deem expedient and necessary,'.'and 'shall have p0wer,~'0 prevent'any and all persons not necessary to the handling of said:fire apparatus :or. in the 'managing 'and. ContrOlling said -. ~- -.- .:- .. ;.. .. . fire, except owners or Occupants and emp!oyes of.buildings = "e. ndangerSd'by'the'~Xisting. fire,~ from 'entering'wi'thi~ thelines· " designated by ropes .or' guards, and ·excepting also'members'of 'the ~ Fire' and Police Departments of the City' of'Bake~sfield, and·such · ·other persons as-s~i!·d Fi~e Chief may call to assist in handling -- " said· ~ire.'.~apparatus', or to aid in'.managin~.and controlling. said fire·; any person ·entering ·within the line o~ .lines'd@signated ".i·. .'by ropes· sond guards ·and refusing to go outside. such· lines w~en '· directed to·d~ s'o by saidFir·e Chief, any fireman or police · " officer shall.be guilty of a misdemeanor and. upo.n conviction·thereof · ·-shall be punished· as. pr6vided in this Ordinance. SECTION 3,' " ... ·. All fire engines and other movable apparatus and vehicles belonging to the Fire·Department of the'City. of Bakersfield shall have 'par~adunt r~ght of way over and ~hrough. all the. streets·, alleys and. PUbli~ ways withinsaid City ~hen ~unning or going to, " ~r 'on duty' ~t a fire.· '~Upon the approach 0f any such fire' apparatus or vehicle .~he. motorman in charge of.any~street car .shall · retard 'or. a6Celerat~ .'~'he. 'speed of 'such car, as the occasion "' 'may req~i~e, and shall then b~ing said car to a'standstill until ~." Said fir~ appara~ds shall have 'passed,..~ order'to' give such fir.e ""'apparatus or vehicle the.unobstructe.d~use ".b. of the stree~ for the time being. SECTION 4. .Upon the approach of any-fire apparatus or vehicle be-.' ~onging to the Fire Department, when responding'to a fire alarm, "' ·.the driver-of 'any vehicle in or upon any street shall. immediately .. ~. '·Stop such Vehicle· as ne.~r as possible to the right.hand curb of ~. ~, . .... ~. · ..~ :.i. . . · . ." . . .o. ':' or permit ·such vehicle to be moved until such fire 'apparatus .....':' and vehicle 'shall have passed ·such vehicle. '- .-.. -.. ~'.... ~- · :. SEC~iON'5~'. . ..-. It.aha~l be 'unlawful for any driver 'of any Vehicle to' .' '. " :i ' "' ~ .- ... _~_ -. race or attempt to' race with any moving apparatus 'or vehicle of said Fire De. par'tment or to f'ollow after Same unless reasonable sure'that all such fire apparatus and vehicle .' slkall have ·passed along said' s~reet; '.] -. - "' · · i SECTION 6~ '.?' '. '... ': ~It shat'i' be uhlawfUl for any person' .having the control of"any vehicle 'to permit 'the .sam. ,.e to obst~uc'~.,or del'a~. the pro' .. gross of' 'the.'apparatus or other vehicles' of"the Fire Department, while··· going' t6' or responding. to 'an alarm of fire; · and l it .'shall " -be unlaWfu'l fSr any ·person or persons to in"..a~:y' manner '6bStruct · ' the same while'. responding ~0 an alarm of ~re..-' .. --~.. ... ' ~; It ..sh~ll be unlawful f0r"any person"to 'drive or. 'cause '. ".. :' to be. drilven.. over any hose 'while Said hose' is .B~ing 'u-~ed by 'the · ..-Z , . · .. Fir'e Dep tme " · .- -.. .- · ar n~..~. · .'. '-: '- .... .' SECTION B "' ' ' · ... 'All. fi~e engines and other vehicles 'used.by' the Fire 'Depa~tment'-of th~ City o.f Bakersfield si~all .at all times be ..- equipped with a siam'and it stmll' be unlawfui for any' other "' "' vehicle, .except 'those of the Police .Department of' sai'd' City, to " be equipped with 'or .use such. a devi'ce.. ~ .; · '. : , . sEcT 0N' 'e..'" " .' · -~. It '··shall .be unlawful for any. person t.0."Wilf~ully'or 'negligently injure any engine house, hose, engin. e,..automobile or o~her Vehicle ~r any' apparatus o.f the Eire Department of the' " " ': Cit ' ers'fi ld ~' " · · '..y .of Bak e .- · . · '. .. · --... It shall be. unlawful .for any per·sOn .'tO: break,· remo~e "' 'o~ :injure any .0f the wires, ··parts, ·apparatus,· or appurtenances d, or to dis- tUrb or in any manner'.inte.~fere with any suCh]Wires, partS,· apparatus .or.a.ppu~.t~nanceS; provided,' ho~ever~ ~hat n0th'~ng shall .'be .so construed as to make punishable the do.'ing of an~ of-.the .3- .'. · above men'~i0ned acts with the permission.of the Chief of the Fire '.. Department.of ·said City. " · SECTION ll. .... · . ~t shall be unlawful f~r any person tO. make or cause to be,made, any 'key or ~eys that will lock or unlock any box Of the fire alarm system, except under the o~der and regulations 'of the Chief of the' Fire Depar'tment. SECTION.12. '.- It'shall·be.Unlawful'for any person, f.ir.m..,"or'.c0~poration .- Etheir agents'or employes to place any ~tre or 'wires Within six (6) feet.of any wires used for or connected.with-the.fire alarm · system of the City of Bakersfield, unless a writtend.permit there- for be given by the Chief of the Fire D~partme'nt. SECTION 13. · Y~aenever it Shall be necessary for. any. person, firm or corporation in the pursuit of a lawful object 'tO. remove,"inte're- ~ . .fete With o~ disturb any.portion' of' the wires 'of t~e Fi~e alarm ..~ .. . .system, he"shall-fileLor cause to be given to"the Chief of the Fire· Department'of..the City of Bakersfield a notice·thereof; 'Which notice shall.be given at least five-(8) hours before it · ·shall be 'neCessary to remove, interfere with or' ai'stu-rb any tion of·the. wires of said Fire alarm system~ and shall state t~e locality at which, and the manner..in which it shall b'e n~cessary to remove~ interefere with or disturb the same; SECT'i0N' 14. · ': It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation taking down, diSturbling, interefering with or remOving. any portion o£-'.the wires. of' said Fire Alarm suStem under the pr6visions of. "' ·wire ?r wires s~...taken down, ~isturbed, int~referSd With or re- .. · moved, an~ to place. the. S'ame in' as.: good condition-~s the same : " was before' be'ing. so taken down or removed, and thereupon report. to 'the Chief· Of the Fire Department that said work ~as been done';"' .. SECTkON ' ~ It shali'~e the duty :of any person, firm or corporation ~heir-=~gents. or employees opening or disturb'ing the surface of · - any PUblic street within'the 0ity of Bakersfield, or causing same ..'-to.be.opened or' disturbed,· or who for any reason Places or causes to be placed any.barrier or obstruction thereon, which·would in any. way impede'Or endanger the'speed or progreSs. Of any fire aPparatu~ on its·way to respond to an alarm of fire, to at once :·.·'notify th~'Ohief'of..the' Fire Department of'such'opening .or dis- ...'tUrbange of such street'or .of ~ny. barrier .thereon giying't~e '[' 'exaCt locatiSn..of same, the' Fire 'Chief Shall thereupon cause '.notice to be conspicuously posted in each fire·house for the '-information o'f ~he drivers of all such fire apparatus, it shall' be 'the further duty of said person, firm or' corporation to' ; notify ~he Fire 0hie~ when the surface of said street is again restored to its former condition and any barrier hbereon has been removed. ]!-t shall be the duty .of. any person,-firm'or corporation .- .Supplying water to the City of Bakersfield a~d~.its inhabitants .. through. hyd.~antS .loCated upon. streets, alleys. or ~public places .Wi.~l~in 'the'.O~.ty of Bakersfield, whenever by reason 'of repairs or" work, or..f~.om any cau.~e, the water is turned off. from .any such' hydrants, to notify' .~he Fire Department o.f... said"Oity the~.eof,' · b~fore tee .water is' turned.' off,~ and the length of.-time' such hydrant will remain without water. An in case of an alarm of fire in ~he'~,jty, it shall 'be' the duty o.f such person.~,' firms or corporation to tUrn into all 'the mains and ·hydrants all the water necessary -'or available if possible. .' ............... :J.~ . .. · ,, SECTION i7 " ." · ... In: .case such person or corporation. be' engaged 'in work · . . . up. on any. line of pipe necessitating the turning-off of'water, no such.line.. o:ff pipe shall'. be lef~ open or empty.'du~ing the night, · .'-~. :. or..when. work iS not. actually going on therein, and if any line SECTION 16. ....of' pipe be 'open at-the time .of quitting work, 'or when an alarm" .. '0f fire is given a cap or thimble Shall immediatel~ be placed -Cl6Sely over the mouth of' such pipe and the water'le~t in as.far .~s 'possible~for. the'use of.the Fire Department, . A~y person,. .... superintendent,~ fOrman or agent having charge' or control of any .such p~e o~'hydrants, in'doing or ordering work done in or upon the same, who shall violate any provision .of 'this section' shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ~nd upon conVicti0nthereof "shal~ be fined not less than ten .($10.00)-d01iars not 'more than three hundn?ed. ($~00..00) dollars. : · SECTION 18.- " .- " 31~ shall'.be.unlawful for any person, fi~m or corporation, their agents, or employees, having'under their'~ontrol any lot or .. ..or premises to permit'or allow water to flow u~on said lot'or pre- . mises from any hose, hydrant or. pipj connected'with .any water System supplyin8 water to the ~ity of Bakersfield and'the inhabitants .thereof, du. ri.ng the' prevalence of any fire,'~fter an-alarm shall have:been given or they have knowledge of said fire, except where such water. is used to extinguish said fire. .SECTION 19. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, their ".agents or employees, having under their control any .lot or premises, to'permit Or allow water.to flow upon 'said lot or premises from any hose, .hydrant or pipe.conneCted with any water system.' supplying water'to' the City of Bakersfield and the inhabitants thereof, for irrigating pUrposesj between'the hours of ten (10) o'clock P.M. and'foUr (4)'o'clo~k A.M~ on the following'day. SECTION. 20. .. It shall be unlawful for any personto open or..use or cause =to be opened. and used any fire hydrants within 'the ~i.ty of Li .... Bakersfield except such person or persons aS may.'be thereunto · authorized'and disected by the Chief.of the ~ire Department,.of ~...., .~said Oity' ~'Bakers~ield. SECTION 21. It shall. be unlawful fo~· any person to knowingly send, give~ transmit.o~ sound any false alarm of fire by' means of an~ .fire alarm system.or signal or through'any.telephone within the ..Ci~y of Bakersfield. SEC IO ('a) "'. .' The ~erm "COMBUSTIBLE RUBBISH" Shall include and mean paper, pasteboard, oarpets, rags,. clothing, boo~s,-boots, Shoes, j' straw, packing, barrels, boxeS, oily rags,'oily waste, furniture, .... .sawdust,'. shavings and'other similar articles'that will· cinerate through Contact With flames of ordinary temperature. · (b) ' ~.~e. term "ASHES" shall ·include and mean· the residue of materials burned. SECTION' 23'. I~ shall be uniawful for any personS' firm or corporation to deposit, keep, accumulate or permit, cause or suffer shy combustible rubbish or waste'matter to be deposited, kept or-accumulated upon any= lot or'parcel of'land, or on any public or private place, street, · 'lane, alley' or drive unless ~he same shall be kept deposited or allowed to accum~iate ins metal receptacle provided with"a handle or handles and'·said receptacle 'shall not"have a'larger capacLity·- than'fifty (SO) ~allo~s, said receptacle to be pro~ided'witha close fitting i.::~Ymetal lid or ·cover which shall be·kept clo'sed at all" .". · ' times except when necessarily opened to Permit'rubbish or waste matter to be'taken.therefrom or ·deposited therein. Provided, How- ever. receptacles containing ashes shall have a capaci'ty Of not less " ·than three (3) gallons. and-not mor~ than fifteen (lS)' gallons, and · .;~ Uno~'lng but ashes shall be placed therein. Provided,-further'~'.~hat '.' keep~ accumulate .or permit to be kept or accumulate~'.any oiiy'rags or oily waste,...'eXcep~.)~hen.in actual.use, in any building,' or inclosure unless the same' be kept in a metal receptacle.or can fitted with a self closing ~id or cover, saidreceptacle·being of.durable'material, having riveted joints~ standing on metal legs, which raise the bottom · of the receptacleOr·~ontainer at least five (8) inches above the SECTION 24'. · , No?PerSOn or persons shall allow to'jremain overnight in .any.':alley,. or on any sidewalk or premiseS,' Within thirty feet of · 'any building'in the[O~'ty of Bakersfield, empty boxes~ barrels, rubbish, trash, waste paper~ ·excelsior or other like'combustible' materials. " .: SECTION'-25. -' it shall be finlawful .for any person "or persons to burn st·raw, lum~er,.tr. ash,'.rubbish,..leaves or ·other combustible material i~. my street, alley, vac:ant lo~. or premises within the fire limi'ts of the Ciliy ~f Bakersfield as prescribed bY Ordinance No~ 120 " New Series. .- SECTION .: .S6. It' shall be unls.w~ul. for any·person or persons. to burn · straw, iu~er, trash,' rubbish, leaves or other combustib. le mater- i.al on any lot. o'r premises outside the prescribed fire limits·of ... the City of Baker~field,'except between the hod~s.of sunrise and · .. sunset, and no 'su~h~ combustible material shall. be burned within .'. thirty feet of any fence or building; and no such combustible r~!L~ material shail be'burned except when reasonabl~ precautions shall be takefi to prevent· the spread of such fire.· -' SECTION 27. .. I~ Shall be unlawful· for the driver or 9pera~Or of any · vehiCle to allow said vehicle to remain standing·witHin fifteen (15) feet of any f~re:hyd~ant"for any length·of of.time. --~-~-SECTION 28 -"" :"'-"' Itshall be unlawful .for the owner,.agent,-.lessee, manager or. other person or' persons in charge of any theatre,·church, lecture hall or other ·place of public. as, semblage 'to· place or allow to be placed··~n any aisle or"pasj~a'gewa~T 6f sUch·theatre,-church, lecture hall ·6r 'Other place'Of public assemblage, any chair, camp·stool or o~her obsti~action while. such theat're, church~.. lecture hall or 'other Pla:.6ev'0fopubliC ~ssemblage is open to 'the public. · - .. It shall be unlawful for any perSOn, except a' policeman, fireman' or employee 'of theatre., to remain. S.tanding in any ·aisle,· passageway or stairway of any theatre· while Such'.·theatre is open to SECTION SECTION 3~). .'.It ·.shall be unlawful for my pers6n to smoke a pipe, · ~igar, o~"c:[garette'o~' to light or s. trike.a~y match or' other Open light in any theatre,'.except open air theatres.· in all.cases where'there are gratings'or slatted openings in t~e. sidewaik,"0r over any opening leading into the basement of'.a b~ilding,'a wi-Fe netting of not over·one-half inch mesh shall · be.place beneath.such gratting or"slats so as to.p~event ~ubbish from .falling'through. SECTION 3~. All'arc lights' or incandescent lights in show windowa n~ shkll be covered'with globes or reflectors, No goods of any kind or de~.cription shail be displayed,.placed,:[h~ng or suspended within six (6.) inches'of.a~y such globe or'reflectjrs used·as a covering for anyarc.light.or incandescent light in. show windows. SEC'TION '32,. '. · "· ..... It :shall be' the dU~y .0f"""the Chief of the Fire 'Department of -the ~ity Of Bakersfield,. to inspect at least'..~nce every month " ...... '-' "~ --' .... ~."" ""'~ .'-~. '. ~ ' " · '·: ...... "_ · L.. "' ..... v'.- all Basements, stOre-rooms, 'gar~ge~, maCh'~nej~.h~Sp,~:~"[~aint shops,· and passage ways, within the City o~ BakerSfield, and all 'lSes or V.acant' spaces ~rrounding .or adjo'i~ing same, within the fire limits -; or Without 't.he..f~re~imits-if..he deems. it neces. s.ary, to see that " · .. . . . t'on :.:same ~s. being used sm.d"kept in such: manner as not/be a fire menace and that'no rubbish, waste, oily rags, or other.combustible matter is allowed to accumulate therein or thereon, unless-same is properly stored with. every preCautionto.prevent.the spread 'of fire; such inspection to carry. with it full police po~er to-compel the. owner o~ person in charge thereof to clean out and make such charges .in, On or about said.premises as public safety may"demand~"' SECTION 3~.' " .-- .. ~ " · '~enever any'offiCer o~ any membe~ of'.~he ~ire Department. '. ~Shall find in any building, or upon any premises or' other place,. combustible or explosive matter or dangerous accumulation of r~.',.i..~,S rubbish or unnecessary accumulation of waste.paper, boxes, shavings, or .any othe'r inflammable materials especially liable.to fire, and which is so situated ~s to endanger.property, or shall find obstrUc- tion~ to or on fire escapes, stairs, passageways, basement entrances, doors, or windows, liable'to interfere wi'th the operations of'the Fire Department, or egress of occupants, in case of fire he shall order the smne to be removed, c~"and..such order shall be complied wit~ by the owfier 9r occupant of such buildings.or premises within forty-eight (48~ hours from service of notice. ~e'service'of any such order shall be'made'upon the owner or occupant of any such.premises to whom it is directed by ~ither delivering a true copy of same to sffch owner'or occupant personally or by:delivering the same .to and leaving it with'any person in cha~ge of the premises, jot in case no'such person is found ~pon the premises by 'affixing a true copy thereof in a conspicuous- place on the door t'o t~e entrance of said-premises. Whe~ever srf~ · such owner or oCcupant. shall be absen~ from'the jurisdiction of the officer making the order, notice shall be served on such owner or occupant by mai~ing a'true copy of such order to'~he last known .. SECTION · It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation, their age.nts. or employes, maintaining a telephone system within the City of Bakersfield, for the purpose of furnishing telephone service to the ir~abitants.~of said City, whenever the said telephone· sea?vice extends to and ·is connected with the fire houses Of the ity of Bakersfield, and the said telephone service to any one of said fire.· houses is cut off, inter,f-ered with or for .any reaaon whatever if temporarily discontinued, to at once notify th'e Chief df the Fire Department of the City of Bakers~ield as Well as all other fire houses belonging to said City,. of said CUt'-_off, interfered wi.~h and discontinued telephone service to said fire house, snd to thereupon proceed to restore said service with as l'tttle delay as pOsSible and when said telephone service.is again restored·. to notify said .Fire. Chief to that effect. SEgTION 35. CHAPTER'II. ·STORAGE TA~IS -~ CAPACITY .and RESTRICTION. SECTION ~6. ........................... ~'~- It'.shal~.be-un~aW~u-t. for any ~erSo~-~..firm, corporations' · The'Chief of the Fire Department ~nd subordinate officers of the Fire~Department, Chief of Police and'ali police officers of the Ct~,y. of Bakersfield are directed tO'see that the provisions of this ordinance are. in force and to that end are hereby empowered whenever shy ~mpla~nt shall be made to them, or either of them .of t~e violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and they.or eithe~ of ~hem,'have reasonable grounds to believe that any 0f the provisions of this ordinance are being'violat~d~by any.· person, to enter' upon any premises or place, Or go into any b~ilding about which complaint is made, or upon or in which they or either- '·of $hem'have reasonable grounds to believe that·any of the Proy~sions of thi~ ~rdinance are being violated. their agents, representatives, employees, or a~signs. to keep, build, ".const.ruc·t,-Or' permit to 'be· kept, built or constructed any storage '.tank containing any gasoline, naptha, kerosene or .other 'inflamable~'.: -SECTION 37. iiquid exc~pt.'as'pro~ided herein. ..... " " -- Upon. the.~ritten request addressed to. the City Council· the·~·CitY Of Bakersfield, af any reliable~person,·'firm or corporation'or its ·duly .authorized agent accompanied with P~ans and specifications of such proposed storage tank Or t~nks above ground., which 'are to contain 'kerosene, gas01ine~ naptha or other inflamable liquid'in'accordance'with the conditions and pl'ans ·adOpted in December 1913 by·the National Board of UnderwriterS. and National· Elre ProtectiOn Association, and amend- .me~tS theretO, and'upon the recomme~dation.~~ of the Ohief of the' Fi~e~DePartment of the City of Bakersfield i~·'shall be lawful. for such person, firm, corporation or agent afte~ obtaining a permit from said ~ity Council as hereinafter provided to construct such storage tank or tanks 'above ground which may contain.gas'oline~ kerosene, naptha or~other inflamable liquids in the City of Bakersfield. And.it is further provided~ that such permit may be granted to said applicant. if it shall appear to the said City Council Sitting. in regular ~ession, that such person, firm, corporation its agents or assigns are responsible and reliabl'e; and it. further appears. to.s~id CoUncil that said proposed-10catio'n is a safe and. protected place, free from all fire hazards. Storage tanks containing gasoline,' kerosene or naptha or other. inflamab~e liquid, below'ground shall be made Of Steel. The capa6ity of below ground storage tanks and t~e .minimum thick- · ness shall be as follows': CAPACITY (gallonS)'.. l'to ~00 ~00 to 381 to 1000 NI.NIMUM THICKNESS OF NATERIAL. 18.gauge · ' 14 gauge " 12. gaage. 'least three: (3)-feet..below the SUrface of the ~,~ound, and.below ~He level of the lowest·pipe· in the .building to be Supplied.· -'- Tahks may be permitted underneath a. building if buried a~ least SECTION 39. SECTION three (3)'feet below the lowest floor. .Tanks shall be Set on a firm.fOundation and surrounded with soft earth or sand, well tamped into pl-ace'or encased in c~ncr~te. The ~ank may have-a test well., the ~ provided/test well extends to near.bottom of tank, and-top end shall be hSrmetically sealed and Iocke~'except when necessarily' open,.w~en'tank is located underneath a building, the test well shall extend at. least l~ feet above the source. of supply. The limit of s~o~age permitted shall depend upon the loc~tion of tanks with respect to the buildi'ng to be supplied. '.' SECTION 40, Tanks shall' be riveted, welded or brazed and shall -'be soldered, caulked or otherwise made tight'in a mechanical and. workmanlike manner, ~nd'if to be used with'a pressure.diScharge system shall ~afely sustain a. hydrostatic 'test at least double the p~.essure to which: the'tank .may be subjected. The top of the tank to be. securely fastened to top ring, with Joints of equal tightness ~'~ those between the rings. .~hey. shall be coV~ed .with asphalturn or other' equal non-~uSting paint or coating. All pipe'connections sh~ll be.made through flanges'or' reinforced metal securely riveted, welded or bolted to the tank and made thoroughly. tight. SECTION 4i. ~.~anks below ground inside of buildings for the handling· of gasoline,' 'kerosene, naptha.or other inflamable liquids shall be made .of steel, as hereinbefore provided~ All JOints must. be soldered or ~ade 'tight by some equally satisfactory method. All such tanks shall ~be so located that the pump or. other. drawing off device shall not.be ~elow'the first floo~, and the floor for a ~adius of.at'least three (S~ feet from the pump shall be of non- · Combust'i~le'materials or covered with metalA · . CHAPTER III. SECTION 42. PIPING AND OTHER APPURTENANCES. ~ · All connecti6ns from tank to any houS~ or sub-surface drainage system· shall 'b~ so arranged as~ t'o prevent the flow of inflammable liquid. t~.any such system or the'leakage of any inf~amm-' able gases from such ~luid,'or properly'constructed.inflammable .flUid collectors shall'be provided'in such connection.. ~ 'SECTIO '- · All ~nd. ergound.storage systems for gasolene, kerosene, naptha or ot~er infl,mmable liquids in which the .tank may contain · inflammable gases~ .shall have at least .a one (1) inch vent pipe, run from top of tank' to a point° outside of the b~i. ld.i'ng and acceptable to the Chief of the Fire DepartmentS. bu~ 'which shal,1 end at least twelve (12) feet 'abOve-level of source of supply and in remote from fire escapes and ne~er nearer than' three feet, measured horizontally and vertically, from any window or other opening; 'the' tank vent pipe shall terminate in a goosesneck Protected in the' outer end by a SOxSO .mesh or equivalent .brass wire screen. · ' Or a combined vent and filling pipe, s8 equipped md located as to vent the tank at all times, .even during filling' operations,'may be used. The vent pipes from two 'or more tanks may be connected " to one upright, provided they'be connected at a'!.point at least one foot 'above level of Source of supply. SECTION 4~. : All drawing-off .pipe. s terminating inside of any building shall have valve at the 'discharge end; when delivery is by .gravity, pipes shall have valv. e, ·which shall preferable be of the automatically closing type~ and in addition must ~mave emergency valve... · SECTION. ~8." '. . Volatile' irAflammable ~luids, except in drY. C!.eaning-estab~i?shmentS, shall.pitch toward tanks " Without any otr&ps or pockets, an~ shall ~ent-er tank at the top. " · ·SECTION 46.. " All pipes· used in systems for inflammable liquids shall be · .0~ standard f~All.weight .brass.~ galvanized iron or ·steel, with suitable ~ - . "brass'or'.g~lvaniZed malleable ~.ron or steel fittings, No rubber nor 'Other'packings, 'and no flanges,-shall be useC. If unions are Used, at. leas~...o~'.'faCe must be of'brass,.with close fitting conical Joints~ L~th~rge and glycerin, 'shellac or other suitable·material shall be'used ~n pipe Joints. Out side.piping must be protected again~.t'any mechanical ·injury when within five. (8) feet of ground level.' Inside ·piping must be rigidly supported~ SECTION ~;4V-.. Defective and leaking piping must be made tight immediately or repIaced~ SECTION 48~ Piping carrying Gasoline, Kerosene, naptha and other · inflammable li'quidS, unless without Joints or connections, shall' not extend through' any room which contains·any open light or' fire. SECTION 49. The end of the filling pipe for. undergound .storage ·tanks for gasoline, kerosene, naptha and other inflammable 'liquids shall be·carried to'an approved location%outside of any building, but not within five (8) feet of any entrance door,L.on cellar opening, and shall be set.in an approved metal box with cover which shall be kept locked except· during filling operations·; this filling · .pipe shall be clo~ed by a screw cap.. A 30X30 mesh or equivalent brasS'screen strainer' shall be placed in the supply end of filling -~SEC~i-ON-~50... Deliveries of inf~n[n~i~=iiqui~s sene, naptha and other.inflammable liquids where practicai, shall be-made directly to the storage tank through the. filling pipe by means Of'a hose,.or pipe between the filling pipe smd barrel, tank .car rom . · hich li'qui is· being · Inflammable liquids Shall be drawn f·~Om tanks by pumps ~so constructed as to .prevent leaking or ·waSte ·splashing, or by some other S~stem approved by · the Chief of the· Fire. Department, ~vith controlling ~-pparatus and piping so arranged as to allow control of. the amount of discharge and prevent leakage 'or. discharge. inside the building by any der. angement of the sustem..· ~en inside a building~ ·the pump or other drawing-off device shall be located on or above· the grade floor, preferable near an·~ntrance or other well- 'Ventilated place. 'SECTION 81.' SECTION Supply to stationary internal-combustion engines using inflammabie liquid-"shall be by pumpage from"tanks located as given · ' 'in'Sections ~7 and 39. SECTION In equipments for the use of infl.ammable liquids as a fU~l under boilers,'furn~/ces~.~ kilns, ovens, ets,~ storage tanks shall' be located as given in sections 3V or 39. The oil must be fed from the supply tank to the burners by an approved pump. SECTION 84.' Pumps used and called for in Sections· 52 and.53 must be equiped wit~ a pressure gauge pfor oil and the System shall be so arranged· that the oil pressure cannot at any time exceed 80 · pounds, a relief valve to be provided to return 'surplus oil back to the supply tank when the pressure exceeds this·quantity. .- If receivers, accumulators or 'standpipes are provided, their capacity shall not exceed lO gallons, and they must be so 'a~ranged that· the o~l may drain back to the ~upply ~ank. ~enever ·it·shall .appear.tO said.City council that any person, firm corporation, their agents,.assigns, o~ their .representatives have failed to keep', inst'all'or"const~Uct,.'either above o~ below ground .any storage tank or 'tanks containing gasoline,'~ .. -16-'- kereaene, naptha'or'other inflammable liquid and is keeping, installing' SECTION · ..on...con~trUcting·s~Ch. storage tanks in such-.a' manneP·.as to become ~·.or is a'-fire~ me.nac~ or°danger to·property, Such permit so granted .~·'m~Y be' revoked from the.holder thereof, after written notice shall haVe~been"served upon the owner or duly authorized agent of . said Premises to whom. it is directed, by delivering to.and leaving with such owner or duly·authorized, agent personally, a true copy of.said notice or if said owner or duly authorized agent is absent thenService on the one in charge of said premises · is sufficient, a~d if the owner or. duly authorized agent cannot '·be ·found, a 'try? copy.of said notice shall be-affixed~n a ~onspicuous place on said premises togethe~ with mailing a true. -copy to the owner or duly authorized agents 'last known address. Sai.d notice shall provide that said person., firm, corporation .their· agent or assignS, shall within ten days after service thereof of said notice, ':'shall cause' Said pr·emises 't0 be ..arranged or kept in such' conditi-on'·that said premises shall be safe~ or-shall'not conSti'tute a fire menace, fire trap or other·danger to people or property. And.f'~L.'~k~ any .person~ .firm, corpOration.their agents, asSigns. or lawful representatives,.keepting'~-'allowing or permitting said premieres to. be kept or Permitted contrary h~reto·shallbe deemed guilty 0f. a separate offense for every·day duPing·any portion ~o'f which any violation of any' provisions of' this ordinance is committed or permitted, and ·shall. be punishable· as hereunder contained.. CHAPTER IV· CONSTiTUTIONALITy . PENALTIES.& REPEALING ORDINANCES. · - " '.' If an~ segtion, subsection, senten6e,.~laUse or phrase ofo. thi&-ordinance-is for any reason held to be unconstitutional.. -or invalid, such. de~ision shall·not affect the remaining portion of this ordinance. The ·City ~ouncil hereby ~clares' ~hat it would 'h'ave"Pa's'sed"~is -oP'diRan-Ce -and each-..x~. section~oand. ~ubsection ...... . . thereof irrespeCtiveiof. the fact that any. one or more of the 'Sec~i°ns, 'S~bSectionS,'sentences, clauses or'phrasesj'be declared uncons. titutional or inva~id~ SECTION 'S~. :" " ... :'.. Anyjpe~Son, f~rm or 'corporation,'.'Vi01ating an~ of the provisions of'.~hi.~ ordinance shall be de~me'd"gulit~ of a · -. .'misdemeanor, and ~on conviction thereof ~hal! be punished by a fi~e. not 'to ·eXceed Three h~n'dred ($300.00)' dollars or by .imprisonment in'the' county· Jail not exceed~.ng ninety (90) days· or by both.such .~ine and imprisonment. .. SECTION 58. That 'Ordinances No. 102 relating to .'the use of oil for fuel purposes, and/ordinance No. 26 Ne~..Series relating to the Fire Department and·all other ordi·nances and parts of ordinances .of the City of Bakersfield, in conflict herewith are'.hereby .expressly repealed. ... """( I HEREBY CERTIFY·that the foreg6ing Ordinance was passed · and adopted by.the Council of the C~ty of ·Bakersfield, on the/~/~ day Of May, 1922,.~y the following vote:. Ayes: CarliSle .cr~mt~, ~ ~ou~x,,,,~ Nelson. 'Robinson~ Smi~:hU ·. .... :.. '.'...;:.. ... z' ' ~ '".-.ity .'l~~Lrk of the · '.. ·'.'counen of the Cit~ of Bakersfield. · . ~o~ 0~. ;h~ ~p~~:. .['..... -'.. ..:.. . -18-